
Yesterday today tomorrow

author:Hello Old Han

Suddenly I remembered the wooden bench under the Yuanrong Bridge, which was my favorite position, with my back to the milk tea shop.

Across the river, there are often new media doing video shooting in the shade under the bridge,

Yesterday today tomorrow

I don't know who would sit there often, and he looked at the sparkling scenery reflected on the river surface under the bridge and could also get a little calm;

The first time I went to the beach, the shells sent to me by the sea were still in the side pocket of the school bag, and that time I met a very cute little sister on the high-speed train, and we coped with the journey of more than forty minutes with various expressions, wanting to give the shells to her, until I got off the bus without opening my mouth;

Yesterday today tomorrow

Eating meat sandwich steamed bun outside the Shaanxi noodle restaurant that I often eat, I met Xiao Hei (I started) who also wanted to eat meat sandwich buns.

After many months of trying, it never wants me to touch my stomach, haha,

Every time I touch it, I feel cute; just like mao's song, it's the most ordinary day, everything is soft and calm (is the word right?). )。

Yesterday today tomorrow

I hope that everyone can find a little beauty in life, so as to walk firmly and calmly on their own path.

Yesterday today tomorrow

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