
Solid arrangement of "clean up dirt and eliminate soil" Coordinated efforts to improve environmental sanitation - Northeast Street Canghou Street Community Environmental Sanitation Governance Work Promotion Meeting

author:Nine factions view the world
Solid arrangement of "clean up dirt and eliminate soil" Coordinated efforts to improve environmental sanitation - Northeast Street Canghou Street Community Environmental Sanitation Governance Work Promotion Meeting
Solid arrangement of "clean up dirt and eliminate soil" Coordinated efforts to improve environmental sanitation - Northeast Street Canghou Street Community Environmental Sanitation Governance Work Promotion Meeting

In order to continuously and deeply promote the comprehensive improvement of environmental sanitation, continuously improve the appearance of environmental sanitation in the jurisdiction, and improve the quality of the living environment. Recently, the Northeast Street Canghou Street Community Organization held a meeting to promote the work of urban environmental sanitation governance.

Solid arrangement of "clean up dirt and eliminate soil" Coordinated efforts to improve environmental sanitation - Northeast Street Canghou Street Community Environmental Sanitation Governance Work Promotion Meeting

The meeting summarized the comprehensive improvement of environmental sanitation in the previous stage of the jurisdiction, and fully affirmed the active cooperation and support of all cleaning and cleaning staff for the environmental sanitation rectification work in the jurisdiction. At the beginning of the festival, combined with the normalization of "clean up dirt and soil removal" and the work requirements of "one week theme", the community organization carried out the "post-holiday rectification" action, comprehensively cleaned garbage stains, urban furniture, etc., cleaned and rectified street by street, house by house, and comprehensively managed the appearance of the city's main and secondary roads, back streets and alleys.

Solid arrangement of "clean up dirt and eliminate soil" Coordinated efforts to improve environmental sanitation - Northeast Street Canghou Street Community Environmental Sanitation Governance Work Promotion Meeting
Solid arrangement of "clean up dirt and eliminate soil" Coordinated efforts to improve environmental sanitation - Northeast Street Canghou Street Community Environmental Sanitation Governance Work Promotion Meeting
Solid arrangement of "clean up dirt and eliminate soil" Coordinated efforts to improve environmental sanitation - Northeast Street Canghou Street Community Environmental Sanitation Governance Work Promotion Meeting

The meeting demanded, first, to unify thinking and raise awareness. Effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency in environmental sanitation and rectification work; strictly demand themselves, improve their initiative in their work, and leave no blanks or dead ends. The second is to consolidate responsibility and fine operation. Perform the duties of the post, complete the cleaning task with quality and quantity, and ensure that the environmental sanitation and rectification work is further improved. The third is to strengthen measures and vigorously grasp implementation. Improve the long-term assessment, inspection and supervision mechanism, all-weather cleaning and cleaning work is constantly filed, inspection and supervision are uninterrupted, and the environmental sanitation work is truly grasped and implemented. The fourth is multi-form publicity to create an atmosphere. Make full use of publicity columns, WeChat public platforms, hanging banners and other forms of publicity, improve the awareness of community residents to protect environmental sanitation, and mobilize residents to actively participate in environmental sanitation rectification actions.

Solid arrangement of "clean up dirt and eliminate soil" Coordinated efforts to improve environmental sanitation - Northeast Street Canghou Street Community Environmental Sanitation Governance Work Promotion Meeting
Solid arrangement of "clean up dirt and eliminate soil" Coordinated efforts to improve environmental sanitation - Northeast Street Canghou Street Community Environmental Sanitation Governance Work Promotion Meeting
Solid arrangement of "clean up dirt and eliminate soil" Coordinated efforts to improve environmental sanitation - Northeast Street Canghou Street Community Environmental Sanitation Governance Work Promotion Meeting

The meeting stressed that urban environmental sanitation improvement is a normalized work, the Canghou street community keeps an eye on the "131" inspection mechanism, the main leaders, leaders in charge, and the urban management office do a good job of daily environmental sanitation in the jurisdiction, city appearance and city appearance inspection supervision and inspection, to ensure that problems are found in a timely and early manner, solve them in place, and strive to do a good job in the fine management of urban environmental sanitation to provide a better living environment for the residents.

Photo/Text: Urban Management Office

Producer: Wang Li Review: Fu Yanli Editor: Tian Shuchen

Solid arrangement of "clean up dirt and eliminate soil" Coordinated efforts to improve environmental sanitation - Northeast Street Canghou Street Community Environmental Sanitation Governance Work Promotion Meeting

【Source: Canghou Street Community, Suzhou District】

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