
Chen Wenlong, patriotic general of the Southern Song Dynasty: Where is Chen Wenlong's tomb

author:Interesting history

Chen Wenlong, born in 1232 and died in 1276, was a famous patriotic general of the Southern Song Dynasty. Chen Wenlong is a native of Putian, Fujian Province, and the locals call Chen Wenlong "Shang Shu Gong." "Chen Wenlong has been smart and studious since childhood, and is deeply loved by his family. In the early years, Chen Wenlong followed his father to settle in Fushan, and in 1251, his father Chen Qi sent Chen Wenlong to a private school to study, Chen Wenlong was full of poetry and books, and was a talent who was both literate and martial.

Chen Wenlong, patriotic general of the Southern Song Dynasty: Where is Chen Wenlong's tomb

Portrait of Chen Wenlong

In 1256, Chen Wenlong entered Taixue to study, and later when he took the imperial examination, Chen Wenlong won the Jinshi in one fell swoop and was able to enter the dynasty as an official. In 1271, Chen Wenlong served as the secretary of the provincial school secretary Lang, and his colleague Jia Xiangdao

I greatly appreciated Chen Wenlong's literary talent, and the two became very good friends. Chen Wenlong was very upright in the official arena, daring to speak his true thoughts to the rulers, and offended Jia Rudao because of several advices. Subsequently, Jia Rudao demoted Chen Wenlong to Fuzhou. Soon after, Jia Rudao appointed Fan Wenhu and others, resulting in the failure of the battle, and Jia Rudao regretted that he did not listen to Chen Wenlong's advice. Subsequently, Jia Rudao reappointed Chen Wenlong, who also held the posts of Zuo Sizhi. Later, Chen Wenlong, sensing his old age, resigned his official post and returned to his hometown, and in 1276, the imperial court again appointed Chen Wenlong as a counselor, and after Chen Wenlong took office, he immediately quelled the rebellion in Xinghua and other places. Soon after, the Yuan army invaded the territory of the Southern Song Dynasty, and Quanzhou and Fuzhou surrendered to the Yuan army. During this period, some emissaries came to persuade Chen Wenlong to make him surrender, but they were all beheaded by Chen Wenlong. Soon after, the Yuan army captured Chen Wenlong and his family, and the Yuan soldiers prepared to escort Chen Wenlong to Hangzhou. On the way, Chen Wenlong went on a hunger strike to resist the Yuan army. While passing by Yue Fei Temple, Chen Wenlong cried and died, chen Wenlong died at the age of 45.

Chen Wenlong Shangshu Temple

Chen Wenlong's patriotic spirit was deeply respected by posterity. In the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang, the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, was very much in agreement with Chen Wenlong's tenacious and indomitable integrity. In order to let the world always remember Chen Wenlong's good deeds, he ordered the construction of Chen Wenlong Shangshu Temple in Taijiang District of Fuzhou City. Today, Chen Wenlong Shangshu Temple is located in Houzhou Wuwei Street, Taijiang District, and many tourists come to pay their respects to this great democratic hero.

Chen Wenlong, patriotic general of the Southern Song Dynasty: Where is Chen Wenlong's tomb

The Chen Wenlong Shangshu Temple was built in the Ming Dynasty, and during the Daoguang years of the Qing Dynasty, the Daoguang Emperor ordered the rebuilding of the Chen Wenlong Shangshu Temple. During the Republic of China, the local government once again rebuilt the Shangshu Temple, and now the Chen Wenlong Shangshu Temple has become a district-level cultural relics protection unit with high historical commemorative value.

From the outside, Chen Wenlong Shangshu Temple sits in the north and south, and the building is built with a large amount of wood, with a strong Ming and Qing architectural style. There is a banner at the main entrance of the Shangshu Temple, on which are written the six characters of "Shangshu of the Water Department of the Imperial Seal". There are also small doors on the left and right sides of the banner, which are written "Faithful" and "Zhiyi". Overall, Chen Wenlong Shangshu Temple is majestic and atmospheric, with symmetrical beauty. The Shangshu Temple has a total of five facades and supports the entire main body of the building with seven large beads. According to the measurements, each pillar is 6.5 meters high, enough to show the broad grandeur of the Shangshu Temple. Chen Wenlong Shangshu Temple covers an area of more than 1,000 square meters, and the overall building is divided into two parts, namely the front porch and the apse. There is a pair of couplets on the doorpost of the main hall of the Shangshu Temple, and the upper and lower links are: "Jie Zhen Shou Xiang Bang, Zhongjing Yan remnants are difficult to support, a generation of loyal and loyal history; Yingling Zhao Hai Ling, along with the name of Xin Guolong, Shizhou Qingyan Battle Shrine", which was written by Lin Zexu, has high aesthetic value and commemorative value.

Chen Wenlong Memorial Hall

Chen Wenlong was a famous patriotic general during the Southern Song Dynasty, and his heroic deeds against the Yuan are still circulated in the folk today. Chen Wenlong is a native of Putian, Fujian Province, and in order to commemorate this national hero, the local people built the Chen Wenlong Memorial Hall in the local area. Chen Wenlong's heroic deeds have influenced both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and Chen Wenlong was later named one of the top ten famous historical figures in Fujian Province.

Chen Wenlong, patriotic general of the Southern Song Dynasty: Where is Chen Wenlong's tomb

At present, there are two Chen Wenlong Memorial Halls, one in Fuzhou and the other in Putian. Putian Chen Wenlong Memorial Hall is located in Longjinshe, Hanjiang District, and covers an area of more than 1,000 square meters. The main hall of the Chen Wenlong Memorial Hall is located inside the Chen Wenlong Memorial Hall, and all buildings retain the Architectural Style of the Ming Dynasty. In addition, there are cultural relics about Chen Wenlong in the main hall. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Chen Wenlong's patriotism was admired by the rulers, who ordered the expansion and renovation of the Chen Wenlong Memorial Hall. The Kangxi Emperor, jiaqing emperor and Daoguang emperor of the Qing Dynasty also wrote couplets and plaques at the Chen Wenlong Memorial Hall. In the Chen Wenlong Memorial Hall, there is also a plaque with the inscription "Protect the Country and Bless the People", which was given to the Chen Wenlong Memorial Hall by the Shangshu Temple in Taiwan, representing the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait for the commemoration of Chen Wenlong.

Later, the Chen Wenlong Memorial Hall was continuously expanded, and a rich and diverse infrastructure was built inside, such as the Exhibition Room of Chen Wenlong's Deeds, the Library, etc., which enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the local people. Fuzhou Chen Wenlong Memorial Hall is located in Xiahang Road, Fuzhou City, the memorial covers a total area of more than 1,000 square meters, is a reconstruction of the original Wanshou Shangshu Temple. Wanshou Shangshu Temple is the largest and most exquisite of the five Chen Wenlong Memorial Halls in Fuzhou. It was built by Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang during the Ming Dynasty, which collects a large number of historical materials about Chen Wenlong's life, and has a very strong historical and cultural atmosphere.

Tomb of Chen Wenlong

Chen Wenlong's tomb is located on the east side of jingyi villa on North Mountain Street in Xihu North. In 1277, Chen Wenlong died in the Yue Fei Temple in Hangzhou's West Lake. The people of the world admired Chen Wenlong's noble patriotism and buried Chen Wenlong in HubeiShan Street, West Lake. Chen Wenlong's tomb has been repaired and perfected by various dynasties, and is still intact next to the West Lake.

Chen Wenlong, patriotic general of the Southern Song Dynasty: Where is Chen Wenlong's tomb

From the appearance point of view, Chen Wenlong's tomb presents a dome style, the tomb body is composed of two aspects, the tomb body is cylindrical, and there is a pointed tomb cover above the tomb body. Chen Wenlong's tomb is surrounded by dense woods, Chen Wenlong's tomb has a quiet environment and excellent ecological environment. Directly in front of the tomb is a large stone stele, and underneath the stele is an altar. From a distance, Chen Wenlong's tomb as a whole is semi-circular, surrounded by gray bricks to form a wall, in which Chen Wenlong's tomb is located. There are three steps on the left and right sides, and from the steps you can see the scenery around Chen Wenlong's tomb. According to historical data, Chen Wenlong was a native of Putian, Fujian Province, and in order to commemorate this great patriotic hero, some temples were built to commemorate Chen Wenlong. According to legend, someone picked up Chen Wenlong's official robe in the Wulong River that year, and the merchants of Puxian paid for the construction of the Shangshu Ancestral Temple. During the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the repair of Chen Wenlong's tomb and temple to commemorate the national hero. Later, during the Qing Dynasty, during the Qianlong, Jiaqing, Daoguang, Xianfeng and Guangxu years, the Shangshu ancestral temple was rebuilt. Today, many places around Jiangsu and Zhejiang have built temples to commemorate Chen Wenlong. And the tomb of Chen Wenlong, located in North Mountain Street of West Lake, has not been forgotten by the world. After arriving at the West Lake, many tourists will go to Chen Wenlong's tomb to commemorate this national hero of the Anti-Yuan Dynasty.

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