
"Wuhan Day and Night" Douban score 8.0, netizens hope that "the world can see this film"

author:Yangtze River Daily
"Wuhan Day and Night" Douban score 8.0, netizens hope that "the world can see this film"
"Wuhan Day and Night" Douban score 8.0, netizens hope that "the world can see this film"

(The picture shows the poster of "Wuhan Day and Night" in the Wuhan Theater on the second day of release.) Photo by reporter Wan Jianhui)

Yangtze River Daily - Yangtze River Network January 23 news (reporter Wan Jianhui intern Du Qinyi) on the 23rd, by the Yangtze River Daily, Hubei Satellite TV and other Wuhan media photographers to provide a lot of video materials, CCTV Movie Channel produced the first anti-epidemic record film "Wuhan Day and Night" on the second day of national release, as of 6:30 p.m. that night, Maoyan box office accumulated 8.52 million, double the box office on the first day of release. For the reputation of this film, Douban and Maoyan gave high scores of 8.0 and 9.0 respectively.

Wuhan audience: I hope that the people of Wuhan, the Chinese and even the people of the world will be inspired by it

On the 23rd, the first day of the weekend, the schedule density of "Wuhan Day and Night" in Wuhan's major theaters continued to increase, and many theaters lined up every half hour. Because of the double holiday, more Wuhan audiences specially entered the theater for this film.

In Jianghan Road Hengdian Cinema, the audience Mr. Quan said that there is a plot in the film that is impressive, is a female patient in the hospital, her husband sent good food to the hospital, they look at each other at a height of ten floors, the husband kept wiping tears, felt that the couple's feelings are very sincere, danger to see the truth.

An audience member surnamed Wang told the Yangtze River Daily-Yangtze River Network reporter that after watching this film, he hoped that the people of Wuhan, Chinese, and even the people of the world would be inspired by it after experiencing the epidemic, and that no matter what they encountered in the future, they would be optimistic and have a reverence for life.

"Wuhan Day and Night" Douban score 8.0, netizens hope that "the world can see this film"

(Pictured is a young audience interviewed after watching the film.) Photo by reporter Wan Jianhui )

On the afternoon of the 23rd, at the Wushang Moore International Film City, Mr. Yu, who lives in the Xinhua Homestead Community, made a special trip to see "Wuhan Day and Night". Mr. Yu said that as a Wuhan person, I am very grateful to the people who paid silently for the city during the epidemic prevention and control period, and looking back on the past through this film today, I feel that I should cherish my current life and be grateful. At present, there are still sporadic epidemics in China, and I hope that the pain and epidemic can be far away from us and away from the world as soon as possible.

The citizens who came to the Wuhan Merchant Moore International Film City to watch "Wuhan Day and Night" came from all walks of life. Ms. Ye, who works in the catering industry, said that for those who have experienced all this, the feeling is unforgettable. Ms. Wang, who is engaged in real estate work, recalled that during that time, everyone stayed at home, and after watching the film, she felt that no matter what happened in the future, life, family and health were very important.

Movie-watching netizens: The preciousness of this film is to record such a special period

The reporter noted that many netizens on various film platforms and film review and scoring websites have commented to express their feelings after viewing.

Cat's eye netizen Xiaowei said that from the beginning of the movie, the tears have not dried. It is impossible to imagine those who have experienced it firsthand, what a powerful heart they have. The elderly man with severe illness held the doctor's hand and refused to let go for a long time; the dialogue between the grandfather and the grandson, the grandson told the grandfather everything that happened at home in a childish voice, told the grandfather to cheer; the mother made a birthday cake for the daughter, and the mother danced "Listen to Me Say Thank You"; the newborn baby, hissing, and finally returned to the arms of his father and mother, and the mother shed tears of happiness; the recovered people were discharged from the hospital, and the cherry blossoms in Wuhan finally opened.

"Every moment inside, every interaction, every picture, deeply touched me! Thank you to the heroes who are fighting the epidemic on the front line, it is your selfless efforts that have brought us a peaceful life! Cherish the moment, do a good job of protection, and be responsible for yourself and your family! Wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, and disinfect frequently! Defeat the virus! ”

Douban netizen Deng Anqing said that the real record is worth a thousand words, after watching the film, everyone in the theater silently got up and left, and no one spoke. "I know that many people on the scene are like me, and their mood cannot be calmed for a long time. At the end of the film, the sun rises from the buildings, the bright sunlight sprinkles, the river flows slowly, the traffic on the bridge is busy, and people once again start a new day of life. This is actually an ordinary day in Wuhan, a big city with tens of millions of people: people going to work have gone out, children who have gone to school are sitting in classrooms, old people buying vegetables in the vegetable market, and young people in supermarkets, movie theaters, and shopping malls are consuming... But for such an ordinary day, Wuhan has undergone such a special test. ”

The netizen with the online name "Monkey Head Worm" said: "I hope that all of China and even the world will have the opportunity to see this film." ”

"Monkey Head" said that the film does not have the acting skills of the actors and the designed dialogue. Everyone is a real ordinary person, but they are facing extraordinary things, making extraordinary decisions and choices, and everyone is constantly working hard, which is remarkable. "I'm a person with a very low tear point, and I basically cried from the beginning to the end of this film."

Some netizens lamented that the preciousness of this film is that it can record such a special period and give our contemporaries and future people a reference for memories.

Some netizens are also grateful to the photographer who shot the video footage: "After seeing this film, I was suddenly very grateful to everyone who made this film, and the information taken by the photographer during that period was actually taken at the risk of their lives." ”

【Editor: He Equation】

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