
The preparation of the Yellow Bridge baked cake


Ingredients Flour, vegetable oil, lard, salt, chives, chicken essence, soy sauce, yeast, baking powder, water

Step 1: Take 500 grams of flour and 5 grams of yeast 20 grams of baking powder 300 grams of warm water mixed and stirred into a dough and then let stand to ferment until 2 times larger

2, adjust the oil crisp vegetable oil 10 grams of lard 50 grams of chicken essence 10 grams of soy sauce 20 grams of flour 50 grams of mixed and stirred into a paste for later

3, make the blank Take the fermented dough and knead it into strips, divide it into small dough of each 100 grams, roll it into pieces, roll it up after applying the oil crisp, and then roll it into a 2 mm thick dough, and then paste it into the cake oven to bake. The oven temperature is about 200 ° C, bake for about 5 minutes.

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