
The legendary story of Chen Wenlong, the hero of the Southern Song Dynasty

author:Users are from the literature state

Putian Kejia is flourishing, talented, known as the famous state of literature, today I (user name: literature name bang, this nameless pawn with a false name) to tell you a story of Chen Wenlong, a famous general of the Southern Song Dynasty.

In the Southern Song Dynasty, Chen Houqing (BangYan) and his nephew Chen Wenlong had a two-way chancellor, the Nine Dynasties and Eight Taishi, which did not need to be introduced again, and there was less gossip, and the words returned to the truth.

Stories are made up by myself and don't have to be taken seriously.

It is said that Emperor Duzong of the Southern Song Dynasty had a princess Aiying (the character was made up, Aiying was meant to be handsome and heroic), and Emperor Duzong wanted to recruit a horse for her. In the early dynasty, in the face of the Manchu Dynasty's civil and military officials, a pair was issued, and if the unmarried minister could come out, he would be recruited as a donkey. Du Zong's pair is: Huanglong pen writing raw paper. But none of the ministers could match it. Emperor Duzong had no choice but to post imperial lists all over the country and select another talent.

One day, there was a shoe repairer named Chen Wenlong in Putian Broad Mouth, carrying a burden, going to putian City to walk the streets and alleys to mend shoes, walking to the ancient building (putian people called the ancient building), there were many readers next to the city wall to see what, Chen Xiaolong turned to the crowded place to find business. The readers all looked at it and said: You are an illiterate shoemaker, come to see the notice when you are busy, get out of the way. At this time, there happened to be a monk from the Guanghua Temple in Nanshan who came out to make a fortune, passing by here, he also squeezed in to see the notice, walked over to Chen Wenlong and said to him: Young man, do you want to be a champion, if you want, you go to the city wall to unveil the imperial list, and say a word to him. Sure enough, Chen Wenlong squeezed into the crowd again, and unveiled the imperial list without worry. As a result, he was immediately escorted to Beijing by the sergeant shoubang.

After Chen Wenlong was escorted to Beijing, he was ordered to enter the Golden Ruan Palace, and Emperor Duzong asked: Ai Qing, is it the Huanglong pen that writes raw paper, can it be right? Chen Wenlong immediately opened his mouth to the right sentence: the horseshoe knife cuts the yellow coat (the horseshoe knife is the shoe repair tool, and the yellow coat leather is the shoe repair material. Use a horseshoe knife to the yellow dragon pen, and use the yellow coat skin to the raw paper, all of which were taught by the high monk of the Tao.) Emperor Duzong was overjoyed and was about to make him a donkey. At this time, The minister said to Du Zong that Chen Wenlong had a false name, and it was just a coincidence that the next official tested him again, and Du Zong was accurate. Xiang Xiang asked Chen Wenlong whether you were Nengwen or Nengwu at the bottom of your Daodi. Chen Wenlong was shocked into a cold sweat after hearing this, now there is no guidance from the senior monk, he can't answer, he can't be a champion, he has to go home to mend his shoes again, he doesn't know the consequences of not being able to answer, the crime of deceiving the king is to beheaded. He could only say with a straight face: I won't tell the truth, I really will. At this time, Emperor Duzong asked Chen Wenlong how to answer, because he could not hear clearly in the back of His ear, and said to Zong Du, Chen Wenlong said that he would also speak of Wen, and he would be even more able to speak of Wu. The subordinate officer gave him another dumb puzzle, and at this time, the minister raised three fingers in front of Chen Wenlong and asked Chen Wenlong to answer. Chen Wenlong saw that he thought that the prime minister would spend three pieces of money to make him mend his boots, but he felt that it was too little, so he held up five fingers (it was suspected that the three pieces of money were too little, and five fingers meant five pieces of money). As a result, the chancellor said to Duzong that the three fingers of the subjects mean three and the brother, and Chen Wenlong's five fingers mean five doctors, and he could not imagine that Chen Wenlong was really a man of both literature and martial arts, and later Chen Wenlong was recruited as a donkey and lived a good life of glory and wealth, and was named the grand general of the zhendian and stayed by Duzong's side to guard.

However, the good times did not last long, and one year in Jingyanggang, Dengzhou, Shandong (the place where Wusong fought the tiger) had another tiger attack, and the minister of the DPRK recommended Chen Wenlong to fight the tiger, and Emperor Duzong was in charge. Chen Wenlong had to take the escort to Shandong with his scalp, and when he reached the foot of Jingyang Gang Mountain, Chen Wenlong said to the guards, I am enough to go alone, you don't have to go to death, wait for the good news at the bottom of the mountain.

Chen Wenlong climbed up the Jingyang Gang and hid behind a large stone where Wu Song beat the tiger, holding a meat bun in his hand (bread with arsenic, ready to eat the meat bun, after the death of the tiger to eat, the same end, called: eat arsenic widow pull through the dog. When the tiger smelled the aroma of the meat bag to pounce on it, Chen Wenlong did not have time to eat the meat bag, threw out all the meat bags in the rice bag (Ya Shu Bag Putian Dialect), the tiger went to eat the meat bag first, Chen Wenhua was secretly happy in his heart, (I am not dead, dead tiger) As a result, the tiger died after eating the meat bag with arsenic, Chen Wenlong saw that he took an arrow into the tiger's anus and knocked it in with a stone. Coming down the hill, he made up a lie to the guards that the tiger had been shot in the anus by him and died, and told everyone to carry the tiger. That's the end of the story.

Attached: In front of the old Station of Hanjiang, the Longjin Society in The tail is dedicated to the anti-Yuan hero Chen Wenlong, and the three characters of the Longjin Society on the plaque are inscribed by Wen Tianxiang.

The legendary story of Chen Wenlong, the hero of the Southern Song Dynasty
The legendary story of Chen Wenlong, the hero of the Southern Song Dynasty
The legendary story of Chen Wenlong, the hero of the Southern Song Dynasty

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