
"Nine Days Queen" Jane Grey, a feuding picture of a feminine girl being sentenced to capital punishment

author:Frost sees the world
"Nine Days Queen" Jane Grey, a feuding picture of a feminine girl being sentenced to capital punishment


In real life, no matter how deep a person's obsession is, it will not shake the importance of life to her. In the field of religion, there are many people who are willing to give up their lives for their faith.

Those who are religious are sometimes incomprehensible. They are sometimes completely fanatical and paranoid. Although most religions lead people to goodness, it is the normal logic of the world that this kind of goodness is too good to gain or lose.

Without pursuing, without striving, without creating, their idea is that human beings are sinners, and the whole meaning of living is to atone for sins.

That's okay, and even worse, religion becomes a cult. Once people form a belief in it, it's really scary. Oil and salt do not enter, and nothing is heard, except for their faith in their hearts.

Anything that goes against the ethical conventions of the world is nothing at all, and it is a matter of pride to give up life.

"Nine Days Queen" Jane Grey, a feuding picture of a feminine girl being sentenced to capital punishment


The painting "Jane Grey's Execution", which is collected in the National Gallery of Art in the United Kingdom, depicts Jane Grey, a young girl who gave up her life to defend her faith for 9 days under religious beliefs, before her execution.

The woman in white in the C position in the painting is Jane Grey. How can this image of her be associated with capital punishment and guillotine. Under the spotless white long skirt, the body is plump and the skin is fair.

The murder of this beautiful and young woman is in conflict with human nature in a certain way, so it seems that this painting has a strong sense of impact.

There are priests who guide her to the guillotine, there are maids who can't bear to look down, and sympathy and grief can be read from their expressions.

Even the executioner with a large knife had sympathy and pity in his eyes.

In the movie "The Queen of nine days", we are already told that at the end of this story, the executioner fell with a knife in his hand, and Jane Grey's head fell to the ground.

"Nine Days Queen" Jane Grey, a feuding picture of a feminine girl being sentenced to capital punishment


She was the first queen in British history, reigning for only nine short days as Jane Grey.

She is a miserable person, and the sorrow lies in the fact that she is the one who wants to escape from the beginning to the end, but she is used as a chip; the sadness lies in the fact that she has not given up her religious beliefs until her death.

It is always the bridge where the bad guys and the villains get the good, and the good guys and the simple people are trampled on. This story of succession to the throne is no exception. Characters who are full of lust and greed. Fight openly and secretly, by any means.

Henry VIII left no male descendants, according to the inheritance law of the time, the heir to the throne was the eldest sister Mary, the second sister Elizabeth, and the cousin, and the fourth was Jane Grey.

In fact, even if the position is at the top, even if it is possible to inherit the throne, Jane Grey will not inherit, she is not interested in this thing at all.

Jane Grey is only interested in the things of life, reading, traveling, enjoying philosophy, advocating freedom. Her popularity is also excellent, and people regard her as a friend.

There are always many misalignments in life, and many things are not intentional.

"Nine Days Queen" Jane Grey, a feuding picture of a feminine girl being sentenced to capital punishment


So why was such a young girl, who was completely uninterested in the throne, being counted to death? In a word, the real reason behind it is the result of religious confrontation. Edward VI was a Protestant, Jane Grey was a Protestant, and the first heir, Mary, was a Catholic.

As mentioned earlier, there are people who believe in religion more than life.

They would not budge on the religions they believed in, and the sectarian struggle was directly related to the future direction of the throne. Edward VI did not hesitate to pass the throne to Jane Grey, a faithful believer in Protestantism like him.

Mary, of course, did not do it, through a series of rebellions, which took only a few days. He deposed Jane Grey and used his army to quell the rebellion and take the throne.

After executing several of the rebel leaders, Mary shifted her gaze to Jane Grey. She didn't mean to kill her in the first place, and Mary tried to make Jane Grey a living specimen, rebelling against the Protestant model and converting to Catholicism. However, this attempt was rejected by Jane Grey.

After being persuaded to be ineffective for three days, Jane Grey left her belongings to the maid who had been with her growing up, prayed, and walked to the guillotine.

Kindness, steadfastness, the pursuit of love and beauty have never been against selfishness and greed.

This article is original by Frost, welcome to follow, take you along with long knowledge!

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