
Flying Dreams V

author:Fog chases dreams

Me and my alternative

A beautiful woman in a nurse's uniform came up to me and said to me, "Come, sir, take your medicine." ”

She gave me two pills that couldn't be smaller, and didn't give me water, is this miss nurse's forgetting? I looked at those two pills, so small, I really wondered if it could cure the disease? Thinking about it, I felt that my body still had the pain after the injury, and my head was dizzy. Also, such a small pill can be swallowed without drinking water. I put the pill in my mouth, and as soon as I raised my head, I found that the pill melted in my mouth and was long gone. At the same time, I felt that my mind was surrounded by a fresh comfort, very refreshing, comfortable, and the pain in my body seemed to disappear without a trace. I can't help but think that people nowadays are really amazing, science and technology have reached such a point, and such a miracle drug can be manufactured.

Miss Nurse said to me: "Your body has been examined, there is no problem, due to the violent concussion, the bones of the body will appear sore for a while, and you have a slight concussion, all this does not matter, rest for two days will recover." Remember to drink plenty of water. ”

I hurriedly said, "Beautiful Miss Nurse, I would like to ask you two questions, please tell me." Miss Nurse looked at me with big beautiful eyes, meaning very clearly.

I said "Please tell me, where is the water going to be fetched?" ”

She looked at me and smiled, "You really came to an alien planet," she pointed to a few small straws on the cabinet in front of the bed, "See no, put the straw in the eye of the cabinet, you can drink water, how?" I won't even have to teach you to drink water, will I? ”

I said, "Thanks, if I'm hungry eating there?" ”

She looked at me and shook her head and said, "Looks like you really need a guide, see that little bottle on the cupboard?" The small pills in there can last for two days, and you had better not eat too much, otherwise we will help you lose weight. She said she was leaving.

I hurriedly stopped her: "Pretty Miss Nurse, I have one more question." The worrier with me, the guide you said, was she in that ward? ”

Miss Nurse turned her head to look at me and paused for a moment before saying, "She's not here, she's probably gone." With that she turned and left.

I looked at the ceiling in a daze and said repeatedly, "No more, no more!" "Worried that she is gone, it means that she is gone, how can it be!" The last smile on her face when she looked at me, kept dangling in front of me, how could she be gone? I felt a little bitter in my heart, I really regretted it, when she smiled at me at the end, she was a kind of relief to see me alive, I should have hugged her, at least to express my sincere gratitude. I feel that I don't have a bit of a manly demeanor now, and my intestines are green. I'm so hypocritical now that I can even say I'm sorry.

I had been immersed in a sour sense of self-blame, and my mood had fallen to a freezing point. When I grew up, it seemed that I had never shed tears, and at this moment I wanted to cry, really, but I couldn't cry, and there was a kind of depression in my heart that I couldn't vent at all, but I felt extremely uncomfortable, not even thirst or hunger, because they seemed to be unimportant in my heart.

The door to the ward was pushed open and a man came in, and she came straight up to me, smiled and said to me, "Hey, handsome brother, how are you?" ”

I was still looking at the ceiling, motionless, and my thoughts were ethereal: "You, who, ah... ”

She said, "I'm worried, you don't remember me?" I'm your guide. ”

I turned my head to look at her, paused for a moment and said to her, "No, you're not worried. ”

She was very much like a worrier, her size, her figure, her appearance, she was exactly the same. But, I know, she's not worried, because she doesn't have the kind of familiar brilliance in her eyes that makes me feel kind. That kind of light wave was only read by me, and she in front of me was just a fake.

I debunked her to the point, making her very embarrassed and standing there not knowing what to do? But just for a few seconds, she giggled and said, "Brother, you're so good, how do you see that I'm not really worried, I'm very curious." ”

I said, "You told me that You're there now, and I'll satisfy your curiosity." ”

She said, "I just told you, and it didn't work, because you couldn't save her." ”

She must have known the whereabouts of The Sorrowful Er, and I must have asked her to tell me. We went into each other's cold war silence, and I asked her directly if it was useless, and she wouldn't tell me. Stimulating her may make her obey.

I sighed and said, "You've just been cloned, right?" You have a smell of latex on your body, although you are intelligent and have a certain ability to think, but after all, you are not really human, it belongs to a different kind. In fact, you gave me a guide, there was nothing originally, but I was used to worrying around me, used to it, you know? ”

Her expression was a little frustrated: "I didn't expect that your observation ability is so accurate, I don't think You'er will tell you this, you must have seen it yourself." ”

I said, "Since you are my guide, you should help me find the troubled child, I miss her very much." ”

She looked at me with a look of surprise on her face! As if to say, is worry so important to you? She seemed determined to say to me, "Well, I'll take you to see her, that's all." ”

I took her hand and said, "Thank you, guide." ”

She smiled and said, "How do you make me feel so honored to be a guide, I'm a little dizzy." ”

The repression in my heart seemed to have been released, and I sighed deeply, which made me feel thirsty and hungry. I picked up the straw on the cupboard, placed it inside that eye, and bent my head to suck hard. She giggled from the sidelines. I tilted my head and looked at her: "Laughing at what? You don't help me, still laughing silly there, is that funny? ”

She laughed and said, "I thought you knew, that straw can be shaped at will, it doesn't have to be so hard." You're so cute like that! Do you know how to eat food? Eating one pill at a time can be managed for two days, and you can't eat too much, so it is easy to get obesity. She gently stretched the straw with her hand.

I laughed and said, "Actually, I know, just tease you, see you so happy, a little silly, hahahahaha!" ”

She looked a little upset: "You really are, do you think we don't have self-esteem?" It's so sad, I'm thinking about whether to help you find the worriers. I said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just kidding." Can you tell me what your name is? ”

She said lightly, "What are these for?" I'm just a temporary guide, and when it's over, I forget it! Come gently, as gently as you go, waving your sleeves without taking away a cloud. ”

I was very surprised and said, "You can still write Xu Zhimo's poems!" She said: "In this era, all good things will be passed on." In front of her, I still did not dare to ask, what era is this! This question is a mystery to me.

(To be continued)

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