
"Cloud" on the force, Jiangsu foreign trade "expand the outside to turn in"

author:China Jiangsu Net

China Jiangsu Netnews On the 8th, the online exhibition of "Jiangsu Excellent Products Unimpeded Around the World" was officially launched. The Provincial Department of Commerce cooperated with Alibaba, Focus Technology, Global Resources and other platform enterprises to hold 22 online series exhibitions of "Jiangsu Excellent Products and Smooth Global" from June to September, helping foreign trade enterprises in our province to fight the epidemic, grab orders, protect the market, stabilize operation and overcome difficulties.

Expanding: Take online trading as a long-term solution

Since the beginning of this year, due to the impact of the epidemic, foreign trade offline exhibitions have generally been cancelled or postponed, and the traditional channels for enterprises to undertake export orders have been blocked. As a large foreign trade province with a long-term ranking second in the country in terms of import and export scale, Jiangsu's stabilization of the basic foreign trade plate is not only the economic development need of the province, but also the overall situation of the country's foreign trade development.

"Holding online exhibitions meets the current needs of enterprises, can effectively promote traditional enterprises to use the Internet, big data and other new generation of information technology to open up markets, strengthen orders, is the development of new foreign trade models, create new momentum of foreign trade long-term strategy." Zhao Jianjun, director of the Provincial Department of Commerce, said that 22 online exhibitions cover the main industries of foreign trade exports in our province, of which 20 are oriented to the international market, helping foreign trade enterprises to display clouds, grab orders in the cloud, and dock in the cloud, so as to achieve full reception without leaving home.

"Alibaba International Station will give full play to the advantages of platform and big data, combine The characteristic export base and industrial cluster of Jiangsu Province, and carry out a comprehensive online exhibition with Jiangsu industrial belt business cards as the mainstay." Hou Ye, general manager of the East China Region of Alibaba's International Trade Division, said that under the epidemic, platform buyers increased by 101% year-on-year, sellers increased by 15%, and the supply-demand ratio increased by 74%. In this online international exhibition, the cooperation platform will also provide enterprises with a one-year online marketing display service to promote the transformation of enterprises to touch the network.

Focus Technology will undertake 9 online international exhibitions such as the New Energy Industry Expo and International Home Improvement Building Materials, and nearly 500 Jiangsu enterprises have registered for the first online exhibition. Li Lei, senior vice president of Focus Technology, introduced that since the outbreak of the epidemic, on the one hand, new technical means have been used to copy the offline physical exhibition scenes to be displayed online, and on the other hand, by strengthening the online data operation and service supporting capabilities, the efficiency and effect of online exhibitions have been improved, and the digital growth space of the exhibition industry has been broadened, "promoting trade with digital". Yuan Fujun, general manager of Jiangsu Ousiyue Science and Technology Development Company, said that the company's foreign trade business just entered the right track last year, and the epidemic led to a reduction in export orders, and the "cloud exhibition" may be an important path for it to win orders.

Chen Jian, general manager of Global Sources Convention and Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., introduced that the entire process of online exhibition is mainly divided into three stages, namely discovery, pairing, and connection, to help buyers and sellers negotiate docking. In order to enhance buyers' confidence in the quality of their products, they have hired an international third-party certification body to control it.

Turn inside: "increase salary and firewood" to release economic tension

Among the 22 online exhibitions, two are export-to-domestic exhibitions focused on by the Provincial Department of Commerce, which are hosted by Alibaba and Focus Technology respectively. According to the relevant person in charge of the Foreign Trade Department of the Provincial Department of Commerce, "adding fire" to foreign trade enterprises' export to domestic sales is conducive to grasping the "six stability" and "six guarantees" and can fully release the economic tension. The two exhibitions focus on the two categories of industrial products and consumer goods, and guide and help foreign trade enterprises in our province to use the domestic market to expand channels, sell inventory, and stabilize operations. The government will give certain financial support to guide and promote relevant enterprises to resell export products to the domestic market.

Li Lei said that a platform for "helping Soviet enterprises to expand domestic sales" has been set up, which will be further improved, and it is planned to cooperate with the Provincial Department of Commerce to hold a cloud exhibition in mid-September.

"Foreign trade enterprises turn to domestic sales, and it takes a certain amount of time to grasp the preferences and needs of domestic consumers. Taking clothing as an example, there are certain differences in the needs of European and American consumers and domestic consumers in terms of style, size and style. Li Jiaping, general manager of Jiangsu of Alibaba Group's strategic development department, said that he will use platform big data to make judgments on this and help enterprises transform more targetedly.

Through the Alibaba e-commerce platform, Changshu's clothing, Tiger Hill's wedding dress, Yangzhou's plush toys, Changzhou's wooden floors, etc. have gained in terms of domestic transactions.

Support: Policy packages boost confidence in stabilizing foreign trade

In this event, in addition to the government and enterprises to build a "cloud platform", more policy initiatives will be publicized to the majority of enterprises.

Not long ago, our province issued and implemented the "Several Measures on Further Stabilizing Foreign Trade Work", focusing on stabilizing foreign trade work under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, involving 10 measures such as strengthening the stable foreign trade work mechanism, encouraging and supporting foreign trade enterprises to export to domestic sales, vigorously developing cross-border e-commerce, and promoting the innovative development of processing trade, helping foreign trade enterprises to solve common problems such as difficulty in receiving orders, difficulty in performing contracts, difficulty in capital, and difficulty in logistics, highlighting the main body of protection, highlighting the stable chain, supplementing the chain, and fixing the chain.

"From January to April this year, the decline in imports and exports in the province has narrowed, and the scale continues to rank second in the country." However, the production and operation of foreign trade enterprises are still facing greater difficulties, the situation of foreign trade development is extremely severe, and it is still necessary to make arduous efforts to stabilize the basic plan of foreign trade. These 10 measures provide a policy guarantee for stabilizing the basic foreign trade of the province. Zhou Xiaoyang, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Commerce, said.

The provincial party committee and the provincial government have previously issued a series of policies and measures to support the development of foreign trade and stabilize the production and operation of enterprises. The "50 Articles of Suzheng" clearly implement the "one enterprise, one policy" service for foreign economic and trade enterprises that have been seriously affected by the epidemic, strengthen risk early warning and management, increase the quota satisfaction rate and risk tolerance, and accelerate the recovery of claims in export credit insurance cases. In view of the actual situation of external demand affected by the spread of the epidemic, our province has introduced 22 measures to stabilize foreign investment and stabilize foreign trade, help enterprises to open up the international market, and at the same time help upstream foreign trade enterprises that have temporarily encountered export obstacles to match the downstream demand of the domestic industrial chain, open up the supply and demand chain of intermediate and industrial products, and open the door to domestic sales.

The General Administration of Customs recently issued an announcement that from April 15 to December 31, when enterprises import materials and parts or finished products for processing trade bonded imports, they only need to pay import tax in accordance with regulations and temporarily exempt domestic sales tax deferred interest. Nanjing Customs quickly landed the new policy to help enterprises in our province alleviate financial pressure and actively act in the domestic market.

Reporter Shao Shengyu Ding Xixi