
Van Gogh: Suffering without complaining, and then "difficult" to carry on one's own, this is the only practical thing

author:Studio at 4:30

Taste all kinds of tastes yourself, and carry a thousand kinds of pain yourself.

All kinds of grievances come to mind, but the words are not worth mentioning, and the adult world has the word "easy".

There is a catastrophe in a person's life, and to survive is to be born again.

In this world, there is also such a great man "Van Gogh" who has suffered a serious blow in life, a lifetime of misfortune, and a low point like us.

Van Gogh's life was only 37 years long, and he was born on March 30, 1853 in a small village in the northern State of Brabant in the Netherlands, to a relatively good family, in which his grandfather, father, and several uncles were priests, several other uncles and his brother Theo were dealers, and only his cousin Mow was a painter.

Van Gogh: Suffering without complaining, and then "difficult" to carry on one's own, this is the only practical thing

As a young man, Van Gogh fell in love with ursula, the landlord's daughter, while working as a dealer in London, but the woman told him she was engaged and laughed at him. This incident dealt Van Gogh a huge blow, prompting him to later want to become a priest, determined to soothe all the unfortunate people in the world.

Van Gogh: Suffering without complaining, and then "difficult" to carry on one's own, this is the only practical thing

In 1878, the 25-year-old Van Gogh devoted himself to priesthood, and when there was a mining disaster in the local coal mine, he desperately dedicated himself to saving the suffering miners, and in the words of one witness, "he began a crazy asceticism," he scattered all his clothes and what little possessions he had, even torn and bandaged underwear.

Van Gogh: Suffering without complaining, and then "difficult" to carry on one's own, this is the only practical thing

The Church demanded that he restrain his enthusiasm, and Van Gogh intensified; he pursued medieval religious piety more radically, he refused delicious food and a warm bed, he walked barefoot in the snow, wearing the burlap clothes worn by the miners, he stopped bathing; he considered the use of soap to be a sinful luxury, perhaps because he was too fanatical and disobedient, and he was soon expelled from the Church.

He said, "I'm going to try to live like a true Christian, I don't want to worry about how to sleep, go see the children who have just been buried in the cemetery, scrape the floor with the women, pick cinders, let these good clothes stain the blood and sweat of dead miners, and then come and talk to me about Christianity, hypocrites."

Van Gogh: Suffering without complaining, and then "difficult" to carry on one's own, this is the only practical thing

In 1880, at the age of 27, Van Gogh still achieved nothing, but in this year he finally picked up the paintbrush, discovered the true love of life, and the fire of passion was ignited again, at this time his life was only 10 years left, and he would burn the rest of his life for this flame.

Van Gogh has gone through this normal life and experienced various tribulations, perhaps these tribulations have inspired the small flame of his art. This flame burned more and more in Van Gogh's heart, and Van Gogh began his formal artistic creation.

Van Gogh: Suffering without complaining, and then "difficult" to carry on one's own, this is the only practical thing

Van Gogh embarked on the path of a painter with the patronage of his younger brother, and he would spend most of his money each month asking models to paint portraits, leaving only a little to eat, often starving.

Obsessed with practicing painting, Van Gogh had never received orthodox painting training before, and he slowly found his own style in the works of his masters, but his style was not accepted.

Van Gogh's first oil painting was called The Potato Eater, and he was highly nervous about creating the painting.

Carefully revised for more than a month, full of anticipation to give his brother Theo a surprise, but Theo was hit by his dark and rough painting style.

As an experienced dealer, Theo has written many times to his brother to change his painting style, sending him some works by famous painters, hoping that he will learn delicate techniques and make his paintings more colorful.

Van Gogh: Suffering without complaining, and then "difficult" to carry on one's own, this is the only practical thing

But Van Gogh believed that he should insist on the uniqueness of his art and his personality as a creator, he told his brother; "I want people to see my work, this person feels very deeply, this person feels very delicate, although my work has a so-called rough feeling, maybe it is because of my roughness that people have this feeling." 」

But later, Van Gogh did discover the beauty of color.

In countless letters, he tirelessly told his brother about his understanding of color, "I conducted a series of studies on color by painting simple flowers, looking for the collision between blue and orange, red and green, yellow and purple, and reconciling extreme colors with matching colors and plain colors."

Van Gogh: Suffering without complaining, and then "difficult" to carry on one's own, this is the only practical thing

Immersed in the world of art, his passion seemed to never run out, and he created more than 800 oil paintings in just a few years, but in the end only one painting was sold, and it was only because of his brother's relationship that he sold it.

Van Gogh's eccentric paranoid and arrogant personality has made him spend his whole life in solitude, and it can be said that his life is quite unbearable and depressed, he has been unable to support himself all his life, he has been fed by his brother, and he has suffered from poverty and pain, and his enthusiasm seems to others to be just a joke and madness.

Even his family regarded him as a disgrace, and his only friend was his brother Theo, but the intimate feelings of the two brothers were also mixed with all kinds of suspicion and deception because of the financial relationship.

He also had revenge, and when he was expelled from the house by his father, he once wrote to Theo in his heart: "What kind of person am I in the eyes of most people?" A person who has no sense of purity, a person with a bitter face, is a person who has not had and will not have any social status in the future, in short, a person at the bottom of society, even so, even if these are facts, one day in the future, I will use my paintings to show the world, I am a nameless, pure person, a hot pillow for art. ”

He longs for success, for being appreciated and understood,

Van Gogh said: "You see, I work like a madman, although the results are not so satisfactory now, but I hope that when the time comes, these thorns will blossom into white flowers, and my seemingly fruitless struggle now is actually a pain of childbirth, and a momentary pain will lead to long-term happiness."

But Van Gogh did not wait for the rainbow after the storm in his lifetime, on the contrary, his spirit became more and more unstable.

The brief relationship with the painter Gauguin only plunged two artists with strong personalities into an endless quarrel: "I don't want to control, I am not afraid of emotions, when I paint the sun, I want people to feel that the sun is burning... Emitting light and heat, when I paint a farmer, I want to feel the sun baking him, like baking corn", "So when you paint these things, you will abuse the paint, you will want to beat the paint like putty, you will paint the tree like a writhing snake, your sun will fill the whole canvas, and what I see in your works is that you paint too fast!" "You're looking too fast."

And Gauguin directly abandoned him and made Van Gauguin even more mentally broken, and in his madness, he cut off his own ears.

After that, under the alternating torment of epileptic symptoms bipolar disorder, his spirit began to sink, he said the word "lonely" more and more, and he began to admit his failed life.

In 1890, in the last year of his life, he wrote a letter to his brother, saying: "I feel that I am a failure, I feel that I have accepted this fate, this fate, will never change."

What is amazing is that in the last three years of being severely tormented by mental illness, Van Gogh created the greatest work of his life.

In 1890, a young critic, Orier, published Van Gogh's Treatise, which gave Van Gogh a high opinion. Van Gogh was pleasantly surprised to think that Gauguin deserved such praise, and he retorted, but at the same time gave the critic a painting of his own as a token of appreciation. This was one of the few affirmations van Gogh received during his lifetime.

He once said, "The more ugly, despicable, sick, and poor I am, the more I want to take revenge on everything with brilliant colors, and I will carefully draw those colors to make them brilliant." ”

Van Gogh: Suffering without complaining, and then "difficult" to carry on one's own, this is the only practical thing

Center William Van Gogh

Van Gogh loved, struggled, and suffered, and he burned his lonely life without hesitation, leaving behind pure and beautiful paintings for future generations.

Van Gogh was miserable and sad during his lifetime, but his works gained wide recognition after his death and became immortal masterpieces.

Similarly, in life we should also have the spirit of perseverance, not giving up on ourselves is equal to not giving up our own life, no matter how bitter, tired, that is the trajectory of our own life, since we can not tamper with it, why not silently accept it.

A little more smile, a little more color.


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