
Too busy to go to the toilet? Often "holding back", it is easy to hold out the disease and hold the breath and hold the urine

author:Professor Li Zhong, an expert in traditional Chinese medicine oncology

I'm in a meeting, it's not convenient to go to the toilet, so I'll hold back for a while

Busy and anxious, I suddenly had the intention of defecating, and I couldn't bear to wait for the work at hand to finish

Angry at someone else's words, on the surface there is no seizure, but in the heart can not let go for a long time


In life, we often encounter similar situations that need to be "held back", and many people have to do it as a last resort, but we should remind everyone that this kind of holding is easy to hold out of the disease!

Too busy to go to the toilet? Often "holding back", it is easy to hold out the disease and hold the breath and hold the urine

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > hold your breath</h1>

Introverted personality, on the surface of obedience, no complaints, but in the heart of the resentment, painful struggle; depressed, sullen, but do not love to vent; a very small thing in life can make themselves anxious, the mood is always in a state of tension; on the surface everywhere to sacrifice themselves to plan for others, but the heart is extremely reluctant; encounter difficulties, do not try their best to overcome at the beginning, drag to the end to do the fight of the beast; afraid of competition, escape from reality... In psychology, this is summarized as "cancer personality".

A survey of 8,000 cancer patients in the United States showed that the clinical manifestations of most malignant tumors occurred during periods of disappointment, loneliness and other heavy blows and frequent occurrences of mental stress.

Among them, lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer is more obviously affected by emotions: liver cancer patients generally have the experience of anger and liver injury; esophageal cancer patients are stubborn, acute people; gastric cancer patients have frequent sulking; long-term sad emotions will make prolactin secretion too much, resulting in breast cancer; people who are estranged from others and love to provoke right and wrong are more likely to suffer from digestive and lymphatic system cancer.

People are in a long-term depressed state, and it takes at least two or three years to develop symptoms. If you feel that the things in your life that make you angry are like a roadblock, you can't get over it, your thoughts are drilled into the horns, and your depressed mentality lasts a long time, reaching more than one or two years, you have to be careful.

Too busy to go to the toilet? Often "holding back", it is easy to hold out the disease and hold the breath and hold the urine

Unclogging agent

1. Have two or three friends or family members you can talk to.

2. Laugh three times a day. Foreign countries have conducted blood sample tests on cancer patients watching comedy, and found that after they laughed, the activity of normal cells in the body was greatly improved.

3. Use the "decompression valve" of emotions, the simplest is to do deep breathing, you can also go to an open place to shout a few times, or go out to travel.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="59" > poop</h1>

Some people in special positions, such as tour guides, drivers, toll booth staff, etc., are inconvenient to go to the toilet, and they will endure until they can no longer bear it before going to the toilet.

There are also some netizens who can't take care of eating when they are busy, and they can't take care of going to the toilet. If the stool is not discharged in time, the water is repeatedly absorbed, resulting in constipation, difficult to discharge, there are data showing that people who often constipation, the probability of inducing cancer is 3 times higher than that of people who are inconvenient to secret.

1. Generally, after getting up in the morning or after breakfast, it is most likely to have a bowel intention, so the row is the most scientific at this time. As far as possible, it is necessary to have regular defecation, even if there is no intention of defecation, it is necessary to "routinely" and form its own defecation "biological clock".

2. People plagued by constipation, the staple food should not be too fine, eat more coarse grains, you can get up early and drink a cup of light salt water on an empty stomach, and drink a cup of yogurt before going to bed.

3. When defecating, you can put something under your feet to promote defecation.

Too busy to go to the toilet? Often "holding back", it is easy to hold out the disease and hold the breath and hold the urine

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="61" > hold urine</h1>

Holding urine seems to be a "common disease" of many people, some because they can't put down the work at hand, and some are helpless to find a toilet on the way. Holding urine not only damages the sphincter of the bladder, but also makes the toxic substances in the urine cannot be excreted in time, prolonging the action time of carcinogens in the urine on the bladder, and easily induce bladder cancer.

According to the research report of American scientists, those who have the habit of holding urine are 3-5 times more likely to have bladder cancer than the average person. Staff, tour guides, and drivers and passengers at highway toll booths are all people with a high incidence of urinary tract infections.

1. Train the "bladder". Develop the habit of urinating regularly, such as "regular urination" every two hours. When the time comes, whether there is a desire to urinate or not, you must urinate in time, if the time to urinate is not enough, even if you have the intention to urinate, you must endure for a while, so that you can exercise the urine storage function of the bladder.

2. Whether it is during work, study or meetings, there should be a "intermission" time.

3. After holding back the urine for a period of time, in addition to emptying the bladder as soon as possible, the best way is to add a lot of water and force yourself to urinate several times, which has a rinsing effect on the bladder and can avoid the proliferation of bacteria in the bladder. 

Of course, it is alarmist to say that these unhealthy habits will directly lead to cancer, but if we do not pay attention to these "precipitating factors", it will have a bad impact on our lives. Do every little thing around you, exercise moderately, adhere to good living and eating habits, and enhance your own immunity.

Professor Li Zhong made an appointment channel

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