
The vice president of the circle of friends pushed his own stock, "next year's market value is not 50 billion, I apologize for it", Nord shares responded urgently


The vice president of the listed company pushed his own stock in the circle of friends, and the company responded urgently!

A share vice president said, "Please support NORD, next year's market value is not 50 billion, I apologize", the company responded that the outlook involving the company's future market value in the screenshot is based on the personal outlook for the new sector securities market, no investment advice to anyone, and does not represent the company's position.

Vice President Circle of Friends "push ticket" company emergency response

At about 10:00 p.m. on October 22, 2021, Chen Yubi @ deputy general manager of Nord shares posted in the circle of friends, "Please support NORD, the market value next year is not 50 billion, I apologize." On October 26, screenshots of the circle of friends were widely circulated online.

Image source: Screenshot of the circle of friends on the Internet

In this regard, after hours on October 26, nord's announcement clarified that Chen Yubi, deputy general manager of the company, made a mistake in setting up a small number of friends in the WeChat circle of friends to see, mistakenly sent relevant information about the company's future market value expectations and distributed posters of his personal speeches in a past conference, which he himself found out and deleted immediately in a short period of time.

On October 26, 2021, the relevant screenshots of the circle of friends were widely disseminated on the Internet, which adversely affected the company. In order to safeguard the interests of the majority of investors and avoid the majority of investors from misinterpreting the content of the above reports, the company has carefully verified the relevant contents of the media reports, and hereby clarifies the relevant situation as follows:

1. The object of the screenshot is a small number of his personal friends, so the wording used is not serious and rigorous enough, which has adversely affected the company.

2. The outlook for the company's future market value in the screenshot is based on the individual's outlook for the securities market of the new sector, and does not provide investment advice to anyone and does not represent the company's position.

3. The rumors involve that the target is affected by various factors and has the risk that it cannot be achieved, and there is a major uncertainty, and the majority of investors are reminded of the investment risks. The company will strictly comply with the provisions and requirements of relevant laws and regulations to fulfill the obligation of information disclosure.

4. The company's current production and operation situation is normal, and the company's board of directors confirms that the company does not have any matters that should be disclosed but have not been disclosed in relevant laws, regulations and normative documents.

Who is Chen Yubi?

So who is Chen Yubi who speaks harshly?

According to its 2020 annual report, Chen Yubi Nan, born in 1966, graduated from the Department of Business Administration of Tamkang University in Taiwan with a bachelor's degree, and was the head of copper clad laminate sales in the electronics department of Formosa Plastics Group South Asia Corporation; Manager of sales department of Guangzhou Hongren Electronic Industry Co., Ltd.; General Manager of South China Of Lianmao Electronics Co., Ltd.; General Manager of Lingbao Huaxin Copper Foil Co., Ltd.; Executive Deputy General Manager of Nord Investments AG. He is currently the executive deputy general manager of the company.

Image source: Semi-annual report of the company

It is worth noting that on April 15, 2021, the company completed the registration of the first grant of the stock option incentive plan, and Chen Yubi obtained the highest number of authorized shares with 1.5561 million shares, which can be said to be the main personnel of the equity incentive assessment, and the grant price at that time was 7.55 yuan / share.

However, equity incentives also have high company-level performance appraisal requirements, NORD shares said that the corresponding assessment year for the exercise period of stock options granted by the incentive plan is three fiscal years from 2021 to 2023, and each fiscal year is evaluated once.

NORD further said that in view of the fact that the copper foil business is the company's main business, and the copper foil business is all based on the subsidiary Qinghai Electronic Materials Industry Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Qinghai Electronics") as the assessment caliber, this incentive plan evaluates the net profit of Qinghai Electronics (that is, the company's copper foil business segment) in each assessment year. The assessment target is 302.96 million yuan in 2021. In 2022 and 2023, the compound growth rate of net profit of the copper foil business will reach 30%.

Image source: Qi Cha Cha

It is worth mentioning that the data of the enterprise investigation shows that the chairman of Qinghai Electronics is Chen Yubi, the party who caused the storm this time.

Since Qinghai Electronics is a non-listed company and has not yet disclosed relevant financial data, it is impossible to know how the company's performance has been achieved.

Where is the bottom line of the mouth?

What also makes the market curious is why the vice president of the listed company NORD shares will boast of such a "Haikou", which may be related to the overall market of the industry and the company's stock price trend this year.

According to public information, NORD is mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of electrolytic copper foil for lithium-ion batteries, and the products are mainly used in the production and manufacture of lithium batteries. At the same time, the company also engaged in wire and cable and accessories business and material trade during the reporting period.

According to its disclosed semi-annual report, NORD co., Ltd. achieved operating income of 2.008 billion yuan in the first half of this year, an increase of 153.42% year-on-year; Achieved a net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company of 201 million yuan, turning a loss into a profit, with a loss of 17.6934 million yuan in the same period last year.

Image source: Dongcai Choice data

Under the background of performance reversal and the overall market of new energy lithium batteries, the performance of NORD shares has also performed well this year.

According to Dongcai Choice data, the cumulative increase in nord shares since the beginning of this year has reached 154.70%, and the stock price increase in the past six months has been as high as 238%.

As of today's close, the company's stock price closed at 23.56 yuan / share, with a market value of 32.9 billion yuan. Although the overall performance and stock price are good, the market value of 32.9 billion yuan is still 17.1 billion yuan away from the 50 billion market value of Haikou boasted by the vice president's circle of friends.

In this form, what will be the trend of nord shares?

This article originated from Capital State

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