
How did Roddick respond when his wife opened his yellow voice to anger the fans?

author:The home of tennis

Even in the face of such a severe epidemic prevention situation, the US Open Organizing Committee did not have the slightest intention of canceling this year's competition, and even more ingeniously prepared a variety of countermeasures, including charter flights to pick up and drop off stars, arrange adults to serve as caddies, etc., so it can be seen that Americans attach great importance to the US Open.

In the history of American tennis, in terms of men, in addition to Arthur Ash in ancient times, Yuliang Sampras and Agassi in modern times, rodick is the most famous.

How did Roddick respond when his wife opened his yellow voice to anger the fans?

Having won the US Open and reached the top of the world's first cannon, naturally there is also its capital worth showing off, even if he lost to Federer three times in the Wimbledon final, but he maintained a good attitude and won the love of many fans. Even after many years of retirement, the topic around him is enduring.

How did Roddick respond when his wife opened his yellow voice to anger the fans?

Not long ago, Roddick also quipped on the Internet: the only thing that can be done to deal with Djokovic, who is now in his peak state, is to retire early like him, so that he can occupy a leading position in the history of the two sides, which is also considered by many netizens to be very humorous and clever.

Coincidentally, Roddick has recently been on the hot search because of a piece of news. Because he and netizens debated on Twitter, netizens were dissatisfied, and for a while they scolded Roddick for being Rod-DICK (similar to Roddick's name), while Roddick's wife came to escort him and left a message: A big one at that (because it is too hot, I will not translate here)

How did Roddick respond when his wife opened his yellow voice to anger the fans?

I have to say, this is really what it is. The Internet advocates freedom of speech, but like Roddick's wife, her husband, as a public figure, although he is not in the active tennis world, he still needs to be cautious in speaking out, otherwise, how can public influence be established?

How did Roddick respond when his wife opened his yellow voice to anger the fans?

In general, roddick's career image is still very good, with good looks and strength, and it is not as strange as the early Agassi, the behavior is out of line, and it can also be regarded as a good man. But his wife is so hot, I don't know how the two of them came together in this marriage?

How did Roddick respond when his wife opened his yellow voice to anger the fans?

However, after retiring from the army, Andy's life is still relatively comfortable. Not long ago, he was also inducted into the Tennis Hall of Fame. How should Americans who have seen too many storms in their careers respond to this matter of their wives? As of now, no positive response has been given. Let's keep waiting and see how Roddick comes up with humorous answers! (Source: Tennis House Author: Luo ChengQiye)

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