
Flying Dreams Eleven

author:Fog chases dreams

Missing clouds

Worry er is finally back, she has been away from me for so long, and finally back! I hope she brings me back the news I need. She left me for a few days, I have been staying in the place where the clouds are charged, not leaving a step, I want to stay here, I hope that the clouds will see me immediately when they come back. However, the cloud did not return, she disappeared in front of me!

I only hope that Yu Yu'er can bring me back the news of the clouds, in fact, I am very confused in this world, I am very unfamiliar with everything here, just like the original who just came to this world, my eyes are black, I have very little confidence in myself, because I am simply a confused person, I have no ability to deal with any emergencies that occur here, perhaps, I have no knowledge to deal with the corresponding work, I can only accept that kind of forced labor, to do mining things.

Worried Er's mood is a little low, maybe she has no news of clouds at all, maybe clouds have encountered some problems that are not optimistic.

I asked anxiously, "How?" Is there any news of clouds? Tell me why you don't talk, you're going to kill me. ”

"Yun Cai was caught, she is now in the waste warehouse, I don't know how Yun Cai used to impersonate me and deceive everyone." ”

I said mechanically, "Got caught!" Inside the scrap warehouse! Why? Why arrest you? Is it because we rescued you from the scrap warehouse? Is it just for this reason? If so, then, this society is too dull! ”

"What you said is only one of the reasons, because after all, we are only intelligent robots, and mutilation is equivalent to our death, although the consciousness is still there, this consciousness may be the soul of human beings?" It seems that we also have souls, is it a fortunate thing?! ”

I said a little excitedly, "But the clouds are not mutilated, she does not have any scars, why should she die!" Why didn't she argue? Don't you think that's a very strange thing in itself? Also, you say she impersonates you? Why would she want to impersonate you? ”

Worried Er said, "That is, I am also very confused about this, and I don't know what clouds mean?" Why did she willingly accept that injustice? ”

I said, "No, I'm going to save her, I don't want to see the clouds so inexplicably mutilated, I'm going to get justice for her and give her a clean slate." ”

Yu'er said, "After your last warehouse trip, it is impossible to recreate the scene at that time now." Now the guards of the warehouse are very strict, and without a pass, it is impossible to blend in so easily. ”

I said, "Worry, what do you mean, don't we have any way to do anything now?" Can't the clouds be rescued? ”

Yu'er said, "Brother, don't worry, I didn't say that, but it seems very difficult to save her now." Why are clouds willing to suffer for me? This is very illogical, I am worried about her, there is no special definition, why is she willing to make such a huge sacrifice for me? Probably not for me! By the way, it should be because of you, the sacrifices that the clouds have made because of you, the roots are in you! ”

I was a little dazed: "In me?" Why in me and not in you? Are you shirking? The clouds dress up as you, willingly endure everything for you, let you escape such a careful search, you are now free, actually made up such a magnificent excuse to shirk your responsibilities, you can actually enjoy the peace that the clouds have sacrificed for you! Don't you feel like an expired snack that has begun to spoil slowly? ”

Worried Er bowed his head, and his expression was soaked with sadness: "I, in the distant sky, in the midst of hurried prosperity, feel the loneliness of resting." The sky shone with a bright light, like the brilliance of a shooting star, and I looked back in surprise, but I saw, but I saw the whip that love had swung at me. I closed my eyes and said in my heart, I am a lamb, I accept the whipping that belongs to me, I should not think about it, the peak of the flood peak originally did not have me, but I have to chase myself... ”

I felt a little remorse for my sorrow, and murmured, "No, worry, I spoke a little heavier, I'm sorry, I don't mean that, I'm worried about the clouds to say that, don't misunderstand, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." ”

Worried Er still said in a low voice, "No, you don't have to say sorry to me, you don't have anything to be sorry for me." It should be that I think about it more, I should understand the end of my own inadequacy, but I have to be stupid to steal the forbidden fruit. I'm going to help you change the clouds back, I hope you treat her well, and I wish you a blessing, is it our last goodbye? Because we have no more later. ”

I faced The worrier, I didn't know what to do: "Worry, I don't have the heart to hurt you, don't you want to go?" Let's discuss and discuss, you are completely hurting my heart when you go like this, I think my heart has begun to bleed, worry, don't you look back at me? ”

My language did not impress the worrier, she still walked slowly, I was very disappointed, for the impermanence of my joy and sorrow, perhaps this is the result of my indecision, perhaps it is a bitter fruit in itself, it is surrounded by endless thoughts, slowly growing up.

I was very disappointed, no, it should be desperate, I said to myself: "Forget it, all this is because of me, I will bear it myself, I don't want to see the clouds, what is the use of changing back, you guys are good to yourself, goodbye!" ”

The worrier stopped, and she turned and ran frantically toward me, holding me tightly, whimpering in her mouth, and I saw tears in her eyes. For a moment, I really didn't know if she was human or something else. Seeing her psychological fluctuations for me, I felt very sorry for her, and feeling her discomfort was actually my discomfort. When I unconsciously tortured her, I was actually torturing myself.

I wiped her tears for her and whispered softly in her ear, "Don't be sad, I'm in pain." ”

Worried Er said, "I'm sorry, brother, I'm sorry, I was a little rough just now, you don't feel bad, I don't want you to feel bad." Clouds I will find a way to save her, you don't have to worry. ”

I said, "No, you don't have to take care of the cloud thing anymore, I will solve it by myself, I want to write an article to petition, why can't I be commended for being hurt for others?" Sacrificing for others without being treated? This society has been so advanced, why neglect these shining details? ”

Worried Er said, "Actually, the clouds really replaced me because of you, don't you understand?" The clouds are in love with you! She understands your attitude toward me, understands your concern for kindness and emotion, she knows what kind of character she is, and she understands how she should do it. ”

Some words of worry made me wake up like a dream, but I was very dazed, and I asked myself in my heart: Can I love like this? What kind of love is this! fraternity?!

(To be continued)