
Philosophical quotations that make your heart calm as water, send a circle of friends to attract people's thoughts

author:Beautiful sentences and texts

First, people, who have a heart of dreaming the Red Chamber, but live in the world of Water Margin, want to make friends with some Taoyuan brothers in the Three Kingdoms, but always encounter some demons and ghosts in the Journey to the West.

Second, the three truths of life: violence can really solve everything, handsome can really be eaten as a meal, and money can really do whatever you want.

Third, some things, just experience it. Just like some people, it's good to meet. As for whether you are successful or not, whether you are together or not, it really doesn't matter. In the end, we will eventually find that what makes us grow and what we miss will always be the process.


Philosophical quotations that make your heart calm as water, send a circle of friends to attract people's thoughts

Fourth, you are very concerned, thinking day and night, the haunting things, may be just a fart in the eyes of the other party. So, don't care so much about others, think more about yourself.

Fifth, you look down from the 80th floor, it is all beautiful, but you look down from the 2nd floor, it is all garbage, if people do not have height, all they see is problems, if people do not have a pattern, what they see is all frivolous.

Sixth, I later understood that the meaning of growing up is that you can try to understand things that you did not understand before, try to forgive people you have never accepted before, and still maintain an optimistic attitude in the face of sadness and grievances, independent personality and brave and kind heart.

Philosophical quotations that make your heart calm as water, send a circle of friends to attract people's thoughts

Seventh, born as a human being, please remember: some words are not heard, do not put them in the ear, some people are not sincere, do not put on the heart.

The world is inherently dirty, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Everyone has bitterness that cannot be vented, and there is depression that cannot be discharged, and those of us who live here do not try our best or even live by any means.

Nine, all the efforts will make us a better person. Your current efforts and preparations are precipitation and accumulation, and they will help you erupt into a powerful force at a special point in time. One day, your efforts will prove themselves for you.

Philosophical quotations that make your heart calm as water, send a circle of friends to attract people's thoughts

X. In this world, there are some roads that must be faced alone, trekked alone, no matter how long and far the road is, no matter how dark and dark the night is, it must be walked silently alone.

Eleven, the road, when not clear, choose to turn; the heart, when not happy, choose to look down; love, when drifting away, choose to be casual. Some things, quite a bit, passed. Some people, with a hard time, forget.

The world is such a reality, when we are strong, surrounded by friends who are "like friends"; when we are weak, most of the "friends" scatter. Life is a process of constantly meeting and constantly separating; for the rest of your life, you don't have to invite too many people into life!

Philosophical quotations that make your heart calm as water, send a circle of friends to attract people's thoughts

Thirteen, a sentence of "forget it" tells yourself that everything is hard but cannot be attached; a sentence of "don't matter" tells yourself that there will be no regrets when you work hard; a sentence of "will pass" tells yourself that the bright sunshine is always after the wind and rain.

When you believe that you can and can face things, this is a good start, all the worries will disappear, and you will eventually find that things are not tricky and difficult, others can, of course, you can.

Fifteen, when urging vegetables, saying "don't go" is more effective than "hurry up", saying "look again" when bargaining is more effective than "cheaper", and saying "you go" when staying is more effective than "don't do this". If you can't keep it, you throw it far away, and maybe you hit something and it will bounce back.

Philosophical quotations that make your heart calm as water, send a circle of friends to attract people's thoughts

Sixteen, some things, that is, the more you think about it, the more angry you are, and if you don't want to, you won't be angry. The troubles all come from attachment and delusion, and they are all self-suffering. You're not that angry, you're just thinking too much. The things you pretend not to care about are, in fact, the things that you can't do.

Seventeen, in this life, the most important thing is not money and materials, but someone around you who is good to you, has a sincere friend, has a lover who does not abandon, warm, not lonely, practical, and at ease.

What kind of circle you are in, what kind of people you will meet. What friends you make, your temper will slowly approach such people. What position you are in and what height you stand at determines what kind of vision you are. How big the pattern inside, how big the sky you can see, you didn't meet the person you expected, because you are not ready for yourself.

Philosophical quotations that make your heart calm as water, send a circle of friends to attract people's thoughts

Nineteen, life does not need to be too sensitive, dull point can ignore a lot of trouble. The reason why people are unhappy is that most of them cannot get along with themselves well, and they always embarrass themselves.

Don't rush to put your eyes on others, as far as possible, let your eyes stay on your own body for a while, after all, it is easier to reflect on yourself than to dissect others.

Time will tell you the truth: some things, until you gradually wake up, understand that it is a mistake, some people, until the key, will gradually recognize. So, one day, you must know that some people will help you when you are in difficulty, some people will laugh at you lying on the ground, help you just to give you a ride, laugh at your in making you stronger, no one can help you all the time, you only have your own strength, help yourself.

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