
When the Eight-Nation Alliance entered Beijing, Cixi fled west through Datong and ate a chicken for five thousand taels of silver

author:Wild Fumimushi

On August 14, 1900, the Eight-Power Alliance attacked the Bali Bridge, which was very close to the city of Beijing, and when Cixi heard the news, she immediately panicked, and before dawn, she took Guangxu and Li Lianying and others to sit in a carriage and flee westward. On the way to escape, Cixi can be described as the wind and the sun, how bitter it is, but when she came to Datong, Shanxi, why did Cixi spend five thousand taels of silver and eat a chicken, you want to know the specific process of things, then let Xiaobian reveal the secrets to you one by one.

Cixi's life in the Forbidden City was extremely luxurious, but because of the war, it caused the people to flee, so even if Cixi had money in her hands, she had no place to spend it on the way to escape at first. It is for this reason that a bowl of rice porridge and two eggs from Wu Yong in Huailai County can be regarded by Cixi as a treasure of the mountains and the sea, and in the end, the opportunity to get promoted.

When the Eight-Nation Alliance entered Beijing, Cixi fled west through Datong and ate a chicken for five thousand taels of silver

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Cixi soon left Huailai County and headed straight for Shanxi. At this time, Qi Futian, the prefect of Datong, had already sent spies, knowing that Cixi would come to Datong Province in seven days, and he began to make preparations for receiving Cixi.

These days, Qi Futian's heart can really be described as fifteen buckets of water--seven up and eight down, how can he entertain Cixi well and make himself promoted to an official and rich? Qi Futian found Shi Ye, who gave him an idea, and set up a banquet in the "Phoenix Building" of Datong Province, using the restaurant's specialty, Feng Bao Wo, to entertain Cixi.

Feng climbing nest refers to the frying of the annual Datong local chicken, and then the eggs and quail eggs, fried tofu and fried noodles are placed around the fried chicken as a decoration. The phoenix nest is not only exquisitely shaped, like a phoenix lying in the snow, but also has a full range of "color and fragrance", which makes people drool when they look at it.

When the Eight-Nation Alliance entered Beijing, Cixi fled west through Datong and ate a chicken for five thousand taels of silver

Qi Futian felt that it was feasible to entertain Cixi with a phoenix nest, and immediately sent someone to summon Boss Huang of the Phoenix Building to discuss the specific arrangements for receiving Cixi.

Boss Huang's eyes rolled and he immediately threw out a difficult problem. The chickens used in the Fengbao Nest are all local chickens, and the local chickens are all for ordinary people, so how can cixi eat the food that ordinary people eat?

Qi Futian had no choice but to take out five thousand taels of silver and let Boss Huang feed five "Eight Treasures" imperial chickens, and then use this chicken to make a "phoenix nest" to entertain Cixi.

Eight treasures of the royal chicken, need to be ginseng, deer antler velvet, cordyceps, ganoderma lucidum, bird's nest, goji berries, red dates, silver fungus eight ingredients dried, ground into a powder, fed to the chickens. Logically, one Eight Treasures Imperial Chicken was enough for Cixi to eat, so why get five?

When the Eight-Nation Alliance entered Beijing, Cixi fled west through Datong and ate a chicken for five thousand taels of silver

Raising five Eight Treasures OfFirga chickens, mainly to prevent Cixi from staying in Datong, if she does not leave, then the remaining four chickens will come in handy.

Seven days later, Cixi, Li Lianying and others came to Datong County. In order to make fengbao more in line with Cixi's taste, Qi Futian specially asked Boss Huang to make one first and invited Li Lianying to taste it.

Li Lianying was invited to the Phoenix Building that night, he picked up chopsticks, clipped a piece of chicken into his mouth, delicious, delicious, and very chewy, after eating, let him obviously feel that the vitality is rising, so that his limbs and skeletons are full of strength.

After Li Lianying finished eating, she asked the name of the dish. When Li Lianying heard the three words "Feng Baowo", his face suddenly changed, "Qi Futai, you want to lose your head." ”

Cixi is a phoenix, phoenix lying in the nest: the phoenix lying in the nest, is a satire of the meaning of "Cixi does not move the nest, do not act", Qi Futian heard Li Lianying's reminder, immediately frightened out of a cold sweat, hurriedly changed the name of the dish "Golden Phoenix Lying Snow".

When the Eight-Nation Alliance entered Beijing, Cixi fled west through Datong and ate a chicken for five thousand taels of silver

The next day, Cixi came to the Phoenix Building, and after she ate the dish "Golden Phoenix Lying Snow", she was very satisfied and praised the deliciousness of this dish. At this time, will you have a question, chickens eat ginseng, deer antler velvet, cordyceps, ganoderma lucidum, bird's nest, goji berries, red dates, white fungus, will it really become delicious?

The five Eight Treasures Imperial Chickens all died of excessive medicinal properties during feeding. Since the chicken was poisoned in the process of breeding, why didn't Boss Huang report it?

Datong County Ling Qi Futian is a big corrupt official, every year will eat and drink in the Phoenix Building, one or two silver do not pay, Boss Huang directly deducted five thousand two, just when Qi Futian settled the previous bill.

When the Eight-Nation Alliance entered Beijing, Cixi fled west through Datong and ate a chicken for five thousand taels of silver

And the chicken he gave cixi and Li Lianying to eat was the local chicken produced in Datong. Five thousand taels of silver and a chicken, Boss Huang took the opportunity of Cixi to come to the Phoenix Building, so that Qi Futai had a great blood.

How could the Great Qing Dynasty Cixi, who had brought calamity to the country and the people, and a large number of officials like Qi Futai who pit and harmed the people, not perish?

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