
Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

author:Gongzi mistaken
Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?


It is reported that actor Zhou Jie contracted a thousand acres of land in the northeast and learned from Yuan Longping's grandfather to plant rice.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

Zhou Jie's most familiar acting image is Erkang played in the TV series "Huan Zhu Gege".

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

Why shouldn't he be an actor and be a farmer in the wind and rain?

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?


In 1970, Zhou was born in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province.

When he was a child, he was not in good health, and was sent by his parents to the sports school to learn martial arts, from elementary school to junior high school, a total of 5 years of practice.

He learned Tong Zi Gong. He also learned the art of left-right mutual knowledge, but gave up because it was too difficult.

His father was a thought worker, a serious man. Zhou Jie has been taught since childhood to be sincere and not to lie.

His parents would buy snacks, biscuits, egg puff pastries, walnuts, and keep them in a secret place.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

Zhou Jie

Once, Xiao Zhou Jie stole a lot of biscuits, and when he couldn't finish eating them, he hid them in the shoes that his father didn't often wear under the bed.

After a long time, he forgot about it. His father accidentally pulled the shoes out from under the bed, poured them down, and poured out a pile of cookie crumbs.

His father called him over and asked if he had stolen a cookie and put it in his shoes. Zhou Jie clenched his teeth and refused to confess.

His father brought a basin of water to wash his intestines and roared at him:

"You either drink it or admit your mistake!"

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

Zhou Jie recalled the past

His father, in this way, taught him not to lie.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?


When he was a child, his parents wanted him to enter the Beijing Broadcasting Academy. When he was studying, his parents wouldn't let him mingle with his classmates. It is not to let him learn Xi'an dialect.

Lest the tongue slip through the sound.

This has led him to develop a reclusive, eccentric personality, and is not social.

Usually, he only plays with neighbor children. When I was in kindergarten, the only toy in the kindergarten was a small wooden horse. He couldn't grab the wooden horse to sit on, so he sneaked home against the root of the wall and choked the aunt of the kindergarten enough.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

According to his kindergarten teacher Li Shufen, she had a dog named Hua Hua, and Zhou Jie often went to play with the dog's tail.

He was lonely enough.

When he didn't go to kindergarten, his parents would leave him at home for a day if he was in a hurry to work. Only a child named Zhong would chat with him through the iron door. He almost autized.

When he went to elementary school, he mixed with a group of playmates. I also don't learn well, and I fight all day long. Mom was sad and had to let him transfer schools.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

He changed schools, but his former playmates came to him one after another, and these people couldn't leave.

His mother was fierce, hiding from everyone, and let him transfer schools again. After graduating from high school, Zhou Jie found a nine-to-five job. However, it did not take long for him to quit his job and prepare to apply for the Shanghai Theater Academy.

His father did not approve of his approach, and the two had a big fight, and Zhou Jie rolled up his luggage and decided not to go home again.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?


Zhou Jie was admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy smoothly. He cherishes hard-won opportunities. Someone else practices for an hour after class, he practices for three hours.

Despite falling out with the family, the parents still felt sorry for their son, and from time to time they sent money over, and Zhou Jietong returned it. He lived by filming the wall calendar and taking over the dubbing.

The monster in the cartoon "Ultraman" is his voice.

His luck and robbery are related to "Huan Zhu Ge Ge".

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?


In 2003, he received an invitation from the crew of "Huan Zhu Ge Ge". He hesitated. Another crew also threw an olive branch at him.

Internal affairs are not decided to ask Lu Su, and foreign affairs are not decided to ask Zhou Yu. Zhou Jie did not have Lu Su and Zhou Lang as military divisions, he asked for coins. He threw a coin, with the character's name written on each side, and threw it into the sky.

The coin lay on the ground, choosing the role of Erkang for him, and also choosing the sad background of life for him.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

Lin Xin is like a version of Ziwei


Speaking of Zhou Jie's love history, Wu Zhen will be mentioned.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

Wu Zhen

Wu Zhen, female, also known as Wu Xuan. Born in Shanghai in 1978, he graduated from the Acting Department of Beijing Film Academy.

She played Ah Shi (Liu Ruoshi) in the 1997 TV series "Tai Chi Grandmaster". In 2000, she played Hong Xia in "Iron Tooth Copper Tooth Ji Xiaolan".

In 1993, Zhou Jie met Wu Zhen.

At that time, Wu Zhen was like a blooming white lotus flower on the cliff at the foot of Tanggula Mountain.

The handsome Zhou Jie is like a Huangyan sheep who is good at climbing cliffs.

The past is lost.

Their love past is no longer traceable.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

Ziwei and Erkang


When filming "Huan Zhu Ge Ge", Zhou Jie found that there were many lines in the script, which did not conform to the customary usage of Mandarin.

For example, "go", Taiwanese is "come and go", and the script is written like this. Elder Zhou Jie felt awkward.

He wanted to correct the accents for Lin Xinru, Su Youpeng and others. He also moved out of the Xinhua Dictionary.

Many people feel that you Zhou Jie how to do the mother, love to change the script, love to find stubble, do not cooperate.

Due to Zhou Jie's persistence, Qiong Yao later discovered many of her own mistakes. She revised the script again, changing the lines to the idiomatic language of Mandarin, and only then did the fire "Huan Zhu Ge Ge".

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

Stills from "Young Bao Qingtian"

After performing "Huan Zhu Gege", Zhou Jie was completely red and became the white moonlight in the hearts of many young girls, and his head stickers sold hotly.

At this time, Zhou Jie was still a young man who was not deeply involved in the world.

He did not stop and took over the TV series "Young Bao Qingtian", in which he played the role of teenager Bao Zheng.

Although this is a fictional character, Zhou Jie strives to show the audience a different package. The teenager Bao Zheng he plays is humorous and warm-hearted, which is very different from the stereotypical and serious Bao Zheng in the audience's heart.

He has been generally recognized by the audience.

His most famous tongue kiss incident arrived as promised.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

Erkang and Ziwei's kissing scene


In the drama "Huan Zhu Gege", Er kang and Ziwei are a pair of lovers. There was a kiss scene, but Lin Xinru could not enter the state for a long time.

This upset Qiong Yao's daughter-in-law He Xiuqiong. She's a producer, and every minute of delay costs the crew a fortune.

She talked to Lin Xinru and asked her to communicate with Chou Jieduo, make more eye contact, and get the atmosphere out as soon as possible.

Zhou Jie also often invited Lin Xinru to drink tea and chat, hoping to enhance understanding.

Under the intervention of many parties, the kiss scene was finally filmed smoothly.

Everyone was relieved.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?


In April 199, in order to promote "Huan Zhu Ge Ge 2", the crew members had to fly to Taipei to do publicity.

But Zhou Jie did not want to go, because of his relationship with Wu Zhen, there was trouble, which made him feel confused.

Wu Zhen watched "Huan Zhu Gege" and was very angry, thinking that Zhou Jie was really doing a fake play, and the two had a big fight, and there was an emotional crisis.

At Qiong Yao's repeated urging, Zhou Jie finally flew to Taipei. As soon as he landed, because the water and soil were not satisfied, he pulled up his stomach.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

He endured the illness and did propaganda for a while, and finally could not support it, told Qiong Yao about the leave, and flew back to the mainland. The media reporter disappeared zhou jie, and the phone could not ask a reason, so he said in the newspaper that Zhou Jie "ran (escaped)".

Wu Zhen, whom Zhou Jie pursued, finally left him, leaving regrets empty.

In 2004, Lin Xinru participated in a variety show of "Kangxi Lai".

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

Lin Xinru


For the effect of the program, the host asked Lin Xinru:

"You've filmed so many kiss scenes, have you ever stuck out your tongue?"

Lin Xinru did not know that it was a pit.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

Lin Xinru began to plant stolen goods.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

She was referring to Ercan.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?
Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

For Lin Xinru's remarks, Zhou Jie was initially unaware. He underestimated the ill will of the people toward him.

Zhou Jie's anger only broke out many years later.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?


This tongue kiss incident completely changed Zhou Jie's fate. It also made him fall into the siege of negative public opinion for a long time.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

The scene of Zhou Jie's car accident

In June 20089, the media broke the news that Zhou Jie was driving a Mercedes and collided with a taxi. The taxi driver and two passengers were injured.

Rumors say that Zhou Jie was driving at a speed, hit-and-run, and was mainly responsible.

At this point, Zhou Jie's image fell to the bottom, and it was difficult to see him appear in public again.

After years of silence, he finally stepped forward and explained the traffic accident.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

Zhou Jie's defense

Zhou Jie's defense.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

Zhou Jie's remarks

But it was too late. The audience does not buy it, and a negative view of him has been formed. He was also in a situation where there was no drama to shoot.


In 2015, Zhou Jie was photographed holding hands with a female model on the street, and the age difference between the two was very large.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

Zhou Jie with models

However, Zhou Jie did not respond, and this scandal could not be resolved.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

Zhou Jie and the Moon Palace visitors

In August 2017, Zhou Jie was photographed with another mysterious woman, with a strange face, no one recognized, suspected of being a visitor to the Moon Palace.

Old rules, Zhou Jie still did not respond, so no one could guess what medicine was sold in his gourd.

In January 20, 2020, some media photographed Zhou Jie and a mysterious woman wearing a bright down jacket holding a little girl dressed in red in her hand, behaving intimately.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

Zhou Jie and the woman in yellow

The three of them left in the same car, but they could not see the relationship between Zhou Jie and her.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

However, this is the speculation of the media, there is no stone hammer.

On June 21, 2021, the media was photographed with a woman with ten fingers clasped, which seemed quite sweet.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

Zhou Jie and the mysterious woman

Did he reap the rewards of love?


He rented land in the northeast, in the area of Wuchang. A thousand acres, now with a golden harvest.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

Zhou Jiezhi's Weibo blog post

He built a villa on the farm.

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

Zhou Jie's villa

Lived a life of seclusion.

This kind of life, far away from the showbiz circle is right and wrong, and the gods are also envious.

Zhou Jie's life, gain also Erkang, lose Also Erkang. His figure is no longer a brother, but a farmer.

Who says he's unhappy?

Zhou Jie's love history, why did he learn Yuan Longping to grow rice?

Farmer Zhou Jie

(Thanks for reading, Gongzi mistakenly wrote)

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