
Seven great beauties

author:Cosmic Joy Garden

At this time, Ye Tong's cultivation was really ridiculously high, and his spiritual cultivation had already reached the level of 20 emperors.

The cultivation of the body, that is, the True Yuan Qi in the Danhai, had already exceeded the number of 15 emperors.

The existence of his cultivation is not to say that it is unique in the mortal world, even in the Immortal Realm.

Today's Immortal Realm Emperor Qu culture, whether it is spiritual cultivation or physical cultivation, is far behind Ye Tong.

You can imagine how surprised Ye Tong was when he was in front of the thirty elders who had escaped death!

The old ghost, who first spotted Ye Tong, shouted loudly, "Our king is back!" The apocalypse of the turtles and grandchildren who ravaged us has come! ”

With the exclamation of the old ghost, the surrounding people cheered!

The hundreds of officers and men who maintained order saw Ye Tong's means, dropped their weapons one by one, penetrated into the people, and became the cheers of the people.

Ye Tong saw the actions made by these soldiers, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He flew to the front of the thirty elders, his mind racing, the ropes that bound them, and the brushes and breaks at once.

Ye Tong asked him what had happened after he left the Phoenix Palace.

The Du Hua Sect Lord and the Old Cang Ghost alternately told the story of the incident.

It turned out that since Ye Tong left, the Immortal Realm Messenger had also left.

The elders could only conceal the news and try to keep the kingdom as peaceful and healthy as possible.

But on the occasion of the king's appearance, the king still did not show his face.

The first year passed smoothly.

But the following year, foreign emissaries came to visit, and still did not see the king appear.

As a result, spies from various countries began to become active.

They learned that the king had disappeared for a year.

The news soon went away!

Not only did several other countries in the Ancient Continent know about it, but the people of the Phoenix Nation also knew about it.

For a time, some greedy people abroad were eager to move.

Some lawless elements in China have taken advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble.

Once again, when the foreign combined forces invaded, the Phoenix Kingdom, an army without a king, naturally failed.

As a result, a large number of foreigners invaded, ordinary people were harassed, and their lives were precarious.

Until now, the palace has been occupied by the Combined Forces.

The army has the final say in all national policies.

These soldiers who fight wars are like bandits, snatching every penny from the people, and the people complain.

The people had to work hard under taxes that were 100% higher than before.

Since this rule has lasted for two years, the good things in the hands of the people have been almost looted.

And that's not all, all the people of the Phoenix Kingdom who have been exiled to other countries have been treated like dogs and have become the lowest wanderers.

When Ye Tong heard this, he still didn't get angry!

He only sent his own cultivation to the ten elders, including the Old Cang Ghost, the Duhua Sect Lord, and Elder Wu.

These ten elders immediately became the Great Emperor Realm.

This kind of cultivation is in the mortal world, and almost no one can surpass it!

The result is predictable!

Within an hour, thousands of people were tied up in the entire palace.

These people knelt on the square opposite the palace, and one by one they were all powerless.

Among these people, there were no less than a hundred people who had entered the Immortal Level.

But in the fight with the ten elders, they were sucked dry and cultivated, and each one became a skin bag bone.

Ye Tong saw this appearance above the square and sighed at the fierceness of the ten elders!

The ten elders still did not lose their breath, and they also stripped away the generals who had been bound but had been slightly cultivated, soul power and True Yuan Qi, and turned them all into ordinary people.

They handed these people over to Ye Tong for punishment.

Then the ten men split into five groups and went to five countries.

In the square, Ye Tong put more than 100 people who had committed the most heinous crimes on the spot in front of the people, and the rest of them were imprisoned.

The news of Ye Tong's return soon spread throughout Phoenix.

The people of Phoenix immediately boiled over and went to the streets to carry out various welcome ceremonies.

They held small flags in the streets during the day and shouted slogans.

Carrying lanterns at night, walking the streets and alleys.

The people celebrated for three whole days!

After the fifth day, a large number of treasures and daily necessities poured into Phoenix from five countries in a long line.

These things are the compensation received by the ten elders, that is, the ten emperors, after conquering the five kingdoms.

This time it was lively, and the whole Phoenix Country, every family was given a variety of grain that livestock could not eat every few years.

And the people of Phoenix, every household from poverty, to the materials that can live a rich life.

Other cities are also full of harvests.

The compensation received by the Phoenix Nation this time almost hollowed out the wealth of the other five countries.

Ye Tong lived in the freshly painted royal palace!

Regained control of the kingdom.

He also did not arrange the boundary in the palace, and directly released more than seventy big children in the storage finger.

At this moment, the whole palace was active!

Children flew over the palace and lingered in various fun places in the palace.

Ye Tong is assured of them!

These little guys, take out any one, and cultivate to the realm of the Great Emperor!

It is only the second child born by the three beauties, still left in the storage finger, Tian Fangfang and Bone Butterfly are all singlets, and Delise is still a 36-twin.

These second batch of children born are also more than two years old.

In the past half a month, the national order has returned to its original state, and Ye Tong often enters the storage finger to accompany the second batch of dolls.

The reason why they stayed in the storage finger was entirely because the aura in the storage finger was still strong, although it was not as good as 1/5 of the original, but it was ten times richer than the outside.

For these newborns, it is like the environment in the FairyLand.

Ye Tong looked at these two-year-old children, thought about the situation when he was tortured by Chao Yuanzhu, and couldn't help but sigh that he was blessed by misfortune.

If it weren't for this bead, he wouldn't have the same cultivation as he does today.

He often wondered, has today's Immortal Emperor Qu culture also experienced the tempering of this bead?

Sometimes he inexplicably felt that the Immortal Emperor Qu Culture had borrowed this bead given to him by Princess Yingying, although it was harmful to him, it seemed to give him another chance.

One day in three months, Ye Tong was receiving foreign emissaries in the palace, and the reporter rushed in in a panic.

He knelt on the ground and whispered, "Your Majesty, there are seven women outside the palace who claim to be messengers of the Immortal Realm, and they are asking to see you!" ”

When the foreign emissaries heard that there were seven Immortal Emissaries, they immediately panicked.

They hid behind the screen without Ye Tong's consent, and a few timid ones actually climbed out of the window and escaped.

They thought that Ye Tong was in trouble!

Ye Tong paid no attention to them at all, and said to the reporting officer in a gentle tone, "Invite them in!" ”


——Your attention is the driving force behind my story! Thank you!!

Tomato novels...

Title: "All the Way to the Immortal Emperor"