
12-course spring-limited delicacy, miss out on waiting another year!

author:Wu Zhong released
12-course spring-limited delicacy, miss out on waiting another year!

Wu Meimei

Not only is the beauty in the green mountains and green waters

More beautiful in the charm of food

Wuzhong people love to eat and will eat

Pay attention to "not eating from time to time"

This is also seen as

The way of eating and drinking in Su-style life

In the good spring season, this Wuzhong Spring Food Atlas is given to you

Let's go to feast!

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Toon head


The "golden dish" in spring

Toon head is rich in nutrients and is the best among vegetables. Its most classic method is scrambled eggs with toon, in addition, it can also be pickled and made in toon oil.

12-course spring-limited delicacy, miss out on waiting another year!

In Dongting Dongshan, the locals blanch the toon head through the water and directly mix it cold with soy sauce. At Wu Chinese Restaurant, this is a very popular cold cut dish.

12-course spring-limited delicacy, miss out on waiting another year!


Spring in the water

At the time of spring blossoms, Taihu lettuce, which is known as "blue snail spring in the water", is quietly listed. Lettuce is covered with a kind of gelatinous substance, very slippery, it is difficult for ordinary people to catch, only the "old hand" can see it accurately, and the hand can be taken off by stretching and pinching. Because of this, there is the saying that "lettuce is delicious and not pickable".

12-course spring-limited delicacy, miss out on waiting another year!

Lettuce is rich in vitamins, amino acids, glucose, starch, protein and other nutrients, which have the effect of blood replenishment, lung lubrication, stomach, antidiarrhea and so on.

12-course spring-limited delicacy, miss out on waiting another year!

There are many ways to eat lettuce, in Dongting Dongshan, like to soup-based, such as lettuce silver fish soup, annunciated fish lettuce soup, etc., in order to retain the purest freshness of lettuce.

Maran head

Delicious wild vegetables blown by the spring breeze and raw

In the spring wilderness, Ma Lan's head sprang up from the ground like a mushroom, making people salivate.

12-course spring-limited delicacy, miss out on waiting another year!

The head is not only emerald green and tender, but also has a very high nutritional value, simply chopped, added salt and sugar, drizzled with sesame oil, pressed in a small bowl and poured on the plate. One person and one spoonful, a shallow taste, but the intention is not exhausted.

broad bean

Tender fava beans are boiled and eaten, and the taste of meat can be forgotten

May broad beans are green and green, soft and soft in the mouth, and then melt, a little salty, a little aftertaste, tender enough to eat with the shell.

12-course spring-limited delicacy, miss out on waiting another year!

It can also be made into fennel broad beans, which has a crunchy taste, which is a snack that Suzhou people love to eat, and it is also a good appetizer.


Old wine Mimi, snails

"No matter how small the snail is, it is also meat" Not to mention "Qingming snail, better than a goose"!

12-course spring-limited delicacy, miss out on waiting another year!

Before and after the Qingming Dynasty, the snails have not yet multiplied, and at this time the meat is the fattest and the best taste, whether it is spicy stir-frying or sauce bursting, it is particularly delicious. Eat snails! Such a spring is complete!

Pickled tuk tuk fresh

"Fresh" taste is true

Pickled Tuk is made by curing meat and fresh meat, adding spring shoots and cooking into a soup dish. Cured meat is generally pickled in the waxing moon, fresh meat must be used in the Taihu Lake area black pork belly, spring shoots (also known as large bamboo shoots) to use the suburban mountain forest, bamboo forest in the fresh shoots.

12-course spring-limited delicacy, miss out on waiting another year!

Take a bite of soup, then eat a piece of fresh meat, then eat a piece of cured meat, and finally eat a piece of spring shoots, fresh eyebrows!


One bud and one leaf into the dish

The Biluo spring in Dongting East and West Mountains is fragrant, mellow in taste, green in soup and with a faint fruity aroma. As a classic traditional dish, biluo shrimp has become a favorite spring delicacy of Suzhou people with its light and refreshing, delicious and attractive taste.

12-course spring-limited delicacy, miss out on waiting another year!

Pink shrimp and emerald green snail spring contrast, eat both the smooth and tender taste of shrimp, and the aroma of tea, this tea dish combined with the magic of the product has poured countless diners.

Pine blossom dumplings

A natural taste from the mountains

The pine flowers on the pine blossom dough are derived from the masson pine. Every year, at the turn of spring and summer, villagers in Wuzhong go up the mountain to collect pine flowers, put them on bamboo plaques for drying, and then sift down the pine pollen with a sieve.

12-course spring-limited delicacy, miss out on waiting another year!

Made of glutinous rice flour in four proportions, wrapped in golden pine pollen, and then steamed in a basket, the filling is red beans, sesame seeds, maran, etc., soft and sticky, fragrant and flavorful.

Generous cake

Cake as the name suggests, "big square"

The appearance of Dafang Cake is square and square, the color is white, and it can best represent the essence of Gusu cake, delicate and exquisite.

12-course spring-limited delicacy, miss out on waiting another year!

The thin ice skin is wrapped in the filling, and at first glance, you can see the rose sauce and sugar mint rolling inside. Each face is printed with exquisite patterns, which make people love it before they even start to eat.

Cauliflower pond for snakeheads

As stunning as the canola flowers

When the rape flowers are in full bloom, it is the season when the pond snakehead spawns, and the pond snakehead fish at this time has the highest nutritional value, and the people of Suzhou juxtapose this fish with the stunning rape flowers and call it "cauliflower pond snakehead".

12-course spring-limited delicacy, miss out on waiting another year!

Lettuce pond slices made of lettuce and pond mackerel, which are special products of Taihu Lake, are a soup in the famous dishes of Su Bang, and the fish is smooth and refreshing to eat, and the soup is delicious and fragrant.

Sauce meat

The "first piece of meat of spring" must be eaten

The square sauce meat is generally made of fat and lean pork flowers as raw materials, and after several hours of careful marinating, cooking, and then drizzling with marinade.

12-course spring-limited delicacy, miss out on waiting another year!

The freshly cooked sauce meat is bright in color, glowing with a ruddy and seductive luster, and it tastes sweet but not greasy, crisp but not rotten, and melts in the mouth.

12-course spring-limited delicacy, miss out on waiting another year!

A red sauce of meat paired with bright green broccoli is an indispensable delicacy in spring for Wuzhong people who are accustomed to sweet glutinousness.

Sake stuffed cake

Bread is not intoxicating and everyone is intoxicated

The Spring Season's Su-style dim sum, which is made from the local winter wheat and sake brewing in Wuzhong, is sold for only one season.

12-course spring-limited delicacy, miss out on waiting another year!

Sake cakes are best served hot, with a bite, soft skin, sweet and sour, sticky taste, and the fragrance of sake. Remember to eat it while it's hot!

The food is exquisite and the aftertaste is endless

Find seasonal delicacies

Taste this fresh spring flavor

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12-course spring-limited delicacy, miss out on waiting another year!

Material source: resort area, Dongshan Town, Wuzhong Taihu Lake Cultural Tourism

Editors: Gu Jiejing, Gu Xiaoxiao