
On the big screen, admire Van Gogh and Monet! The "New Live" Italian film exhibition opens

author:Beijing News

Beijing News (reporter Liu Zhen) on March 12, the high-definition art image projection brand "New Scene" and CGV Cinema Line held the "2021 Art Museum Theme Italian Film Exhibition" opened. The "Theme Film Exhibition" will present "Van Gogh: Dark Clouds and Wheat Fields under the Brush" and "Monet's Water Lilies: The Magic of Water Waves and Light and Shadow", in which the audience will see the magnified colors, brushstrokes and textures, as well as the dazzling paintings and curiosities in "Prado Museum" and "Hermitage Museum: The Power of Art", as well as the human geography glimpsed in "Palladio" and "Dinosaurs". From now until March 21, CGV Cinema Beijing INDIGO Store, Qinghe Store and Yizhuang Store began to release these documentaries.

On the big screen, admire Van Gogh and Monet! The "New Live" Italian film exhibition opens

The 2021 Art Museum Themed Italian Film Festival opens. New site courtesy of the picture

The documentary "Van Gogh: Dark Clouds and Wheat Fields under the Brush" revolves around the Van Gaulle collection on display in Vicenza, Italy, strung together the life and creative footprints of the painter before his death, and the 4K high-definition lens shows the beautiful colors and delicate brushstrokes between the square inches. The "Van Gogh: Between the Wheat Fields and the Sky" at the Palladio Church in Vicenza. Between wheat and sky) collections are all from private collector Helen Kuller-Mueller, who, although never met, bought nearly 300 of his works in his lifetime. The documentary chooses to unfold from Mueller's point of view, with letters throughout the film.

On the big screen, admire Van Gogh and Monet! The "New Live" Italian film exhibition opens

The documentary Van Gogh: Dark Clouds and Wheat Fields under the Brush is told from the perspective of a private collector. New site courtesy of the picture

Another documentary, Monet's Water Lilies: The Magic of Water Waves and Light and Shadow, sets off from the beginning of the artistic career of the Impressionist master Claude Monet, in the harbor city of Le Havre in northern France, and travels up the Seine River to find the place where he lived and traces of his creations.

On the big screen, admire Van Gogh and Monet! The "New Live" Italian film exhibition opens

The documentary "Monet's Water Lilies: The Magic of Water Waves and Light and Shadow" explores the artist's creative traces. New site courtesy of the picture

In addition, the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, was originally built in 1764 as a magnificent complex with the Winter Palace as the main body, witnessing the war, progress and prosperity of Russian civilization. With a collection of more than 3 million artifacts from various eras and fields, the museum is one of the most famous and visited museums in the world, as well as the museum with the richest painting exhibits, and this time it also launched "Hermitage Museum: The Power of Art".

On the big screen, admire Van Gogh and Monet! The "New Live" Italian film exhibition opens

The Hermitage Museum: The Power of Art has a collection of over 3 million artifacts from all eras and fields. New site courtesy of the picture

The Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio left the United Nations World Heritage Complex "Vicenza and Veneto Country House" for Italy, wrote the immortal "Four Books of Architecture" and rewrote the history of world architecture. In later generations, landmark buildings such as the White House, the U.S. Capitol, and the Wall Street Stock Exchange on the other side of the ocean all inherited the architectural style created by Palladio. Giacomo Gatti's documentary "Palladio" breaks the dry historical or biographical documentary model and visits venice in Italy, Vicenza, Washington, D.C., Brussels in Belgium and other cities to explore Palladio's architectural heritage and the humanistic spirit behind it.

In addition, there are also films such as "Dinosaurs" and "Prado Museum: Treasures of Miracles" that will be released in this theme screening.

Beijing News reporter Liu Zhen

Edited by Tian Kaini Proofreader Wei Zhuo

Source: Beijing News

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