
Taixing Huangqiao baked cake

author:The heart is Lotus 465

Local flavor refreshments meet In Jiangsu Province

Taixing Huangqiao baked cake

(10) Yellow Bridge Baked Cake

Huangqiao is a small town in Taixing County, Jiangsu Province. In October 1940, the New Fourth Army conducted the famous Battle of Huangqiao against the Kuomintang army here, and the people of Huangqiao supported the front line with large baked cakes. Since then, Huangqiao baked cakes have become famous. In recent years, thanks to the careful improvement of the chefs, the quality of the baked cakes has been greatly improved, and they have been able to be served as a feast snack.

Taixing Huangqiao baked cake
Taixing Huangqiao baked cake

【Raw Materials】

750 g of tender hair noodles mixed with alkali

Dry flour 400 g

Minced ham 50 g

1 egg white

Sesame seeds 100 g

Refined salt 30 g

200 g chopped green onions

Lard 150 g

Lard plate oil 400 g

A little sesame oil

Taixing Huangqiao baked cake
Taixing Huangqiao baked cake


1. Cut the pork plate oil into small cubes, add the minced ham, green onion and sesame oil to mix into filling. Knead 250 g of flour and lard into puff pastry. Then use 60% of the bread and 40% of the puff pastry, roll out the long square pieces, roll it into a cylindrical shape, pick it into a 50-gram agent, then press the flat and wrap the filling, roll it into an oval shape, brush with egg white, occupy the sesame seeds, and become a baked cake blank.

2. Heat the oven over high heat and place the raw cake blanks on a baking tray until golden brown.

Taixing Huangqiao baked cake
Taixing Huangqiao baked cake


Golden yellow, small in shape, crunchy. Oily but not greasy, with sesame chives flavor.

Taixing Huangqiao baked cake

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