
Female killers alone to eliminate the gang, each action scene is the climax, the classic Korean suspense revenge film

author:Suspenseful pursuit order

Hiding under the bed, ShuXi watched her father die tragically in front of her

Don't wait for her to be sad

The murderer reappears with a hammer

The heartbroken man did not kill her immediately

Female killers alone to eliminate the gang, each action scene is the climax, the classic Korean suspense revenge film


Instead, he sold the girl to a friend

The man stripped naked and was trying to misbehave

Just in times of despair

The mysterious man in the hat arrived in time

He raised his knife and dropped it to solve the obscene criminal in an instant

Shu Hee didn't know the man's real name

But everyone around him called him Old Lee

The lonely girl is taken back to the base by Old Lee

This is a mysterious killer organization

Specialized in cultivating excellent and professional top killers

Young Shu-hee quickly adapted to such training

The assembly and disassembly of firearms is also easy for her

After day-to-day training

Shuxi's combat effectiveness also increased dramatically

As an adult, she found her father's killer through investigation

Female killers alone to eliminate the gang, each action scene is the climax, the classic Korean suspense revenge film

But the murderer was too cunning

Shu Hee, who wanted revenge, was caught

The murderer was revealed during the confrontation between the two

She was just collecting money to kill her father

Before he could finish speaking, Old Lee broke through the window

The able-bodied man quickly took care of several people

Shu-hee, who was rescued again, is grateful

She looked at old Lee who had medicated herself

Inside I just feel warm and steady

The two of them soon entered the palace of marriage

The wedding is simple and romantic

But the good times are not long

Just as they were on their honeymoon, Old Lee received a phone call

According to reliable information, someone found Shu Hee's father-killer

To avenge his wife

Old Li concealed that she led people into the other party's lair

But something went wrong in the process of revenge, and Old Lee was brutally killed

Shu-hee, who learned the truth, hurried back

When she returned, she saw only her husband's flesh-and-blood face

Female killers alone to eliminate the gang, each action scene is the climax, the classic Korean suspense revenge film

Grief-stricken, she picked up a gun and broke into the other side's territory alone

In the dark corridor appeared the figure of the top female killer

The fight from the first perspective is thrilling

A strong desire for revenge drove her to the brisk pace

Under Shuxi's swift attack

The other side was completely annihilated

However, just when she had solved the last person and was ready to escape

The police have been waiting for a long time

They surrounded her with guns

Shu hee, who was arrested, was not put in jail

Instead, I went into a single room

It turned out that the NSA's minister of power saw her ability

So it was brought into the secret service training base

The girls here are young and beautiful

They are required to learn a variety of skills

Upon completion, they will be the most advantageous weapons of murder for the police

In order to give Shu Hee a new identity

Minister Kwon arranged for her to undergo cosmetic surgery

But Shu Hee, who is deeply in the pain of bereavement, only wants to escape from here

The repeated escapes took the staff to great lengths

She almost escaped from the base that day

Thankfully, minister quan appeared in time

Shuxi, who was caught, was bent on dying

Minister Kwon, on the other hand, produced the hospital's diagnosis

She was pregnant and was Old Lee's child

The minister asked if you want your child to die with you

Shuxi held the report for a long time and did not let go

The Minister then offered to complete the agent training

Go out and work for the organization for another ten years

She can take her children to live the life of an ordinary person

Thinking about the child in her belly, Shu-hee finally compromises

Since then she has been formally trained by the organization

While learning shooting skills

They also have to take care of various courses such as cooking, makeup, opera performance, etc

The goal is to get these women out and be able to adapt to all kinds of complex situations

Female killers alone to eliminate the gang, each action scene is the climax, the classic Korean suspense revenge film

This allows for more efficient killing tasks

After a while, the daughter was born smoothly

Shu-hee, who became a mother, became even stronger

She was placed in the top training team

The students of the same period were not her opponents at all

Tests like assembling guns are like pediatrics

Fast forward to three years later

Shu-hee, who performed well, was given the first task

The Minister promised to complete the operation as long as it was completed

Let her take her daughter out to live

Late that night

A woman dressed in black sneaked into the room

No sooner had she taken out her gun than someone ambushed her

Between the fights, the two both fell downstairs

Fortunately, Shuxi seized the opportunity to kill instantly

The sound of fierce fighting attracted the enemy to pursue and kill

She quickly adjusted her state and rode to escape

Under the siege and interception of everyone, she resolutely jumped into the river to escape

Shu Hee, who successfully completed the mission, returned to the base

The minister was also convinced, and she arranged the mother and daughter into a neighborhood

And gave them a new identity

Before leaving, she repeatedly told Shu-hee to remember her new identity

Don't let others discover things from the past

However, the minister did not intend to let Shu Hee go

For better control of this top killer

She sent agent Soo Hyun

Soo Hyun is a thoughtful and handsome man

He would always show up when the mother and daughter needed help

On rainy nights, he would give Shuxi an umbrella

When visiting the supermarket, she will pick up the child to play with her

This should be the ordinary life that Shuxi yearns for

And Xiu Xian, who originally only wanted to complete the task, also moved his heart

In the day-to-day together

He fell in love with this woman with a tragic fate

Beneath the seemingly strong exterior is a fragile heart

Soo-hyun, who is deeply involved, wants to marry Sook-hee

Female killers alone to eliminate the gang, each action scene is the climax, the classic Korean suspense revenge film

He wants to be separated from the organization and his beloved to spend his life together

But Shu-hee is worried that her identity will be revealed

The hard-won happiness in front of you will disappear

But the peaceful life did not last for a few days

Danger came to the door again

When a task is executed at one time

Shu Hee meets her former friend Min Joo

She learned after questioning

As long as you complete this mission, Minzhu will be able to leave the base

Watching a good friend is about to be reborn

Shu Hee was happy for her from the bottom of her heart

The two disguise themselves and sneak up to the target

After a while, Shu-hee steals her phone and prepares to steal secrets

I just opened the door when I was done

The other party has already kidnapped Minzhu

Seeing things unfold

ShuXi had to pull out her hairpin and engage in a fierce fight with it

The brave Shu Hee quickly eliminated one person

Another sneaked up from the rear while she was not ready

Minzhu saw this and rushed forward

The minzhu who was stabbed in the neck was bleeding profusely

Watching her friend's life dying, Shuxi quickly solved the target

She helped her friend to wait for the minister's support

However, the minister refused to treat Minzhu

For her, people who have lost their value do not need to be saved

Min-joo, who could not hold on, eventually died in Shu-hee's arms

Devastated, Shuxi returned home confused

She hid in the toilet and cried

At this moment, she was deeply aware that she could not escape this fate

Ordinary people's lives are out of reach

Xiu Xian, who heard the sound, did not know how to comfort him

He could only warm his wounded heart with his arms

This experience made Shuxi feel pain in her heart

She decided to pursue happiness in her limited days

So he found Soo Hyun early the next morning

The two expressed their intentions

Shu Hee wanted to reveal her identity as a killer

Female killers alone to eliminate the gang, each action scene is the climax, the classic Korean suspense revenge film

But when the words come to the lips, they can't say them

Soo Hyun euphemistically said that he also had something to hide

Although there are too many uncertainties, the intention of the two people to love each other is clear

After discussion, they chose an ordinary day to hold the wedding

Shuxi, who put on her wedding dress again, was full of emotions

Before she could enter the auditorium, the Minister gave the task again

The task is simple to take out the gangsters on the opposite floor

She found the sniper rifle she had already prepared in the toilet

Once assembled, get ready to aim and shoot

Just when I wanted to shoot, I accidentally found that the man opposite was the dead old Li

In a panic, the inaccurate marksmanship only knocked off the glasses

Old Li also escaped the disaster

Shu-hee, who did not complete the task, returned to the wedding scene

Only at this moment, she was full of doubts

And Lao Li, who was almost killed, began to investigate the real culprit

He found the sniper's spot and then called up the surveillance video

The woman in the wedding dress caught his attention

Although his appearance changed, he was sure that this was his wife at that time

In order to confirm the identity of old Li found Shuxi

After some conversation, he confirmed his inner suspicions

Shuxi, who has old feelings, is also shaken

At the same time, Xiuxian is also investigating Lao Li's details

Without a clue, he had to turn to the minister

But the minister warned him not to meddle in these matters

It was his duty to keep an eye on Shu Hee

What the two don't know is

The conversation between them has been recorded by people with ulterior motives

On this day, Shuxi received roses from Lao Li

There was also a tape tape inside

Female killers alone to eliminate the gang, each action scene is the climax, the classic Korean suspense revenge film

Shu Hee realizes that there may be important information in it

So she evaded the organization's surveillance and came to the Internet café

After opening the recording, the conversation between Soo Hyun and the minister was clearly heard

Only then did Shuxi understand that everything was a lie

Soo Hyun is also just spying on his own pawns

Heartbroken, Shu-hee tells Old Lee about the minister sending out the killer again

The female killer who was sent out had not yet left the elevator door

He was blocked at the door by Old Li and his men

The matter was soon known to the minister

She angrily condemns Shu-hee's betrayal

Due to the incident, the minister decided to escort Shuxi back to the base

On the way back, Old Li led people to intercept it

After a fierce firefight the minister was forced to leave

The saved Shuxi thought that her daughter was still in their hands

In a hurry, she rushed home with a gun

But as soon as she got downstairs, there was an explosion in her house

Soo Hyun falls from a height with her daughter in her arms

And she could only watch the tragedy unfold

Shu Hee hugged her dead daughter and cried bitterly

She didn't understand why Heaven was so cruel

The daughter is her last bottom line

Shu-hee, who has lost everything, is on the verge of collapse

She believes that Minister Kwon is the culprit

So I wanted to die with her

But the truth of the matter made her unbearable

It turned out that Old Li was the murderer of his daughter

He had his men ambush Shu-hee's house

When Soo Hyun appeared holding his daughter, several people injured her to the ground

Soo Hyun tells Old Lee that the child is his own flesh and blood

But the fierce man still hurt the killer

Desperate, So-hyun can only jump off the building with her child in her arms

After seeing all this, Shuxi could no longer hold on

She didn't understand why Old Li didn't even let go of his own daughter

With doubt and hatred

Shuxi drove into Lao Li's territory

After clearing away the obstructing men

She finally met the man she had once loved

Female killers alone to eliminate the gang, each action scene is the climax, the classic Korean suspense revenge film

After some persecution, Shuxi finally got the answer

It turned out that the real murderer of his father was also Old Li

And he took Shu-hee away just to turn it into a killing machine

When he found out that he had feelings, he designed a fake death

In this way, the entanglement between the two can be broken

He can also use Shuxi's hand to eliminate dissidents

After all the mysteries are solved

Shuxi only felt that the sky was spinning

These grievances always have to be decided

She took the dagger and stabbed at Old Lee

The two engaged in a final fight

Shu Hee beckons death with determination to die

Old Lee was soon defeated

In fear, he began to beg for forgiveness one after another

Today's Shuxi will no longer be soft-hearted

She raised her axe and slashed it down

Later, Shu Hee was arrested again by the police

Only this time she had a frightening smile on her face

This smile is liberation and more fearlessness from falling into darkness

"Wicked Girl" was produced by the original team of Busan Yukihara

The director is Zheng Bingji, who directs I Am a Murderer

A strong cast of cass lays the foundation for premium film quality

And most of the scenes in the movie are first-person fights

The action design is simple and sharp

In particular, the long shots that start with up to 7 minutes long shots are shot

The unique perspective seems to make people feel immersed

In the narrow aisles, the magazines are constantly being replaced

Falling with the enemy's response The adrenaline rush of the audience also soared to the top

However, this ambitious work did not receive a very high reputation

The film borrows a lot of classics, and many scenes make people look familiar

Perhaps there are too many mixed elements to make the theme of the story unable to be revealed

But for audiences who love action movies, this movie is definitely not to be missed

In addition to the fist-to-flesh action design

Shuxi's bumpy fate is also a highlight

Confucianism has always firmly believed in the inherent goodness of human nature

The evil women that people call them are not born to be evil

Fate pushed her step by step into the abyss of sin

During this time, someone tried to save her from the whirlpool

But the more you struggle, the deeper you fall

Endless torture eventually drove it crazy

The moment she swung the axe, she finally completely confirmed the guilt of evil

And the smile on his face also changed from the previous bitter smile to a murderous sneer

The name of the evil woman may be too blunt

What this woman went through is difficult to sum up in simple words

Throw away the slightly clichéd storyline

The film has largely completed a variety of high-level shots

Comparable to the praise of Hollywood action blockbusters

It has also been talked about by people

If there is more innovation, it may be possible to reach a higher level

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