
"Serial Set": Pan Jinlian-style woman and 5 men's lust entanglement, showing the human sad shopkeeper Yahya - she struggles between survival and courtship, gets a realistic lesson from the drug dealer Dou Yaofang - gave love but could not satisfy the desire, she slid to the edge of depravity Conclusion: Self-respect and self-improvement are the foundation of a woman's life

author:Wang Guan Ling Yi said literary history

|| Wang Guan Lingyi

She was angry with Yahya, and the only way to maintain her self-esteem was to flirt anytime and anywhere—she was a strong person in the circle, and once out of that range, she was the mud under people's feet.

——Zhang Ailing, "Serial Set"

"Serial Set": Pan Jinlian-style woman and 5 men's lust entanglement, showing the human sad shopkeeper Yahya - she struggles between survival and courtship, gets a realistic lesson from the drug dealer Dou Yaofang - gave love but could not satisfy the desire, she slid to the edge of depravity Conclusion: Self-respect and self-improvement are the foundation of a woman's life

"Serial Set" is a true story of Zhang Ailing's parents and friends based on her girlfriend Yan Ying, writing the scenery and bitterness of a low-level woman circling between 5 men.

Yan Ying is Zhang Ailing's girlfriend when she was studying at the University of Hong Kong, her father is Indian, opening a jewelry store in Shanghai, her mother is a Tianjin native, Zhang Ailing heard from Yan Ying's father the tragedy of this traditional Chinese woman struggling in survival and sinking in desire, so she resorted to the pen and wrote a Hong Kong version of "Pan Jinlian" of sorrow and joy, love and desire.

This is the history of the ascension of a woman who is infinitely sympathetic and disgusting: Niki is a bitter girl, and at the age of 14, her adoptive mother sold her to a satin shop to sleep with the Indian Yahya. Niki is beautiful, but Yahya looks down on her and doesn't want to marry her. After giving birth to two children for Yahya, the emotionally lost Ni Xi began to roam in the upper circles of Hong Kong, and successively had emotional entanglements with 4 men and had 5 children, but in the end she still could not avoid the fate of abandonment.

"Serial Set": Pan Jinlian-style woman and 5 men's lust entanglement, showing the human sad shopkeeper Yahya - she struggles between survival and courtship, gets a realistic lesson from the drug dealer Dou Yaofang - gave love but could not satisfy the desire, she slid to the edge of depravity Conclusion: Self-respect and self-improvement are the foundation of a woman's life

As a traditional Chinese woman, Nixi has her own shining points, such as hard work and hardships, but at the same time she also has the resentment and debauchery of long-suppressed women, she is bent on getting rid of poverty, and even does not hesitate to sell her hue and use serial schemes to win the upper position, but finally fell into the abyss of her own desires and could not extricate herself, and she could not exchange children as chips for the love she longed for.

In the old days, men were the sky, and women were mostly vassals of men, and it seemed impossible to live without men. The emptiness of the spirit of Nixi and the bleakness of fate stem from the environment in which she grew up, but also from the love she could not get and the desires that could not be satisfied, she was a stranger to marriage, and she was also a prisoner of fate.

If you want people to look up and live your own wonderful, then self-respect and self-improvement are the most basic qualities, otherwise you will only become an abandoned woman who lies like Nixi.

"Serial Set": Pan Jinlian-style woman and 5 men's lust entanglement, showing the human sad shopkeeper Yahya - she struggles between survival and courtship, gets a realistic lesson from the drug dealer Dou Yaofang - gave love but could not satisfy the desire, she slid to the edge of depravity Conclusion: Self-respect and self-improvement are the foundation of a woman's life

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > shopkeeper Yahya, who struggles between survival and courtship and learns a practical lesson</h1>

Nixi is an abandoned daughter in rural Guangdong who was raised by a snobbish adoptive mother.

In her adoptive mother's house, there are more than a dozen girls like Nixi, who usually either beat or scold, and when they are old enough, they sell to rich families.

Niki hates black. The poor in Guangdong wear black all year round, and black represents poverty and torture, so Nixi has a taboo against black and hates black all her life. But she never imagined that her life would turn into a black landscape.

At the age of 14, she was sold by her adoptive mother for one hundred and twenty dollars to a satin shop owned by Indians. The Indian named Yahya, in his thirties, handsome but also very picky, he chose several girls who were not satisfied, until he saw Niki.

At that time, it was still the end of the Qing Dynasty, foreigners were very open in Hong Kong, Yahya first came with nothing, and within a few years, she started from scratch and opened a two-story satin shop.

After Nixi came, the position was very embarrassing, although she and Yahya lived together, but there was no name, the guys in the store did not call her the boss lady, Yahya even treated her as a maid like a supervisor, so that she was summoned and refused to give affection.

"Serial Set": Pan Jinlian-style woman and 5 men's lust entanglement, showing the human sad shopkeeper Yahya - she struggles between survival and courtship, gets a realistic lesson from the drug dealer Dou Yaofang - gave love but could not satisfy the desire, she slid to the edge of depravity Conclusion: Self-respect and self-improvement are the foundation of a woman's life

After a few years in the satin shop, Nixi gradually grew round and jade, full of style. At the age of 18, she gave birth to a son, Ji Mei, and at the age of 24, she gave birth to a daughter, Serita, who had some status and freedom, and began to mix in the middle class circles of Hong Kong.

Nixi made a friend of the monastery, who was the patron of the shop, called Master Lameni, who although a monk, never cut off the red dust, not only loved to manipulate right and wrong, but also did not know with some rich men.

Master Lameni said to Ni Xi, you are so meatless and vegetarian to follow Yahya, after all, it is not a thing, not only can not go to heaven after death, when you are alive, you are also not tolerated by the world, you have to let him marry you.

On this day, Nixi waited for Yahya to take a bath, and seeing that he was in a good mood, she gently mentioned the marriage, but Yahya pretended to be deaf and stupid, that is, she did not mention marrying her.

Nixi's heart was cold, and she began to cry:

I know what you mean. I don't deserve to be your woman, and you're going to marry another woman in the future... I simply said it for you: Thief slave little woman, just come to the season, eat less and wear less, three points like a person, seven points like a ghost, this will not be able to eat three days of full food, it is used to her forgetting ben, not up and down! You just can't forget where I came from, you just can't forget that I bought it!

However, the trouble is over, the days still have to pass, Nixi alone with the child, snubbed, the heart gradually dissatisfied and resentful, the temper has become very grumpy, she and Yahya in addition to giving birth to children and lusting for each other's beauty and body, there is no other emotion, at best, it is to live together.

"Serial Set": Pan Jinlian-style woman and 5 men's lust entanglement, showing the human sad shopkeeper Yahya - she struggles between survival and courtship, gets a realistic lesson from the drug dealer Dou Yaofang - gave love but could not satisfy the desire, she slid to the edge of depravity Conclusion: Self-respect and self-improvement are the foundation of a woman's life

After surviving the stage of struggling for survival, Niki also longs to be loved, hoping to be helped by Yahya to become a wife and have a home. However, the harsh environment she suffered as a child made her lack of education and the dignity to become a rich merchant's wife, so Yahya did not care about her.

After understanding her situation, Nixi began to become more unscrupulous. One day, in order to show off, Master Lameni went to one of her villas to play, which was sent by Mr. Mill, the old lover of the master, in the Mogan Mountain, far from the downtown.

Next door to Master Lameni's villa is Mr. Miller's home. In the evening, Mr. Mill invited them to visit his home, and Mill was a British, an official in Hong Kong, powerful and powerful, although he was more than half a hundred years old, he was still very popular, and his eyes could not be removed as soon as he stared at Nixi.

Taking advantage of the gap between The ladies playing the piano, Mir began to flirt with Nixi, who half pushed and half on the ground, and the two mingled together. Mill also gave Nixi a ruby ring, and Nixi felt that she was not a woman who no one hurt and no one wanted, so she "aspired to become a wife with status." ”

"Serial Set": Pan Jinlian-style woman and 5 men's lust entanglement, showing the human sad shopkeeper Yahya - she struggles between survival and courtship, gets a realistic lesson from the drug dealer Dou Yaofang - gave love but could not satisfy the desire, she slid to the edge of depravity Conclusion: Self-respect and self-improvement are the foundation of a woman's life

Ni xi and Mir's cattiness, Lameni shi too much in the eyes, after going down the mountain, went to Yahya to complain. Since then, Yahya has not taken Nixi seriously, and often goes out to hang out with a widow.

In order to get revenge on Yahya, Nixi even flirted with his cousin Faris in front of him, Who is a shy and accomplished young businessman who secretly likes his sister-in-law, but hinders his cousin and is not good at confessing his heart.

On Mr. Mill's side, as a person with status, after learning about Nixi's life as a person, he no longer contacted Nixi, and Nixi was in a dilemma of not going up and down.

The complete depravity of Neon Xi began with his abandonment by Yahya. She learned a lesson: a humble life is not worthy of love.

"Serial Set": Pan Jinlian-style woman and 5 men's lust entanglement, showing the human sad shopkeeper Yahya - she struggles between survival and courtship, gets a realistic lesson from the drug dealer Dou Yaofang - gave love but could not satisfy the desire, she slid to the edge of depravity Conclusion: Self-respect and self-improvement are the foundation of a woman's life

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > drug dealer Dou Yaofang - gave love but could not satisfy the desire, she slid to the brink of depravity</h1>

Yahya went out to fool around, but neon was happy, but also dressed up and took the children to go shopping. She passed by a pharmacy called Tongchuntang and folded it in.

This is a newly opened branch, there is a young man named Cui Yuming in the store, who is very enthusiastic about Nixi, and the grandmother is short. Ni Xi saw that he was a small fresh meat in his early twenties, a table of talents, and Chun's heart began to ripple and rejoice.

Ni Xi sat in the shop and flirted with Cui Yuming, which was seen by Lameni Shitai, who happened to pass by outside the store, and went back to tell Yahya again.

Nixi was rejoicing here, a thin elder head came in, the guys were immediately silent, Nixi knew that he was the shop owner, so he ordered some candied fruit and so on and went back.

When Nixi returned home, Yahya had been waiting for her to settle the account, and both of them held their breath in their hearts, and they fought hard, smashing dishes and bowls.

"Serial Set": Pan Jinlian-style woman and 5 men's lust entanglement, showing the human sad shopkeeper Yahya - she struggles between survival and courtship, gets a realistic lesson from the drug dealer Dou Yaofang - gave love but could not satisfy the desire, she slid to the edge of depravity Conclusion: Self-respect and self-improvement are the foundation of a woman's life

The next day, Cui Yuming came to deliver the goods with two jars of honey and candied fruit, and Yahya knew that he was the guy who flirted with Nixi and punched out. Just at this time, the widow came to find Yahya to cut her clothes, and was seen by Nixi who came down from the upper floor, and she did not spare her.

He was so blatant that I didn't say two more words to that Cui Yuming, and I made a big fuss for a day.

The more Ni Xi thought about it, the more angry she became, she pounced on yu widow and beat her violently, turned her head and fought with Yahya, turning a silk shop into a garbage dump. Yahya was furious, not to be overjoyed, and proposed a solution:

I'm not prepared to go to court with you for this. Just one thing: the child is with you, and I will post you thirty dollars a month until you get married. Children and me, post you one hundred and thirteen a month.

Niki knew that she could not be saved, but even if she could not become a wife, she would have to be a good mother, so she left the silk shop with her two children and lived in the monastery where Mrs. Rameni lived.

"Serial Set": Pan Jinlian-style woman and 5 men's lust entanglement, showing the human sad shopkeeper Yahya - she struggles between survival and courtship, gets a realistic lesson from the drug dealer Dou Yaofang - gave love but could not satisfy the desire, she slid to the edge of depravity Conclusion: Self-respect and self-improvement are the foundation of a woman's life

However, living in the monastery was not a long-term solution, and the foreign nuns knew that she was out of favor and had no one to rely on, and she was also a cross-nose and face. During this period, Nixi met Falisi again, and complained bitterly, Falis had already made a fortune at this time, the business was very large, he gave Nixi a lot of money, and since then he has often helped her.

Neixi thought that Faris must have been emotional about her, but before she could use her means, she walked into the arms of another man.

On this day, Cui Yuming came to her and said that his boss Dou Yaofang, after seeing her in the pharmacy that day, was haunted by dreams, and Ni Xi was moved, and followed Dou Yaofang.

Dou Yaofang is 57 years old, his family is a large family in Panyu, Guangdong, not only in Hong Kong to open several pharmacies, but also in the countryside also has a field property. Since following Dou Yaofang, Nixi's life has undergone earth-shaking changes, Dou Yaofang is very fond of her, and she has become a superior person.

Dou Yaofang sent all his original wives and daughters to the countryside, leaving only a nine-year-old son, Yinguan. Ni Xi wanted to ration her daughter Serita to Yinguan so that she could control the Dou family's property in the future, and Dou Yaofang vaguely agreed.

"Serial Set": Pan Jinlian-style woman and 5 men's lust entanglement, showing the human sad shopkeeper Yahya - she struggles between survival and courtship, gets a realistic lesson from the drug dealer Dou Yaofang - gave love but could not satisfy the desire, she slid to the edge of depravity Conclusion: Self-respect and self-improvement are the foundation of a woman's life

Since then, NiXi has worn gold and silver, tea to reach out, rice to open her mouth, and drink to slaves, so uncomfortable. However, there are also no benefits, Dou Yaofang is old after all, and she can't satisfy her at night, so she and her partner Cui Yuming are involved again, often behind the boss's back.

In fact, Dou Yaofang also knew this, first, his good face and reputation were not broken, and second, he was pitiful, not to mention that Cui Yuming was cultivated by him, just like an adopted son, so the three of them also stayed at peace.

Ni Xi lived in Tongchuntang Pharmacy for five years and gave birth to two daughters, but she did not know whether this daughter belonged to Dou Yaofang or Cui Yuming. Nie Xi's days were comfortable, but her heart was becoming more and more narrow and selfish, and she wanted to show her mistress status and identity everywhere, and she wanted to hold the Dou family's property in her hands, but the more arrogant she was, the more unpopular she was.

Dou Yaofang could not afford to be ill, the people of the Dou family came to fight for the inheritance, Dou Yaofang confided in Ni Xi on the occasion of her death, asking her to be careful in everything, and then she would take 4 children with her, or keep up with a person who really loved her, and it was better to be a husband and wife wholeheartedly.

"Serial Set": Pan Jinlian-style woman and 5 men's lust entanglement, showing the human sad shopkeeper Yahya - she struggles between survival and courtship, gets a realistic lesson from the drug dealer Dou Yaofang - gave love but could not satisfy the desire, she slid to the edge of depravity Conclusion: Self-respect and self-improvement are the foundation of a woman's life

In fact, in order to break up Nie Xi and Cui Yuming, Dou Yaofang had already given a branch to Cui Yuming and married Cui Yuming. But before Dou Yaofang's death, Neixi didn't know it, and the night before she went to the branch and spent the night with Cui Yuming.

Dou Yaofang died, and Ni Xi made a big fuss over the family property and the Dou family, beating and scolding, but she was unpopular after all, and the other side was crowded, and she was driven out again, and she was left with both money and wealth.

Cui Yuming, once loved her so much, but in the end it was just lusting after her beauty, and Ni Xi refused to bow down as a little wife, and the two of them broke their faces.

In this way, Niki took 4 children and began a displaced life again, and when she was down, only Falis often helped her.

"Serial Set": Pan Jinlian-style woman and 5 men's lust entanglement, showing the human sad shopkeeper Yahya - she struggles between survival and courtship, gets a realistic lesson from the drug dealer Dou Yaofang - gave love but could not satisfy the desire, she slid to the edge of depravity Conclusion: Self-respect and self-improvement are the foundation of a woman's life

Engineer Thomson—seducing her and abandoning her, the last straw was broken

Nixi rented a small house and settled down a few children.

Today, she is 31 years old, her flesh is beeping, her eyes are very lively, her lips are extremely red, and she still has the beauty and beauty of a mature woman. She still dresses brightly every day and goes around visiting the door.

Niki has a sister who works in an English house on the mountain, and she goes to see this sister on this day. The owner of the house, named Thomson, was a tall engineer in his mid-thirties and a mercurial figure, with no shortage of women around him.

Seeing Nixi, Thomson's eyes emitted light, and Nixi naturally understood the style, half-reserved and half-promiscuous to pry him, and this Thomson quickly surrendered his weapons: "You know what? There's a kind of Chinese dim sum, one bite and one bite of soup, you are like that. ”

The two quickly rolled the sheets, and after that, Nixi often went to Thomson's house for private meetings.

When Ni Xi came out of the Dou family, she was already pregnant for a month, and it was needless to say that she was naturally Cui Yuming. But Nixi insisted that the child was Tomson and asked Tomson to give her a house to live in.

Thomson was ashamed of this:

If she is a female dramatist, a toe dancer, or a well-known slut, then there is no shame, and it is better to be public, but Nixi is just a poor Chinese widow, dragging four children, and pregnant with a fetus in her belly.

The thought of fixing the relationship must be a dangerous drag, but Neixi is good at kung fu, and Tom can't stop it, and finally has to find a house for Nixi.

"Serial Set": Pan Jinlian-style woman and 5 men's lust entanglement, showing the human sad shopkeeper Yahya - she struggles between survival and courtship, gets a realistic lesson from the drug dealer Dou Yaofang - gave love but could not satisfy the desire, she slid to the edge of depravity Conclusion: Self-respect and self-improvement are the foundation of a woman's life

Nixi moved into a new house, and her life began to be rich again, with all kinds of furniture, flowers, and servants, everything, and she was immersed in the dream of a better life.

She was over thirty years old, and she was gradually gaining weight, flashing old and thick gold chains in her black gauze shirt, her lips were red and fierce, and her familiar and flowing twisting and provocation was also a little blatant. Thomson was surprised to find that his hobbies were no different from those of a normal sailor.

To put it bluntly, Thomson is just a body of Li Nixi.

Shortly after being born with Tom, Neixi turned out to be a child in her belly. Later, she became pregnant with Tom's child and gave birth to a daughter, Pingni, and lived a happy life for five or six years.

During this time, Neixi and Falis got in touch again, and Falis became a regular visitor to Nixi's family, and Nixi always showed how comfortable her life was, so that Falis could send a message to his cousin Yahya, and how unwise it was to abandon her in the first place.

Falis is already a very successful jewelry merchant, honest, 31 years old, not yet married, but he is only affectionate to Nixi, more is the daily care.

"Serial Set": Pan Jinlian-style woman and 5 men's lust entanglement, showing the human sad shopkeeper Yahya - she struggles between survival and courtship, gets a realistic lesson from the drug dealer Dou Yaofang - gave love but could not satisfy the desire, she slid to the edge of depravity Conclusion: Self-respect and self-improvement are the foundation of a woman's life

After staying in the stable days for a long time, Nixi gradually became dizzy, and people became fatter, she always said in front of Thomson, cheerfully talking about her ex-husband Yahya, saying how Yahya abused her, how she endured, and later for the sake of livelihood, with a child and a Chinese, and now how to follow Thomson for more children.

Thomson was naturally very unhappy, and in his eyes, Ni Xi was only a tacky woman without education after all, and once the freshness of the flesh passed, he did not care so much and valued it.

Therefore, Thomson married an English woman, Dorothy, during his return to England to visit his family.

NiXi was deeply shocked again, and she suddenly realized that she was fat, dressed in fancy clothes, and no matter how she dressed, she was still an inferior woman.

"Serial Set": Pan Jinlian-style woman and 5 men's lust entanglement, showing the human sad shopkeeper Yahya - she struggles between survival and courtship, gets a realistic lesson from the drug dealer Dou Yaofang - gave love but could not satisfy the desire, she slid to the edge of depravity Conclusion: Self-respect and self-improvement are the foundation of a woman's life

After Thomson returned to Hong Kong, he signed a check for 5,000 yuan to Ni Xi, and Ni Xi was too little to spare Thomson's company.

Guarding him at the gate, he also cried, intimidated, fought, and lied, holding Pingni to show him, and when his face pinched Pingni ghost cried and howled, deliberately making Thomson feel painful.

However, Thomson did not change his mind, gave the money twice, and then did not care anymore. Niki became an abandoned woman with 5 children, and only Falis still took care of her.

One day, Faristo asked a matchmaker to kiss, And Niki thought that Falis was obsessed with her and was very happy, but she did not expect that Falis was going to marry her eldest daughter Selita, and The world of Fei Lis collapsed, and she knew that she could no longer toss and turn.

Later, Nixi lived to be more than sixty years old, full of children and grandchildren, and the eldest daughter was divorced and married again, repeating her life.

The ending of Nixi is not bad, but it is a warm tragedy after all, and she has buried her life in the search for love and unsatisfied desires.

"Serial Set": Pan Jinlian-style woman and 5 men's lust entanglement, showing the human sad shopkeeper Yahya - she struggles between survival and courtship, gets a realistic lesson from the drug dealer Dou Yaofang - gave love but could not satisfy the desire, she slid to the edge of depravity Conclusion: Self-respect and self-improvement are the foundation of a woman's life

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > conclusion: self-respect and self-improvement are the foundation of a woman's life</h1>

Niki's tragic life set the tone for her broken and abandoned destiny. The root cause, of course, is poverty, which was brought about by the poor and weak late Qing Dynasty, and in a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, it is common for women to be oppressed.

Nixi was born humble, she was beaten and scolded since she was a child, and she did not feel love, so she did not know how to love someone well, plus she was not educated, so she grew up barbaric, her temper and disposition were not very good, she was a poor woman who loved incompetently.

The only thing that Niki is proud of is her beauty and plump body, which is also the capital she relies on to maneuver between men. She thinks that by virtue of her beauty, she can tie up men and have a family, but the desire of the body will eventually fade. She indulges her desires and wants to fill the empty and lonely life of adulthood with the material and love that was once missing, but it is difficult for a woman who does not love herself to win love.

Fan Kang, a playwright of the Yuan Dynasty, once said: "I look at the worldly people, greedy and lustful, like the bloodlust of the fly, like the flock of ants, only to go forward, but forget to drown, so foolish." ”

There are 5 men who are deeply entangled with Nixi's lifelong love, Yahya, Dou Yaofang, Cui Yuming, Thomson, and Falis. She and four of them had 5 children, and there was a miscarriage, but in the end no one loved her and the child, which is the sadness of human nature: men in high society consider more of their own interests, they all love face, they will pay money and hypocrisy for the satisfaction of their own desires, but what they really want to marry is still a decent famous bridesmaid, a good family woman.

NiXi did not understand this, mistakenly regarded the love of men's fishy nature as love, and unconsciously pampered and proud, from the bottom of the people to turn over do not know how to make progress and cherish, but gradually lost in the love of high society, indulge their bodies, have children, but also have a drag.

"Serial Set": Pan Jinlian-style woman and 5 men's lust entanglement, showing the human sad shopkeeper Yahya - she struggles between survival and courtship, gets a realistic lesson from the drug dealer Dou Yaofang - gave love but could not satisfy the desire, she slid to the edge of depravity Conclusion: Self-respect and self-improvement are the foundation of a woman's life

Of course, in the second half of her life, she lost the neiki to which men were attached, and the child was not a kind of spiritual pillar for her. After the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, several of her children were arrested and sent to concentration camps, and she had to deliver food for the children and run to save each other.

In fact, if Ni xi is a little more angry and a little more motivated, Yahya still has the possibility of marrying her. Moreover, there is another Faris who really likes her, but she has always used him as a spare tire, consuming his passion and good feelings, and finally falling in love with her daughter.

Nixi is a typical example of an incompetent woman, although among those men, there is no good thing except Falis (even her own children, even human nature), but in the end, Nixi is too done, and she destroys the happiness within reach.

Nixi has had several ups and downs in her life, and she has also been vigorous, but she has never been self, and her strong lust is only an instinct, or out of revenge. She is attached to men, not self-respecting, nor self-reliant, and finally made sacrifices and foils for the patriarchal society.

We can't choose where we come from, but we must know how to respect ourselves and love ourselves and become strong, otherwise no one will pay for your unfortunate life for a long time.

"Serial Set": Pan Jinlian-style woman and 5 men's lust entanglement, showing the human sad shopkeeper Yahya - she struggles between survival and courtship, gets a realistic lesson from the drug dealer Dou Yaofang - gave love but could not satisfy the desire, she slid to the edge of depravity Conclusion: Self-respect and self-improvement are the foundation of a woman's life

Do you think who caused The Tragedy of Niki and that she had hope of saving herself? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

I am Wang Guan Lingyi, focusing on literary and historical review writing, welcome to forward comments to like the collection, pay attention to @ Wang Guan Lingyi words literary history, we read wonderful historical stories and characters together.

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