
He once "dominated the world", but he fell in front of the new crown...

author:There is reason and face

According to Japanese media reports, Shinichi Chiba, a well-known actor in the Japanese film industry, died of new crown pneumonia at the age of 82 in a hospital in Chiba Prefecture, Japan, on the afternoon of the 19th.

He once "dominated the world", but he fell in front of the new crown...

When it comes to Shinichi Chiba, many people don't agree on the number. He is the actor who played the role of "Xiongba" in the movie "The Storm Dominates the World", which was once popular all over the country. This made Brother Li very emotional, another memory of childhood, left. What makes me even more emotional is that the people who once "dominated the world" in our hearts actually fell in front of the new crown...

He once "dominated the world", but he fell in front of the new crown...

Moreover, not only Shinichi Chiba, the Japanese performing arts industry has been infected with the new crown by many actors in a row, such as kitamura, a young actor who starred in "I Want to Eat Your Pancreas", Anjun Shizun, an actor who is more familiar to many young Chinese people, and Nagano Yasuyuki, an actress known for her sweet and cuteness.

He once "dominated the world", but he fell in front of the new crown...

It can be seen that the situation in the Japanese performing arts industry directly reflects the severity of the epidemic in Japan. If you pay attention to the epidemic in Japan after the Olympic Games in recent days, you will find that it has been like a wild horse that has lost its reins, running at great speed across Japan.

On August 18, Japan's new infection cases of 23,917 cases, a record high, and its nationwide infection momentum is still increasing, the government urgently declared 7 new places into a state of emergency, Tokyo Osaka medical resources emergency, and hospital cluster infection, Okinawa has become the state of India during the worst period of the epidemic, known by the media as "the most infected place in the world".

He once "dominated the world", but he fell in front of the new crown...

Japanese media reported that Tokyo, which has the most abundant medical resources and the second most severe epidemic in Japan, has more than 80% of intensive care beds occupied, while neighboring Kanagawa Prefecture has reached 100%.

There are nearly 20,000 COVID-19 patients in Tokyo who cannot be hospitalized, and many of them have already experienced breathlessness, but they can only be persuaded to go home for oxygen, no different from waiting for death.

Okinawa, which has become the hardest hit area in Japan, can be called "hell on earth". The infection density in Okinawa Prefecture reached 287.34 people per 100,000 people. You know, the number of infections per 100,000 people in India was 198.5 at the height of the epidemic! At present, Okinawa is running out of vaccines, hospital beds are gone, and oxygen is extremely scarce.

You know, next week Japan will hold the Paralympic Games, when athletes from all over the world will arrive in Japan, and the Chinese delegation of 437 people will also go to Tokyo. Since it is going to hold a world-class competition, the bad Japanese epidemic is not just its own business, it is likely to serve as a "source of infection" and then bring down the world. Will the Japanese government be able to shoulder its responsibilities at that time?

However, this is not difficult for the Japanese, after all, what they are best at is to bow deeply, and then there is no follow-up... Responsible? Refer to the nuclear wastewater incident, how many times to bow, take responsibility? That's not possible at once.

In fact, the outbreak of the epidemic after the Olympic Games is a foreseeable situation, and Japan risked the expansion of the epidemic to host the Olympic Games, originally wanting to change the "national fortunes" through the Olympic Games, because the Japanese people have a deep and incomprehensible superstition about the "Olympic Games and the luck of a strong country". Unfortunately, the national fortune has not been revitalized, and the epidemic situation has been "very handy". Holding up a sign in his hand, the owner of a small shop asked, "If you have money to run the Olympics, why don't you have money to subsidize us?" is the biggest irony of Japan.

He once "dominated the world", but he fell in front of the new crown...

Unfortunately, Suga, whose support rate has been declining, although he admitted that the epidemic is getting more and more serious and has brought serious medical pressure, he refuses to let all of Japan enter a state of emergency.

In fact, what Suga calls "medical stress" is roughly equivalent to "the collapse of the medical system." Now there are already a lot of elderly people in Japan waiting at home until they die, not to mention that even the home oxygen inhaler is in urgent need. Although this point is very similar to India, Japan is one of the top countries in the world in terms of the number of beds per capita, which shows the severity of the epidemic in Japan! Moreover, Japan is also a country dominated by private hospitals, and in the case of such a serious epidemic, due to the rising number of medical personnel infected, some private hospitals will also choose to close their doors, which will only further exacerbate the epidemic crisis.

It can be said that "he is stronger than him, and the breeze blows on the mountains" is Japan's current anti-epidemic attitude, which is also very timely to give China a sample. Why? You see, after Japan, which claims that the number of beds per capita and the overall medical level is higher than China's", it is this virtue that is completely "broken" by the medical system, so can China's medical system withstand the serious consequences of the so-called "coexistence with the virus"? Therefore, we must continue to "clear zero".

Many people will wonder why Japan has to learn from its big American brother to fight the epidemic because of the class representatives like China around it. This is actually a bit embarrassing for the Japanese government, they are really a stomach "grievance", can only shout "concubines can't do it"...

A small example can show the organizational and mobilization ability of the Japanese government. At the beginning of this year, Japan said that it would build a square cabin hospital similar to that in Wuhan, China, but until the current outbreak of the N-wave epidemic, not even a shadow was seen!

We have been in China for a long time, it is easy to get used to using our state and way to compare other countries, but also used to see the party and the government when big things and small things happen, and the habit has gradually become a matter of course. But in fact, an epidemic has made us see that not all countries in the world can be people-centered like China at any cost, but they have found that they are basically interest-centered. Not every country has the ability to mobilize such a powerful organization as China, but it is found that it is very rare to be able to do this.

It turned out that we had been standing on the top of the mountain blowing the wind alone, never thinking that we had actually been "alone and defeated"...

Of course, there are various reasons for the outbreak of the epidemic, but the government's ability to organize epidemic prevention can be regarded as a decisive factor in epidemic prevention and control. Japan envies China, but they really can't do it.

Historically, Japan learned a lot of essence from China, but did not learn from the centralized rule of ancient China. Japan is a country with a deep tradition of decentralization, which is not suitable for centralization, and there has been no tradition of collectivism since ancient times, and there has been a unified centralized central government for a long time, even if there is an emperor and a shogun, they have not really formed an administrative system of unity and unity. For the vast majority of time, political power within the geographical scope of modern Japan existed either as a decentralized state or in a feudal form in the traditional sense.

This tradition of decentralization in Japan still has considerable influence on the way modern society is organized. Due to the long period of small government and separation of powers, Japan has lost the ability to mobilize as a whole. The Japanese government cannot concentrate on the personnel and resources of various localities, nor can it direct the mobilization of various systems and departments. Therefore, Japan's epidemic prevention and other similar disaster relief work has shown a high degree of dependence on community self-help. Even in a large city as densely populated as Tokyo, each neighborhood or residential building has its own autonomous committee. Therefore, the Japanese high-level lacks sufficient power, resources, and legitimacy to quickly carry out epidemic prevention work from top to bottom.

How low is their power and control over resources? To put it this way, Japan has not even had a national Centers for Disease Control (CDC) so far, only information centers, and the resources that can be mobilized are lackluster. This is unimaginable in China.

Furthermore, Japan's long tradition of decentralized small government has made the Japanese people's sense of collectivism low. Relevant research shows that globally, the average level of Japanese "collectivist values" is not only lower than in China, but even lower than in European countries such as Greece. This has led to the Japanese people behaving as "Buddhist" in epidemic prevention, believing that it is enough to take care of themselves and that it is absolutely impossible to sacrifice their rights for the sake of collective interests.

Therefore, Brother Li wants to say here again, those "day blowing" even if they like to blow, we must also seek truth from facts, the new crown virus has been proved many times to be "exclusive treatment of all kinds of disobedience", if you can't practice on the field, you know half a pound and eight two.

Of course, we cannot rejoice in Japan's fall in the pandemic. The virus mutation caused by the fall of the epidemic in India has also affected our country, and we must still insist on keeping a low profile and do ourselves. Chinese collectivist values are not limited to China itself, but have the height of a "community with a shared future for mankind", higher than the pattern of "Japan, where the small life is good"!

Let's not "dominate the world.". Because the person who "dominates the world", the country that has always been "dominating the world", has fallen in front of the new crown...

Lessons from the past!

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