
What should I do if I eat during the holidays? 4 homemade teas are debilitating and stomach-enhancing

author:Gastrointestinal doctor Ye Jinmei

With the arrival of the holidays, now most people are outside the festival, but outside the festival will inevitably eat and drink, eat too much may lead to "eating support", causing bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, loss of appetite and other digestive system symptoms, when these symptoms appear, no matter what kind of cuisine, eat no taste.

After eating on holidays, you may wish to drink some homemade tea, which can not only relieve greasiness, but also strengthen the spleen and stomach.

What should I do if I eat during the holidays? 4 homemade teas are debilitating and stomach-enhancing

1. Hawthorn malt drink

First put the hawthorn and malt in the pot and fry, let it sit for half an hour and then soak it in water for 15 minutes, then boil it over the fire, filter the medicinal juice and add an appropriate amount of brown sugar to drink, which has the effect of reducing accumulation and strengthening the stomach.

2. Monk fruit hawthorn tea

Stir-fry 1 monk fruit and an appropriate amount of hawthorn in a pot, soak in water for 15 minutes, then bring to a boil over high heat, filter the medicinal juice and drink. Luo Han Guo Hawthorn Tea can not only eliminate the accumulation of vitality, but also has the effect of moisturizing the lungs, coughing, moisturizing the intestines and laxative, which is very suitable for people with dry lungs and constipation.

3. Red jujube goji berry hawthorn tea

Soak the dates, goji berries, hawthorns, and roses in water for 15 minutes, then bring to a boil in water for 15 minutes. Red jujube goji hawthorn tea can consume healthy spleen, while also soothing the liver and relieving depression, nourishing blood and calming the spirit.

4. Hawthorn walnut drink

Prepare an appropriate amount of walnut meat, fresh hawthorn, honey, first put the hawthorn meat in a pot and fry until browned, let cool and set aside; then add a small amount of walnut meat and hawthorn to grind into a pulp in the juicer for later; finally add water to the slurry, bring to a boil over low heat, add honey and eat. Hawthorn walnut drink can not only consume food and moisturize the intestines, but also tonify the lungs and kidneys.

As the saying goes, "every festive season is three pounds of weight", the happiest and most tiring thing in the New Year is to eat, eat, eat. And in the face of the temptation of various cuisines, most people are "full of stomach and eyes", once they eat, the stomach and intestines begin to be passive and sluggish. Therefore, in order to make yourself have a healthy stomach for the Spring Festival, it is recommended that you do not eat too much, avoid big fish and meat, in addition to getting some hawthorn tea, but also eat more green fruits, drink more water, pay attention to a light diet.

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