
The latest masterpiece of the martial arts god "The Legend of the Heroic Hero of the Fate" Chapter 19 Kun Yuan Yu Bi

author:Original martial arts novel
The latest masterpiece of the martial arts god "The Legend of the Heroic Hero of the Fate" Chapter 19 Kun Yuan Yu Bi

The shout was made by the young grandmother of the Yue family.

This shout shocked all the people in the hall. The lively flower hall was suddenly silent.

It turned out that the baby was washing in the water, and suddenly cried loudly, followed by a sharp gasp, and the little hand and leg kept trembling. Yue Wei was horrified, and rushed to carry him out, just handed over to the young grandmother of the Yue family, the baby's breathing gradually stopped, the small hands and feet no longer trembled, but slowly froze, and there was no light in the big eyes, but it was not alive. The young grandmother of the Yue family immediately shouted, slumped on the ground, and cried bitterly.

"Toxic in water!" Someone shouted.

The hall is a mess when it is neutral.

"How could it be, didn't Dr. Ruan Shen see it?"

"When was it poisoned?" True evil door! ”

Ruan Changsang hurriedly inspected the basin of water, used the needle into the water a little, his face showed a look of surprise, and sniffed the tip of the needle carefully, exclaiming: "No, the water is indeed poisonous!" Yue Jiaxian nephew, you have severe poison on your hands, don't touch your lips! ”

There was an uproar in the hall. Everyone gathered around, and the scene was chaotic.

Any Ming woke up in vain and secretly shouted, "Wouldn't it be bad to take advantage of the chaos and assassinate!" Thinking of this, he hurriedly ran to Yue Songnian's side, but at this time everyone was scrambling to squeeze forward, where there was a place for him to move, in a hurry, he jumped to the table, using the table as a springboard, unfolded light work, and leaped forward.

Yue Songnian stood in front of his deceased grandson with a sad face, and there were a bunch of people crowded not far behind him, and Any Ming blurted out, "Yue Shibo be careful!" ”

Everyone turned their heads to look at him.

Yue Songnian was on the gas head, his gaze shot like an arrow at Any Ming's body, his face was exposed, his face was murderous, and he suddenly slapped at Any Ming who had not yet touched the ground in mid-air.

The palm wind roared in, and several people nearby were suddenly overwhelmed by the pressure!

If hit, anyone will be killed.

And he couldn't dodge at all now, watching this slap full of internal strength about to hit him, but he couldn't do anything, he suddenly felt that everything was gray.

At the critical moment, he suddenly felt that his body was light, and the whole person floated lightly in the air, dodging Yue Songnian's palm wind and slowly landing on a place a mile away. Looking at it, it was Bi Xin who saved him. When Yue Songnian came out, Bi Xin stretched out his left arm, pulled the sleeve of any Ming in mid-air, pulled him away, and then used his right hand to support any of Ming's arms to help him land on the ground.

Bi Xin said, "Brother-in-law is angry, he is not malicious." In his heart, he was shocked: "It's really dangerous, I didn't expect Yue Songnian's internal strength to be so strong!" ”

Anyone Ming was horrified, but he heard someone hum and turned his face to look, only to see Yue Wei with a dagger in his throat and softly falling to the ground. A person next to him also fell to the ground, but it was Yue Can, with another dagger inserted in his throat, and blood was spurting wildly.

Mu Rui smiled softly and stood between the two brothers.

First the baby was poisoned, and now the two sons were stabbed at the same time, and in the blink of an eye, three lives were gone!

This change was even more unexpected, and everyone was horrified, and the hall was filled with endless terror.

It turned out that Yue Wei had suddenly turned into a dead man when he saw his son, who had just been alive and jumping, and he was very skeptical of this sudden blow, he couldn't believe that this was the truth, and he was standing there with a wooden look. His hands were indeed heavily poisoned, but Ruan Changsang's reminder did not listen to him at all. Mu Rui behind him said to Yue Can that in order to prevent his eldest brother from being poisoned, he should take a sweat towel to wipe his hands first. The two walked to Yue Wei's side together, and Yue Can grabbed Yue Wei's arms, and Mu Rui took a Han towel to wipe his hands for him. Who knew that she had just put the Han towel into Yue Wei's hand, and suddenly both hands reached into her sleeves, took out two daggers, and stabbed at the throats of the two brothers at the same time. Where are the two defensive? No one in the crowd would have thought that she would burst out of the killer, so she easily succeeded, and the two brothers were killed instantly.

Seeing this, Yue Songnian pounced on Mu Rui like an angry giant beast, slapping her in the chest and chopping her to death.

Mu Rui did not have the slightest intention of dodging.

Yue Songnian suddenly thought that he didn't know her bottom details, and his palm strength hardened for a few minutes, Rao was so, Mu Rui was still slapped back a few steps, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Yue Songnian looked up at the sky and screamed, and his voice was terrible.

Mu Rui smiled, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding again.

Yue Songnian asked, "What the hell are you?" ”

Mu Rui sneered, "Naturally, you are the enemy who does not share the heavens." ”

Yue Songnian said, "What kind of enemy does Yue Have?" ”

Mu Rui said, "What you did, you don't know yet?" Didn't you kill all the lives of a hundred and ten people in the Li family? I am Li Shixing's daughter Li Tong. ”

Hearing this, the crowd shouted in unison, and for a while there was a lot of discussion and noise.

Ren Ming's heart tightened: "Li Tong is actually a woman!" ”

At the moment, I am ashamed and ashamed, how can I preconceived that she is a man?

Yue Songnian smiled miserably and said, "Why do you think I am your enemy?" ”

Li Tong, who was the original Mu Rui, said, "Lord Yue Zhuang, do you still want to deny it?" Since I dare to come, I have no intention of leaving here alive, and today, in front of so many jianghu haojie, let's make things clear! ”

Yue Songnian said, "Yue Mou has no shame in his heart, and naturally he is not afraid of your words!" ”

Li Tong looked at him contemptuously, looked around at everyone, and said slowly: "It is not a pity that the little girl died, but the hundred and ten people in the Li family cannot die. Today, in front of the heroes, I will tell you the ins and outs of the matter, and ask the seniors to give the evaluation, so that the murderer can appear, so that the heroic spirit of the deceased can rest in peace, so that the little girl will die with peace of mind. ”

When the crowd saw the sincerity and poignancy she said, they couldn't help but feel pity for her and threw a look of approval at her.

She continued, "This has to start with that piece of jade." Presumably, everyone had heard about it, and a few days ago, my father got a stone stele from the newly dug well, and the stele was embedded with a jade bi. When his father saw that the jade bi was exquisite and warm, he expected something extraordinary, and when he saw the words 'Shengwu Emperor System' on the top of the jade bi, he was even more convinced that this jade bi must be of great value. However, he didn't know what the mystery of this piece of jade bi was, and he thought that the words on the stone tablet must have been very clear, but the words on it were all ancient characters, and they were not as common as the words 'Emperor Shengwu', and they did not understand their meaning at all. After consulting with the brothers, the father decided to invite the lord of Dongyue Mountain Villa to come, who was well-researched and knowledgeable, and would certainly be able to see the doorway. ”

She turned to Yue Songnian and asked, "On that day, my father sent a letter to you, didn't he?" ”

Yue Songnian said, "Not bad." ”

Li Tong stared at Yue Songnian and said, "The next morning, you will come." After reading the words on the jade bi and the stone tablet, you are obviously very excited, but how do you explain the inscription, in front of so many heroes Haojie, do you dare to say it again? ”

Everyone's eyes fell on Yue Songnian.

The corners of Yue Songnian's mouth trembled, and he pretended to be calm: "Why don't you dare." That jade bi was a gift from Emperor Shengwu to his deceased friend, and the stone stele was the tombstone of his deceased friend, although it was something ordered by Emperor Shengwu, there was nothing special about it. ”

Li Tong said, "Nonsense! Do you think that if you say this, your father will be able to believe your words and easily resell Yubi to you? If, as you said, why do you still wear that jade bi on your body and feel it for yourself? Do you think you are the only one who knows the contents of the inscription? ”

She asked a series of questions, one sentence fast, which forced Yue Songnian's face to change dramatically.

Seeing this scene, everyone already understood eight or nine points in their hearts: "Lord Yue Zhuang has been hiding the truth, and there must be a ghost in his heart." ”

Li Tong added: "When my father saw that you looked different, he expected that there must be a mystery in it, so he immediately refused, and even if you kept raising the purchase price, you did not change your mind, you had to go away in anger." But what you didn't expect was that as soon as you left on your front foot, the old scholar who your father ordered people to search for arrived, and he unraveled the words on the stone tablet. ”

Listening to her say this, Any Ming immediately listened quietly, afraid of missing a word. Everyone held their breath and waited for her to elaborate.

Yue Songnian's expression changed suddenly, and he warned, "Can you think clearly?" Really want to tell the truth? ”

As soon as they heard him, the hearts of the people were even more curious.

Li Tong smiled bitterly, "Do I have anything to worry about?" ”

She continued: "The inscription says that this jade bi is called 'Kunyuan Yubi', which is made of the rare Kunshan Qiyu, which collects the essence of the earth and mountains, once worn, the touch is cold, and the qi can immediately increase people's internal strength, majestic and thick, endless!" ”

As soon as these words came out, the hall was like a frying pan, and the exclamation was endless. There is humanity, "And such a treasure, it is really unheard of!" "Humane," is also too godly, deceitful!" There are also humanities, "Can the things handed down by Emperor Shengwu still be false?" ”

Ren Ming's heart moved: "If I can get this Kun Yuan Yu Bi, why should I worry about not entering the martial arts conference, I am afraid that the wu ying list can also be listed." ”

Li Tong said, "Lord Yue Zhuang, you know best whether it has this miraculous effect as the inscription says." ”

Yue Song sighed and said slowly, "Yes, after putting on the Kunyuan Jade Bi, once the luck is performed, the Dantian is like a volcanic eruption, only to feel that the internal force is constantly gushing out, and it is incomparably powerful." ”

Li Tong complained bitterly: "But you can't make my Li family destroy the door in order to have it!" I would like to ask, at that time, only you knew this secret, wasn't there someone else who couldn't do it? ”

Qu Tong, the "iron hoop hand", couldn't help but interject: "That old scholar may also leak out the news?" ”

Li Tong said flatly, "He won't." As soon as the inscription was read, his father killed him and killed him. ”

Ren Ming was greatly surprised and thought to himself, this Li Shixing is also a person with a cruel heart!

Someone had the courage to ask, "Since the Li family has been wiped out, why are you still talking?" ”

Li Tong said, "It was the day I accompanied my mother-in-law to the nunnery to make a wish, but I didn't rush back in time that night, so I was lucky enough to escape the disaster." ”

Yue Songnian frowned and suddenly asked, "Why don't you say everything that is contained on the stone tablet?" Why don't you say that last saying? ”

When everyone heard this, they all looked surprised and wondered if there was another mystery in this Kun Yuan Yu Bi. Emperor Shengwu was a firm believer in the art of sayings, so did this stone tablet record some amazing prophecies?

Li Tong hesitated for a moment, and this hesitation made people think that she was deliberately covering up: "At that time, my father and two brothers were present, I just eavesdropped outside the window, and I didn't notice that there were other words on it." ”

Elder Yue Song sighed, "This is the end of the matter, there is no need to hide it!" Now I'll tell you, let you die too. It's just a pity, a pity..."

He stopped, then leaned forward, scanned the surroundings, and resolutely said, "The last thing on that stone tablet is written with twelve words of saying, the content is--Yubi is now in chaos in Kyushu, and the five saints are out of the world!" ”

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