
Carl Gustav Jung, My Beautiful Guardian Angel Intermittent Mania Sabina Elegant Caring Soul Guardian Empathy is counseling relationship veiled love is the cure for exorcism of demons Reason is the weapon that sustains counseling relationships Love is the most powerful productive ending archetype of the psychological value of the film may express the implicit message that the film may express

author:Zero condensation

Love is the eternal theme of human beings! When a counselor meets love— from the client he consults, what should he do? The film "My Beautiful Guardian Angel", based on the story of psychology guru Carl Gustav Jung, may have inspired us...

Carl Gustav Jung, My Beautiful Guardian Angel Intermittent Mania Sabina Elegant Caring Soul Guardian Empathy is counseling relationship veiled love is the cure for exorcism of demons Reason is the weapon that sustains counseling relationships Love is the most powerful productive ending archetype of the psychological value of the film may express the implicit message that the film may express

Carl Gustav Jung

Carl Gustav Jung (1875–1961) was a Swiss psychologist who founded the theory of personality analysis psychology and served as president of the International Society for Psychoanalysis and the International Association for Psychotherapy.

Love has always been a taboo in the psychological counseling community, the client's empathy for the psychological counselor is a normal phenomenon, how to deal with this transference, is to terminate the consultation, is to refer to other counselors, or to borrow the power to heal the client, which tests the professional determination and strength of the counselor!

The old Italian film "My Beautiful Guardian Angel" tells this story:

Sabina, a young and beautiful woman, was sent to a psychiatric hospital for hysteria. Her attending physician happened to be Dr. Freud's student. Jung)。 In the end, Zu used the power of love to awaken Sabina's inner rules and exchanged her for a normal life. After experiencing mental illness and the power of love, she eventually became an expert in Freudian theory.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Sabina with intermittent mania</h1>

Sabina from Moscow suffers from intermittent mania, her heart is like a caged bird, timid but longing for freedom in an authoritarian and violent family environment! Once, her sister died unexpectedly, which was even more devastating to her.

We know the importance of sisterly support in psychological growth, especially in the face of adversity. There is a scene in the film where when Zu is hypnotic to Sabina, Zu says the word "Sabina", but she says "death"! It can be seen that the death of her sister has been written into Sabina's subconscious fear.

So she started masochistically, she defined herself as a bad girl and tried to reflect it in the eyes of others! So she was beautiful and kind, and finally she was regarded as a madman by others.

Carl Gustav Jung, My Beautiful Guardian Angel Intermittent Mania Sabina Elegant Caring Soul Guardian Empathy is counseling relationship veiled love is the cure for exorcism of demons Reason is the weapon that sustains counseling relationships Love is the most powerful productive ending archetype of the psychological value of the film may express the implicit message that the film may express

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > elegant and intimate guardian of the heart</h1>

Zu was a student of Freud and had an aura of anticipation and admiration from the beginning. In fact, he also has an elegant and noble, dignified and handsome face.

In the high society of that era, life was full of refinement and patience, and people paid attention to detail to an unprecedented height. Zu is such a doctor, he treats his behavior meticulously, and the costume match exudes a charming atmosphere.

As a psychological counselor, Zu's thoughtfulness and empathy are professional needs, but they have become the only harbor for Sabina's soul to inhabit!

Carl Gustav Jung, My Beautiful Guardian Angel Intermittent Mania Sabina Elegant Caring Soul Guardian Empathy is counseling relationship veiled love is the cure for exorcism of demons Reason is the weapon that sustains counseling relationships Love is the most powerful productive ending archetype of the psychological value of the film may express the implicit message that the film may express

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > empathy is a veil of mystery over a consulting relationship</h1>

Empathy is a strong emotion that the client has toward the counselor, and it is the client who projects the emotional transfer of his past life onto the counselor. The most expressive manifestation of empathy is the love for the counselor. This is a very normal emotional transfer.

The biological nature of human nature determines that the feelings between men and women are based on empathy and coexistence. The counselor's thoughtfulness and understanding of the client is in fact a professional need, but it is often accepted by the client and becomes the object of emotional support.

Zu uses psychoanalysis derived from Freud to penetrate into Sabina's heart, he listens carefully to her whimsy, he uses word association tests to explore Sabina's subconscious, he feeds Sabina chocolate cake in the restaurant... All this allows Sabina to experience the care and pampering from the opposite sex that she has never experienced before.

So Sabina's love for Zu came to fruition...

Carl Gustav Jung, My Beautiful Guardian Angel Intermittent Mania Sabina Elegant Caring Soul Guardian Empathy is counseling relationship veiled love is the cure for exorcism of demons Reason is the weapon that sustains counseling relationships Love is the most powerful productive ending archetype of the psychological value of the film may express the implicit message that the film may express

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > love is the antidote to demons</h1>

It should be said that it is Zu's thoughtfulness and deep soul love that make Sabina's heart gradually return to normal. A small episode is added to the film, when Zu returns to Switzerland for military service, Sabina retreats back to serious psychological problems. At this time, the evolution of the plot is destined to be dramatic!

Sure enough, Zu once again pulled Sabina back to reality with love. Zu gave Sabina a small stone as a relic of his soul. From that moment on, in Sabina's heart, Zu was destined to be a beautiful angel who guarded her soul for a lifetime!

In early psychotherapy, empathy is very common and there is no effective response. The ethical terms that truly form the taboo on love are a long time away. In psychological counseling, it is strictly forbidden for the counselor to have any form of emotional relationship with the client, which makes sense, because the client, as a psychologically unhealthy group, admires the counselor from the counselor's professional responsibility. And this empathy, in the end, is often hurt by the client himself.

In the early days, however, emotional taboos were not yet written into the professional ethics of counselors. And Sabina's love did move Zu's heart for a while.

Carl Gustav Jung, My Beautiful Guardian Angel Intermittent Mania Sabina Elegant Caring Soul Guardian Empathy is counseling relationship veiled love is the cure for exorcism of demons Reason is the weapon that sustains counseling relationships Love is the most powerful productive ending archetype of the psychological value of the film may express the implicit message that the film may express

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > reason is the weapon that sustains the advisory relationship</h1>

Sabina's empathy makes Zu forget her role for a while. They seem to be trying to communicate, and Zu also wrote a poem and chanted: For you, willing to fight against the terrifying waves. As a winner, I paddle my oars now and enjoy this god-given time.

Zu also wrote to his teacher Freud: I know you will say that it is all my fault, but logic and reason sometimes do not work... I feel guilty for being a victim of human desires, and indeed as you said, love is the closest thing to the subconscious, love makes people crazy...

Not only as a psychological counselor, Zu clearly knows the unreality of this feeling, but also Zu himself is married and has his own lover and children. This is not allowed on both the legal and moral levels. Besides, he is at the peak of his career.

Some say that men are ruthless and rational animals. Maybe it's all about it here. There is no so-called love supremacy, there is only love to compromise with reality. And this compromise is undoubtedly correct. So in the end, Zu gave up this love with Sabina.

Sabina is furious about this, and she resents Zu's cowardice and worldliness. She was originally going to disclose the relationship to discredit Zu. But in the end, reason and love let her let go of Zu.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > love is the most powerful productive force</h1>

After experiencing the pain of heart-rending love, Sabina finally woke up. When all the dust settles, why not get out of the cocoon and be reborn?

Sabina returned to her hometown, got married and had children, and started a kindergarten in Moscow called "White". She uses the Freudian method to educate children, through a large number of extracurricular activities, so that children grow up happily and healthily in the pure kindergarten represented by "white"!

The idea of this kind of education is that if children are taught freedom at the beginning, then children will grow up truly freely.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > outcome</h1>

The film's ending is sad: in 1942, Sabina, a Jew, and her daughter were shot dead by the German Nazis. Before dying, Sabina quietly put the diary she had carried with her and the stone that her ancestors had given her into a drawer on a table in the church. That's why her story is known to us today.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > prototype</h1>

The film is based on a true story, and Zu is based on the great psychologist Carl Gustav Jung

Sabina was indeed a patient that Jung had truly experienced. Jung had seriously reflected on this story, and at the age of 36, wrote the book "Symbols of Transformation".

Jung's theory of the period of personality development states that each person experiences childhood, adolescence, middle age, and old age. And this experience of his is the reflection of himself in it. He believes that abandoning Sabina symbolizes his liberation from the Oedipus complex.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the psychological value of the film</h1>

Love is the ability to create love. - Fromm

The counselor's greatest empathy with the client is the client's empathy itself. Love is a taboo for counselors, but love is also the most powerful psychotherapeutic remedy.

If psychotherapy can give the client a kind of love power, through the counselor's empathy, with their most sincere love, to evoke the love in the subconscious of the visitor, and at the same time transform love into the power of love for life, then this kind of psychotherapy is undoubtedly great and successful!

Jung not only cured Sabina's psychological problems, but also awakened her strength to love life, and their psychotherapy was successful because of love, but eventually surpassed love itself! As a result, Jung became sabina's most beautiful guardian angel throughout her life!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the implicit information that a film may express</h1>

▲ Jung and Faust

Born in 1875 into a family of village Protestant priests in Switzerland, Jung was proud to inherit his grandfather's name, "Karl Gustav Jung". His grandfather was a professor of medicine at the University of Basel in Switzerland and was reported to be Goethe's illegitimate son. Perhaps influenced by it, Jung's lifelong love of Goethe's Faust's work also found his academic inspiration in this work. From the film, we seem to be able to feel faust's narrative style of combining reality and romance. Is this also one of the implicit messages that the film is trying to convey?

Carl Gustav Jung, My Beautiful Guardian Angel Intermittent Mania Sabina Elegant Caring Soul Guardian Empathy is counseling relationship veiled love is the cure for exorcism of demons Reason is the weapon that sustains counseling relationships Love is the most powerful productive ending archetype of the psychological value of the film may express the implicit message that the film may express


The theory is gray, only the tree of life is evergreen! - Goethe, Faust

▲ Jung and art

If you have an image of a thing, we have half of the thing, and the image of the world is half of the world. - Jung

Jung's Red Book is a work of dialogue with one's own soul. Perhaps the text is boring, but the painting can reveal the deep feelings of the author's soul. Indeed, from the paintings in the book, we can feel a struggle within Jung, but it is eventually organized. So just like the overall plot arrangement of the film, Jung and Sabina's emotional entanglement, in the end Jung's rationality triumphed over sensibility. This may also express Jung's artistic spiritual world from the side.

Carl Gustav Jung, My Beautiful Guardian Angel Intermittent Mania Sabina Elegant Caring Soul Guardian Empathy is counseling relationship veiled love is the cure for exorcism of demons Reason is the weapon that sustains counseling relationships Love is the most powerful productive ending archetype of the psychological value of the film may express the implicit message that the film may express

Image from Jung's Red Book

Carl Gustav Jung, My Beautiful Guardian Angel Intermittent Mania Sabina Elegant Caring Soul Guardian Empathy is counseling relationship veiled love is the cure for exorcism of demons Reason is the weapon that sustains counseling relationships Love is the most powerful productive ending archetype of the psychological value of the film may express the implicit message that the film may express
Carl Gustav Jung, My Beautiful Guardian Angel Intermittent Mania Sabina Elegant Caring Soul Guardian Empathy is counseling relationship veiled love is the cure for exorcism of demons Reason is the weapon that sustains counseling relationships Love is the most powerful productive ending archetype of the psychological value of the film may express the implicit message that the film may express
Carl Gustav Jung, My Beautiful Guardian Angel Intermittent Mania Sabina Elegant Caring Soul Guardian Empathy is counseling relationship veiled love is the cure for exorcism of demons Reason is the weapon that sustains counseling relationships Love is the most powerful productive ending archetype of the psychological value of the film may express the implicit message that the film may express

In short, if you love psychology, if you love Jung, if you respect love, if you advocate reason, then go to see the film "My Beautiful Guardian Angel", maybe it can give you some human inspiration and benefit you for life...

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