
In winter, several sweet fruit and vegetable porridges

author:The world of food

Winter is a good season for replenishing the body, in terms of diet should pay attention to scientific allocation, increase some paste thick taste, such as stewed meat, boiled fish, hot pot and so on. The principles of the winter diet are: First, there must be rich and sufficient nutrition, and the calories should be sufficient; Second, food should be warm and help protect the body's yang.

Warm meats include dog meat, beef, chicken, turtle meat, mutton, finches, shrimp meat, snake meat and so on. Vegetables include soybeans, broad beans, carrots, shallots, garlic, peppers, leeks, mustard greens, rape, coriander, pepper and so on. Fruits include chestnuts, dates, preserved apricots, lychees, oranges, grapefruit, etc., as well as brown sugar, glutinous rice, sheep's milk, pine nuts and so on.

In winter, several sweet fruit and vegetable porridges

The drinking and eating dishes that are suitable for eating in winter include the arrival of double whips, low temperatures, short days and nights, relatively reduced human activity, and increased appetite. In addition to the cold that we use our diet to increase calories. Don't just try to satisfy your appetite and neglect the conditioning and maintenance of your body. Life Home Xiaobian specially collected all kinds of diet and health information suitable for severe winter for you, so that you and your family are healthy and happy every day!

Fruit cereal porridge


100 grams of cereal, 50 grams of milk, 50 grams of fruit.


A little sugar.

【Preparation method】

(1) Soak the dried cereal with 300 grams of water to soften, wash and chop the fruit. (2) Pour the soaked cereal into the pot with water, put it on the fire and bring it to a boil, cook for 2 to 3 minutes, add milk, cook for another 5 to 6 minutes, until the cereal is crispy, thin and moderate, add chopped fruit, sugar and cook slightly, put it in a bowl.


Soft and delicious, fruity and fragrant, contains protein, fat, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and vitamins (vitamin foods) A1, B1, B2, C and niacin and other nutrients needed by babies.

【Production Key】

The porridge should be boiled to a moderate thickness, the fruit should be boiled in the pot for a while, and then the baby should be fed.

Porridge with green vegetables

300 grams of rice and 30 grams of green vegetables.

300 g of water, a pinch of fine salt.

(1) Wash the greens (spinach, oil (oil food) vegetables, and leaves of Cabbage) and put them in a pot of boiling water to cook until soft, chop and set aside. (2) Wash the rice, soak it in water for 1 to 2 hours, put it in a pot and cook for 30 to 40 minutes, add fine salt and chopped greens before stopping the fire, and cook for another 10 minutes.

It is thick and palatable and rich in nutrients.

Fruit lotus flour porridge

Lotus flour, apple (apple food) (peach, canned bayberry) each appropriate amount.

Water to taste.

(1) Mix the lotus flour and water well, and cut the fruit into very fine pieces and set aside. (2) Pour the lotus flour into the pot, slowly simmer over low heat, stir while simmering until it is transparent, and finally add the chopped fruit and cook slightly.

Sweet taste, easy to digest (digest food) absorption, rich in nutrients, suitable for infants over 5 months old.

The fruit must be washed, chopped, and preferably scraped into a fruit puree with a small spoon. In addition, be careful not to use the pot when boiling lotus powder.

Parents in the baby to feed porridge to give him a little time to swallow, can not let him eat in a hurry, can not hope to eat all the porridge at the beginning, the mother can add a few more tablespoons to him to eat, slowly get used to it, after 2 weeks, he can eat half a cup each time, wait until the baby is used to eating porridge, you can add less water, make the porridge thicker, so that gradually the baby will learn to eat solid food. Yang soup, qi whip soup, shi quan da tonic soup, deer whip aphrodisiac soup, black chicken white phoenix soup, angelica ginger mutton soup, Qiankun steamed dog, ginseng qi sheep head, sesame rabbit, walnut kernel fried leeks, etc.

Winter supplements are best used as a supplement first, first choose beef stew, or mustard, red dates, peanut kernels and brown sugar stew to regulate and adjust the function of the spleen and stomach. Then add supplements, which can increase the tonic effect, and will not occur in the case of "virtual and unrefined".

When supplementing, it is best not to eat raw and cold or too greasy food, so as not to hinder the digestive function of the spleen and stomach and affect the effect of supplementation.

During the period of supplementation, if you encounter a cold, fever, or diarrhea, you should temporarily stop taking various supplements to prevent the tonic from falling in love with evil, and then take supplements after you recover your health.