
An imperial family was sent to Xinjiang to live a heavenly life, and Dunhuang was devastated

author:Sato Goshi

After the dunhuang Mogao Caves were discovered, it shocked the world, and since then, many foreigners have come to China through missionary work or tourism, and one of the Frenchmen came to Dihua and swept away the fine products of Dunhuang under the guidance of a royal family.

An imperial family was sent to Xinjiang to live a heavenly life, and Dunhuang was devastated

Speaking of this royal family member, there is still some history. He was the third son of Ai Xin Jue Luo Zai Lan, the Prince of Ai Xin Jue Luo Yi Xi. Yi Xie was the fifth eldest of the nine sons of the Daoguang Emperor. Therefore, Ai Xin Jueluo Zailan was the grandson of the Daoguang Emperor, a cousin of the Guangxu Emperor, a general of the Fengfu State, and the Duke of Jin.

In the year of the Gengzi rebellion, Zailan was later named and punished by the Eight-Nation Alliance for instigating the Boxers to fight against the foreigners, and Cixi sacrificed this clan for "taking into account the overall situation", and Zailan was subsequently sent to Xinjiang, and could not leave the flood land for the rest of his life (meaning that he stayed in Xinjiang for the rest of his life).

Zailan arrived in Xinjiang, and according to the Qing law, after the perpetrators arrived at the distribution place, they were under the jurisdiction of local officials, and the criminals were to report to the police, listen to the training every month, and report on their experiences and experiences. Local officials are required to make a list of rules and regulations, monthly inspections, comments, and reports on the situation.

An imperial family was sent to Xinjiang to live a heavenly life, and Dunhuang was devastated

However, as soon as Zailan arrived in Dihua, that is, Urumqi, he received "filial piety": the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Guild Hall became his mansion, and 8,000 taels of silver became his annual salary. And did not wait for him to go to the patrol Yamen to "throw a complaint", inspector Rao Yingqi instead came to see him, saying that the grandfather had traveled thousands of miles to Come to Dihua, and should be picked up and washed away.

After three rounds of drinking, this Inspector Rao said: "The conditions in the small border areas are limited, filial piety is not much, if 8,000 taels is not enough for the grandfather's expenses, I will wait for a way, and everything will be allocated by the clan treasury." ”

Since then, Zailan has lived a happy life in Dihua. One day he went to Manas County to wander, saw the local foreign girls extraordinary, good eyes to chase, waiting for his servants to see the situation and said: "Grandpa matched which one, spend some silver to marry two as a lady." ”

This is a listen, right in the middle. When even if the servants were allowed to do it, Zailan had a beautiful alien such as a lady. To this end, Zailan held a banquet in Dihua, and Officials such as Inspector Rao also came to celebrate. Such a wind flow does not count, Zailan also often looks for flowers and asks willows in Dihua City.

An imperial family was sent to Xinjiang to live a heavenly life, and Dunhuang was devastated

Once, in a hot spring resort outside Dihua City, he was fighting with people for the wind and jealousy, and the person who did not know who Zailan was, showed his dagger to threaten, Zailan did not retreat when he saw the situation, and took out a foreign gun and shot into the sky: "The ghost who does not know death dares to compete with his grandfather." As soon as he heard the gunshot, he fell to his knees and trembled like a sieve.

The most infuriating thing is that this grandfather who hated foreigners who encouraged the Boxers to kill foreigners and was forced out of the capital by foreigners, and who was assigned to the frontier, was unusual, and hooked up with foreigners. Swede Sven Hedin, the author of "Travels in the Hinterland of Asia", received warm hospitality from Zailan during his stay in Dihua, and accompanied by Zailan, visited the Xinjiang Mint and toured Dihua City.

An imperial family was sent to Xinjiang to live a heavenly life, and Dunhuang was devastated

In September of the same year, the Frenchman Bo Xihe came to Dihua, Zailan's enthusiasm was even higher, out of the same walk, eat at the same table, he responded to Bo Xihe's needs, Bo Xihe said that he liked Chinese ancient calligraphy and paintings, Zailan presented the Dunhuang Tibetan Scripture Cave 8th century scriptures, but also as far as he knew to introduce the source.

Zailan's "full companion" to Bo Xihe was finally "fully compensated", not only did he lose a valuable treasure, but also as a guide for the great thief, so that Dunhuang, which was almost isolated from the world at that time, was devastated.

Why did Bo Xihe come to China? He didn't come for sightseeing, he was worried about China's treasures and cultural relics. Bo Xihe and sharp eyes, as soon as they saw the scripture scroll that Zailan gave him, he knew that he had encountered the "treasure house", and after Zailan had exhausted all his knowledge, Bo Xihe immediately asked for farewell, took the map drawn by Zailan, and left Dihua and went straight to Dunhuang.

An imperial family was sent to Xinjiang to live a heavenly life, and Dunhuang was devastated

In Dunhuang, Bo Xihe and the stupid Wang Daoist who could not be more stupid encountered, so this Bo Xihe made a windfall and looted the fine works of Dunhuang, according to posterity, it is estimated that there are no less than a few thousand volumes. People who knew that Bo Xihe knew that Dunhuang had treasures and found Dunhuang through Zailan's guidance almost all had such a feeling: If they had killed Zailan in the first place, Dunhuang might not have had such a catastrophe.

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