
"Clean up the dirt and eliminate the soil" The cityscape environment is cleaned up and the beautiful image greets the National Day

author:Nine factions view the world
"Clean up the dirt and eliminate the soil" The cityscape environment is cleaned up and the beautiful image greets the National Day

With the National Day approaching, in order to create a warm and festive, clean and tidy festival atmosphere, so that the residents of the jurisdiction can spend a clean, comfortable and peaceful National Day festival, in recent days, the Northeast Street Canghou Street Community combined with the special action of "cleaning up the dirt and eliminating the soil", "deep-level, all-round, general mobilization" to comprehensively set off a boom in environmental sanitation and rectification in the jurisdiction, effectively enhance the overall "appearance" of the jurisdiction, and present a beautiful city picture for the 72nd anniversary of the founding of New China.

Widely publicize and rely on real responsibility

In view of the environmental improvement work, Canghou Street widely publicized, actively mobilized, party members and cadres, grid chiefs took the lead, the package office actively cooperated, layer by layer compaction responsibility, from the ideological point of view, in action resolutely implemented. At the same time, we should guide the masses to take the initiative to cooperate and mobilize the masses to participate in the environmental sanitation rectification action, forming a good pattern of cadres and masses moving together and the whole people participating. It has comprehensively cleaned up the health dead ends such as streets, lanes, residential buildings and courtyards in the jurisdiction, eradicated step advertisements, scrubbed "urban furniture", washed the door plaques of merchants, oil-stained roads, etc., and thoroughly cleaned up and rectified the environmental health in the jurisdiction.

"Clean up the dirt and eliminate the soil" The cityscape environment is cleaned up and the beautiful image greets the National Day

Multi-party linkage and joint attack

The Canghou Street Community United District Law Enforcement Bureau, the Precinct Chief's Office, the Street Chief's Unit, the Project Construction Unit, the District Grid Chief, and the Party Members and Mass Volunteers went deep into the jurisdiction to jointly rectify the environmental sanitation. Focus on on-site rectification of off-store operations, random stacking, and mobile stalls in key areas, mobilize merchants to take the initiative to clean up the random placement of objects, urge merchants to standardize operations, and put an end to the phenomenon of arbitrarily occupying the road and operating outside the store. Clean up the banners that are pulled along the streets, the wild advertisements on the street and in the corridors, and the construction waste on the side of the road. All project construction units are required to strictly implement the daily cleaning system, comprehensively clean and sprinkle water in the construction area and living area, strengthen dust prevention and dust reduction measures, and keep the construction site and surrounding environment clean and tidy.

"Clean up the dirt and eliminate the soil" The cityscape environment is cleaned up and the beautiful image greets the National Day
"Clean up the dirt and eliminate the soil" The cityscape environment is cleaned up and the beautiful image greets the National Day

Strengthen supervision and ensure results

During the National Day holiday, the Canghou street community will continue to strengthen the daily supervision and management of environmental sanitation, regular and irregular inspection and rectification, supervise the implementation of environmental rectification, find problems in a timely manner to supervise rectification in place, curb the momentum of dirty and chaotic rebound of the environment; and effectively achieve horizontal to the edge, vertical to the end, no vacancies, no dead ends, to ensure that the environmental appearance is maintained for a long time, continue to consolidate the results of rectification, show the most beautiful environmental appearance, and let the residents of the jurisdiction spend their holidays in a clean and comfortable urban environment.

"Clean up the dirt and eliminate the soil" The cityscape environment is cleaned up and the beautiful image greets the National Day

Photo/Text: Urban Management Office

Producer: Wang Li Review: Fu Yanli Editor: Tian Shuchen

"Clean up the dirt and eliminate the soil" The cityscape environment is cleaned up and the beautiful image greets the National Day

【Source: Canghou Street Community, Suzhou District】

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