
Freshly baked | It's time for your bookshelf to put new books on! 10 good books of August quickly won

author:Old Horse Zhibao
Freshly baked | It's time for your bookshelf to put new books on! 10 good books of August quickly won
Freshly baked | It's time for your bookshelf to put new books on! 10 good books of August quickly won

At the end of August, the new book arrives! A total of 1,398 new e-books were added to the app this month, and the total number of e-books has exceeded 35,400.

Among these good books, we have selected 10 of the most popular good books in various fields. On the days of changing seasons, not only clothes have to be changed, but your bookshelf should also be updated!


"Use Yourself as a Method"

Freshly baked | It's time for your bookshelf to put new books on! 10 good books of August quickly won

Author: Xiang Biao, Wu Qi

Publisher: Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House, Single Reading

Category: Social Sciences

This is a collection of thought dialogues subtitled "Talking with Xiang Biao". The author Xiang Biao is an anthropologist, and another author, Wu Qi, is the editor-in-chief of Single Reading, and the book revolves around their questions and answers.

In the past, when reading books, books usually revolved around a theme, spreading out into tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of words. But interviews are different, a topic, how much insight to say, do not use academic language, only tell the truth.

Xiang Biao started from personal experience, discussed the spiritual plight of young people with Wu Qi, and also gave new answers to many social issues, such as class mobility, university education, ethnicity and populism, Chinese consciousness and so on.

For example, Xiang Biao understands art this way: the function of art is not to create a beautiful and harmonious world, but to give you the ability to face ugliness.

You see, some topics, in fact, do not need to be expanded, one sentence is enough to be thought-provoking. This book is one such collection that will help you look at problems from one more perspective and one more way of understanding the world.



Freshly baked | It's time for your bookshelf to put new books on! 10 good books of August quickly won

Author: [plus] Margaret Atwood

Translator: So

Publisher: Shanghai Translation Publishing House

Category: Literature

In 2017, there was an American drama called "The Handmaid's Tale", which became popular all over the world after it was broadcast, and it was adapted from the novel of the same name written by Atwood in 1985. This "Testimony" is the sequel to "The Handmaid's Tale", which can be said to carry the expectations of global drama fans.

Testimony is not only the first book to be shortlisted for the Booker Prize, the highest award in contemporary English-language literature, before it was published, but it also won the prize in one fell swoop. According to some statistics, the book sells an average of one copy every 4 seconds in the UK, which can be described as acclaim and acclaim.

Through three different female characters, "Testimony" narrates a change on the verge of collapse of Gilead, which actually answers the reader's questions about the American drama "The Handmaid's Tale", such as: How did the world in the American drama come about and how did it work?

This is the author's answer, and the author's inspiration for writing this book, with rich details and interlocking links. How wonderful this novel that readers around the world are waiting to read is, you have to read it yourself.



Freshly baked | It's time for your bookshelf to put new books on! 10 good books of August quickly won

Author: [U.S.] Robert Wright

Translator: Song Wei

Publisher: Joint Reading and Creation

When the book was not yet Chinese edition, the title was "Why Buddhism is True", Wan Weigang had written 8 articles for it in a column, and also made an interpretation in "Listening to this book every day", and became this year's "treasure of the town hall", which shows how powerful this book is.

Robert Wright, the author of this book, is one of the 100 most influential thinkers in the world and a think tank of former US President Clinton. In this book, he explains some Buddhist views with scientific knowledge, telling you that "Buddhism" and "Buddhism" are two completely different things.

There are no supernatural phenomena in the book, nor are they mysterious, but rather the Buddha is regarded as an enlightened philosopher, interpreting his thoughts with modern knowledge, allowing us to observe and experience the world from a higher level.

For example, a piece of rotten meat, from a human point of view, it has bacteria in it, which is harmful to health and is not a good thing. But from the perspective of bacteria, this is precisely a breeding ground. This is "color is emptiness", in fact, it is also a perspective that jumps out of limitations.

In addition to "color is emptiness", this "Insight" also interprets what "suffering" and "meditation" are, which is worth seeing.


Oxford Popular Science Reader

Freshly baked | It's time for your bookshelf to put new books on! 10 good books of August quickly won

Author: [Australia] Peter C. Doherty et al

Publisher: Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press

Category: Popular Science

This set of popular science books was imported from Oxford University Press. Its biggest feature is that it is popular and grounded, and the topics we talk about are closely related to people's daily lives, such as climate change, epidemics, genetically modified foods...

The way these topics are explained in the book is also very interesting, using a question-and-answer method, a question, an answer, no detours, dry goods straight to give.

After reading this book, you will know the answers to many questions that you may have been concerned about but did not understand too well, such as: Why do someone attack a nuclear power plant or related nuclear facility? Which infectious disease pandemics have caused the most economic damage? Are the world's fish overfished? ......

This series is popular and authoritative, and it does not lose at all.

Its team of authors is led by Nobel Laureates in Medicine, and each of them is a big name in the field. The team of translators is also very good, all scientists sit on the translation, such as Huang Gang, the translator of the book "Climate Change", who is the head of the monsoon and ocean team at the State Key Laboratory.

What's more, understanding a few questions at will become a high-level talking point when you chat with friends. The dry goods in the book, you can take it with confidence.


《Re-disk Netflix》

Freshly baked | It's time for your bookshelf to put new books on! 10 good books of August quickly won

Author: [U.S.] Mark Randolph

Translator: Shang Shu

Publisher: CITIC Publishing Group

Category: Commercial

Netflix is the Chinese name for Netflix, the world's largest paid video site. This book is the secret of Netflix's entrepreneurial history and innovation process.

Why is this a "demystification"? Because author Mark Randolph is the co-founder of Netflix and the first CEO, few people know more detail than he knows.

This book will tell you that in fact, Netflix also started from a small business, through the disruptive innovation of technology and organization, defeating the giants to succeed.

If you are a decision maker or manager, Netflix's experience from an idea to a market can help you find the rules of decision-making and management.

If you are not an entrepreneur, Netflix's entrepreneurial story is also a good "life teaching material". For example, the author proposes many rules for balancing work and family, such as always being polite and considerate to everyone, and quantifying everything as much as possible.

Opening this book, the review is Netflix's past entrepreneurial history, and what can be learned is how to create a better future.


The Ritz-Carlton's Secret

Freshly baked | It's time for your bookshelf to put new books on! 10 good books of August quickly won

Author:[Sun] Noboru Takano

Translator: Huang Yuting

Publisher: Oriental Publishing House

In luxury hotels, The Ritz-Carlton's service is known all over the world, known as "the first service in the world". This book was written by Takano Noboru, the former president of the Ritz-Carlton Japan bureau, and allows you to learn about high-quality service and communication from different perspectives.

This is a set of books that everyone can inspire after reading. If you are a service industry practitioner, you can learn the skills full of these 3 books through "deliberate practice", such as when "asking customers for a favor" can improve service levels, what are the low-cost and high-return tips...

If you are not engaged in the service industry, you may wish to check out this book, as Luo Fat said in the "Inspiration Club", all walks of life in the future are inseparable from service, which is a process of value transmission, which can help you better maintain various networks.


《 There is a stem 》

Freshly baked | It's time for your bookshelf to put new books on! 10 good books of August quickly won

Author: Huang Xi

Publisher: Times Chinese International

Category: Self-improvement

As a stand-up comedian, the author Huang Xi is already very famous. He is known for his meticulous polishing of the strips, not only being the first Chinese to successfully break into mainstream American talk show performances, but also the champion of the National Comedy Festival.

But this book is not to teach you about talk shows, but to teach you to quickly master humorous ways of thinking and skills, and to work out various scenes of life, such as improving your love skills, improving your communication skills, and expanding your influence. These tips will both get you started quickly and take humor veterans to the next level.

Take love, can often make each other happy, the feelings are certainly good. This is the thing that stand-up comedians are best at, and "Chaplin in the eyes of lovers" and humor in front of lovers have a natural advantage.

If you can use "ice-breaking", "skill", "accumulation" and "heart" into love like a talk show actor, you are not afraid that your feelings will not heat up.

In addition, Huang Xi also provides 12 communication skills to improve interpersonal relationships, 17 ultra-simple tools to create laughter points, waiting for you to learn.


An Economist's Parenting Guide

Freshly baked | It's time for your bookshelf to put new books on! 10 good books of August quickly won

Author: [Beauty] Emily Oster

Translator: Yang Man

Category: Parenting

Economics can help people use the "cost-benefit" model to make a variety of rational decisions, and it plays a unique role in many fields. These areas of course include parenting, especially "parenting" techniques.

This book is the homework done by the American economist Emily Oster when she became a mother, and the purpose is to use professional knowledge to bring the courage and confidence of parenting to fathers-to-be mothers-to-be.

The author answers a lot of important questions from an economic point of view that you didn't think about. For example, how should the baby sleep, where should it sleep, and whether the parents should sleep with them? For example, how can the quality of marriage not decline due to the arrival of children? Do you want to have a second child and have a few?

It can be said that not only parenting, this book can give new fathers and new mothers a scientific and reliable reference in all aspects. After reading this book, you will find that raising a baby does not need to be busy at all, and it is better to raise children from the perspective of an economist!


Quirk Psychology

Freshly baked | It's time for your bookshelf to put new books on! 10 good books of August quickly won

Author: [Japanese] Takashi Okada

Translator: Yan Jing

Publisher: Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House, Boji Tianjuan

Category: Psychology

This is a popular book of psychology, which has been particularly popular in Japan in recent years and was upgraded and republished in August this year. The author is a well-known Japanese writer, Takashi Okada, a psychiatrist by training, who is very specialized in studying the psychological crises of modern people.

The quirk in the book refers to the projection of inner desires. It may be the side of you who feel that you are not perfect, or it may be the abnormal psychology that lurks in your heart, such as rebellion, violent pleasure, jealousy... They are rooted in the essence of human nature, but they cannot be simply classified as "evil."

However, if you don't face this mentality, you may often be bothered by it. Many celebrities, such as Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Wilde, etc., have been plagued by "quirks", but fortunately they have learned how to use "quirks" as a boost to success.

This book can also help you face up to your own quirks, figure out the root causes of small quirks, and survive the low tide of life healthily.


"Great Power Hegemony"

Freshly baked | It's time for your bookshelf to put new books on! 10 good books of August quickly won

Author: [Japanese] Masakatsu Miyazaki

Translator: Mi Yanjun

Publisher: Zhejiang People's Publishing House

Category: Historical Politics

As soon as you look at the title, you know that this is a very hardcore history book. However, the book is not a tome, it is only less than 90,000 words, the content is condensed, and the way of narration is also very innovative.

Most of the books talk about history in chronological order, but this book uses the order of space, that is, to use one-dimensional to four-dimensional to sort out the development of the world for five thousand years, and incidentally predicts the future.

For example, in the one-dimensional land era, hegemony was only transferred on land, and Mongolia became an unprecedented land empire during this time.

When the ocean was discovered, it entered the two-dimensional ocean era, and the weak British suddenly emerged, and the sea empire appeared.

When human beings can fly into the sky, airspace has become an important condition for achieving hegemony, and a three-dimensional air empire, the United States, has emerged.

So what is four dimensions? The author's point is that we are now in the process of a three-dimensional to four-dimensional transformation, four-dimensional is the network era, who can take advantage of 5G, it is possible to become the next leader of the world. Look at this book, maybe you have your own answer.