
In winter, this dish of fried parsley, three or two days do not eat on the hungry, each time fried a plate, the meal can eat the essence of the light [parsley fried plum blossom meat]

author:Talk about food moments

No matter which step people take, they always have to find some fun and think of a way. Yes, food is the fun I'm looking for, the way I think! Talk about food carvings and take the food you eat seriously together!

In winter, this dish of fried parsley, three or two days do not eat on the hungry, each time fried a plate, the meal can eat the essence of the light [parsley fried plum blossom meat]

In winter, the weather becomes very cold, and it is also relatively dry, people are easy to be upset, physical discomfort, so usually in the diet we also have to make corresponding adjustments, eat some food that can clear the heat, such as turnips and other foods, but compared to radishes, the next recommended a kind, often ignored vegetables, this vegetable with a clear fragrance, very suitable for people who are easy to catch fire in winter to eat.

In winter, this dish of fried parsley, three or two days do not eat on the hungry, each time fried a plate, the meal can eat the essence of the light [parsley fried plum blossom meat]

This dish is celery, celery it is two seasons of food a year, in the spring and winter is the two most suitable seasons to eat celery, this time the celery is relatively tender, and the fascia is not a lot. For those who often have insomnia or rough skin, you can eat more celery at this time.

The celery on the market can be divided into three types, one is dry parsley, the other is celery, and the other is cress. If you have parsley, the root is relatively large, the hollow is more, the petiole is more slender, the stalk is green, the fiber is thinner, the fragrance is strong, the edible part is much less than parsley, parsley, generally with small but the petiole is wide and fat, solid, the fragrance is lighter, its vegetable quality will be more crisp and tender, and the edible part is also more. Cress, winter is basically nothing.

In winter, this dish of fried parsley, three or two days do not eat on the hungry, each time fried a plate, the meal can eat the essence of the light [parsley fried plum blossom meat]

Celery because of its special flavor, usually used as a side dish, I always take it to cook with pork, make a delicious parsley fried plum blossom meat, this next meal, three or two days do not eat on the hungry, every time fried a plate, the meal can be eaten fine, special next meal, especially in the winter when the appetite is not good, you can try this dish.

Pork and it are born as a pair, stir-fried, colorful and fresh, and the body is super warm after eating. Celery is rich in a lot of protein and carbohydrates, carotene, B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, etc., it can play a role in clearing heat, dispelling wind and dampness, in addition to annoyance and swelling of the dietary therapeutic effect. Stir-fry it with pork, the dish is colorful and smells fresh, and every time you eat it, your body is super warm, so if you like it, try it together.

In winter, this dish of fried parsley, three or two days do not eat on the hungry, each time fried a plate, the meal can eat the essence of the light [parsley fried plum blossom meat]

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > [parsley stir-fried plum blossom meat].</h1>

Ingredients: 120 grams of plum blossom meat, 3 sticks of parsley, 1 red pickled pepper, 2 green peppers, garlic cloves, 2 millet spicy, a little ginger

Accessories: vegetable oil, 1 spoonful of bean paste, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 2 grams of chicken essence

Production process:

1: Prepare the ingredients you need, wash it with parsley, remove the leaves, then pinch it into small pieces, wash it and remove the pepper seeds, cut it into pieces.

In winter, this dish of fried parsley, three or two days do not eat on the hungry, each time fried a plate, the meal can eat the essence of the light [parsley fried plum blossom meat]

2, plum blossom meat in order to make it a little better to cut, you can first wash it, and then put it in the refrigerator to freeze it slightly, take it out and cut it into pieces, so that it is good to cut a lot, garlic into slices, ginger into minced, millet spicy cut into circles.

In winter, this dish of fried parsley, three or two days do not eat on the hungry, each time fried a plate, the meal can eat the essence of the light [parsley fried plum blossom meat]

3: Put vegetable oil in the pot, after heating, put in our cut plum blossom meat and start frying, sauté it to make the aroma, add garlic cloves and millet spicy and ginger minced, add 1 spoon of watercress sauce.

In winter, this dish of fried parsley, three or two days do not eat on the hungry, each time fried a plate, the meal can eat the essence of the light [parsley fried plum blossom meat]

4, stir-fry the red oil, put in the pinched parsley segment, stir-fry quickly on high heat, after putting in the watercress sauce, you must not put salt, otherwise it will be very salty.

In winter, this dish of fried parsley, three or two days do not eat on the hungry, each time fried a plate, the meal can eat the essence of the light [parsley fried plum blossom meat]

5, parsley is easy to cook, in the process of frying, put it all our cut peppers into the pot for stir-frying, put in 2 spoons of soy sauce, 2 grams of chicken essence.

In winter, this dish of fried parsley, three or two days do not eat on the hungry, each time fried a plate, the meal can eat the essence of the light [parsley fried plum blossom meat]
In winter, this dish of fried parsley, three or two days do not eat on the hungry, each time fried a plate, the meal can eat the essence of the light [parsley fried plum blossom meat]

6, stir-fry until evenly into the taste, a nutritious and delicious parsley fried plum blossom meat is made, fresh and refreshing, under the rice to eat a hundred tireless, very suitable for winter home cooking.

In winter, this dish of fried parsley, three or two days do not eat on the hungry, each time fried a plate, the meal can eat the essence of the light [parsley fried plum blossom meat]

Food carving tip:

1, if you fry pork, I personally think that it will be more delicious to fry dry celery, because of its unique aromatic flavor, which can play a role in increasing fragrance and fishy.

2, plum blossom meat needs to be fried in advance, so that it will be relatively fresh, and if it is fried in watercress sauce, it can also make it taste in advance.

In winter, this dish of fried parsley, three or two days do not eat on the hungry, each time fried a plate, the meal can eat the essence of the light [parsley fried plum blossom meat]

[This article is original by "Small Talk Food Carving", and the pictures are taken by myself.] Without permission, it shall not be deleted, altered, misappropriated, and infringement shall be investigated】