
Qiong girl Wang Yuling died in a plane crash with her boyfriend in 1993, and her life was frozen in the most beautiful moment

author:Wan 㚥

Today's Qiongyao opera is already yesterday's yellow flower, but in the 1980s and 1990s, Qiongyao opera was once popular on both sides of the strait and became the collective memory of a generation.

At that time, if there was an actor who could be favored by Qiong Yao, he could play a role in the play, which was a very face-saving thing.

Qiong girl Wang Yuling died in a plane crash with her boyfriend in 1993, and her life was frozen in the most beautiful moment

Qiong Yao drama has won one after another Qiong girl, I don't know if it is influenced by Qiong Yao drama, most of the Qiong yao girls are bumpy in love, and they are not ladylike.

The most regrettable of these Qiong girls is Wang Yuling, a Qiong girl who should have a bright future, but left this world forever because of an accident.

Born in 1964, Wang Yuling is the eldest daughter of an ordinary family in Taiwan and has three younger brothers under her.

Wang Yuling has grown up pure and lovely, with a very classical temperament.

At the age of 24, Wang Yuling, who loves acting, signed up for the Huashi actor training class with the mentality of trying it out.

Qiong girl Wang Yuling died in a plane crash with her boyfriend in 1993, and her life was frozen in the most beautiful moment

Originally, Wang Yuling did not have much hope for this, but she did not expect that with her appearance and generous demeanor, she became a member of the training class.

In this training class of Huashi, there are also Zou Linlin, Dong Wenfen and others.

Wang Yuling became classmates with them.

The talented Wang Yuling studied hard in the training class, had excellent understanding, easy-going personality, and was very popular with everyone.

After graduating from the training class, Wang Yuling took over the filming of "The Hometown of the Clouds", but this TV series did not make Wang Yuling angry.

Later, Wang Yuling successively filmed several TV series, but the response was mediocre.

Qiong girl Wang Yuling died in a plane crash with her boyfriend in 1993, and her life was frozen in the most beautiful moment

Wang Yuling is idyllic by nature, and not being red is nothing to her, but the strangeness of the entertainment industry makes her forget.

"Maybe the decision to be an actor was wrong."

Wang Yuling began to doubt her original choice, and soon after, she chose to quit the entertainment industry.

Wang Yuling, who quit the entertainment industry, entered a company and became an ordinary office worker.

After two years, life was plain, and Wang Yuling thought that this life had nothing to do with drama.

However, Wang Yuling's heart is always turbulent, and she understands that she still likes to be an actor.

Qiong girl Wang Yuling died in a plane crash with her boyfriend in 1993, and her life was frozen in the most beautiful moment

With the encouragement of her family, Wang Yuling returned to the entertainment circle, and her heart was suddenly enriched.

Some people are born on the stage, and Wang Yuling is one of them.

In 1988, Wang Yuling returned to Taiwan's China Television to shoot "A Thousand Dollars Are Difficult to Buy Good Neighbors", and her delicate performance in the play won the recognition of the audience.

At this time, Wang Yuling was in a calm mood, she was not impatient, waiting for the opportunity.

Huashi saw that Wang Yuling's acting skills were really good, and began to focus on cultivating her, giving her a lot of opportunities to be photogenic.

Qiong girl Wang Yuling died in a plane crash with her boyfriend in 1993, and her life was frozen in the most beautiful moment

In 1989, Qiong Yao wanted to shoot "Wan Jun" and auditioned actresses across Taiwan.

Wang Yuling's classical charm and a pair of veined eyes suddenly attracted Qiong Yao's attention.

Therefore, Qiong Yao asked Wang Yuling to play the role of "Cui Shangqi" in "Wan Jun".

Qiong Yao not only has profound writing skills, but also has a very poisonous vision of people, and all the actors she likes are dragons and phoenixes among people.

Although Wang Yuling's "Cui Shangqi" in the play "Wanjun" is a supporting role, she is enthusiastic and cheerful, avant-garde, dares to do daring, and does not lose the protagonist "Wanjun" actor Yu Xiaofan.

Qiong girl Wang Yuling died in a plane crash with her boyfriend in 1993, and her life was frozen in the most beautiful moment

"Wan Jun" became a turning point in Wang Yuling's acting career, and from then on, her star path was frank and her future was bright.

Qiong Yao likes Wang Yuling very much, and whenever she wants to shoot a TV series, as long as there is a role suitable for Wang Yuling, she will definitely be allowed to star.

Under the support of Qiong Yao, Wang Yuling played the aunt of Liu Fu in another play of Qiong Yao, "Dumb Wife".

This role is completely different from the avant-garde "Cui Shangqi", and Wang Yuling played the humble aunt under the feudal system without a trace, showing her profound skills in mastering various types of roles.

Qiong girl Wang Yuling died in a plane crash with her boyfriend in 1993, and her life was frozen in the most beautiful moment

Through her unremitting efforts, Wang Yuling became the head of Huashi and completely became popular on both sides of the taiwan strait.

In 1991, Wang Yuling acted in the popular Taiwanese version of "Four Young People in Beijing", a TV series that brought Wang Yuling's career to a new peak.

In this TV series, although the role of "Yutong" played by Wang Yuling is not much, she plays the love with Liu Dekai and cannot be sought, which is pitiful.

Qiong girl Wang Yuling died in a plane crash with her boyfriend in 1993, and her life was frozen in the most beautiful moment

After Wang Yuling became red, the film contract continued, and the private space became less and less.

What woman in the world does not look forward to having her own love, and Wang Yuling also longs to get the person who loves her.

Wang Yuling's desire was rewarded, she met a good man, and the two soon became a happy couple.

Some people say that Wang Yuling is the darling of heaven, her career is booming, and she has a satisfactory boyfriend, it seems that the good things in the world belong to her alone.

Qiong girl Wang Yuling died in a plane crash with her boyfriend in 1993, and her life was frozen in the most beautiful moment

Wang Yuling also thought the same thing in her heart, she didn't know that a doom was coming.

1993年春节的时候,王玉玲和男友约定去夏威夷度假,‬以‬此‬互‬相‬放‬松‬心情。 ‬

忙碌的拍‬戏‬生‬涯‬让‬王‬玉‬玲‬不‬堪‬重‬负‬,‬她‬也‬想‬借‬此机会‬与‬男友‬痛‬快‬地玩‬一‬场‬。 ‬

当时旅游团共有‬45人左右,不‬过‬只有11人参加观光基劳亚火山的节目。 ‬

王玉玲及男友从来没有看‬过‬火‬山‬的真‬容‬,‬所以也‬参加了观‬光‬基‬劳‬亚‬火‬山的节目,‬他们和‬其他四个人搭乘的直升机在‬空中飞行。 ‬

Qiong girl Wang Yuling died in a plane crash with her boyfriend in 1993, and her life was frozen in the most beautiful moment





王‬玉‬玲‬与‬男‬友双‬双‬不‬幸‬殒‬命‬‬,王‬玉‬玲‬遇‬难‬的‬时候年‬仅‬29岁‬。 ‬

Qiong girl Wang Yuling died in a plane crash with her boyfriend in 1993, and her life was frozen in the most beautiful moment


Wang Yuling's unexpected death made her parents wash their faces with tears, and the pain of the white-haired people sending the black-haired people is indescribable.

After Wang Yuling's death, Taiwan's showbiz held a public festival on February 21, 1993.

Huashi Productions broadcast "Huashi Forever Daughter - Wang Yuling Album" to show nostalgia.

Wang Yuling's life is like a comet flying across the sky, although her life is short, but also left her most beautiful shadow.

Qiong girl Wang Yuling died in a plane crash with her boyfriend in 1993, and her life was frozen in the most beautiful moment

About the Author: A woman who likes to read, is obsessed with history, and loves to write articles. What is a good article, I don't know. I only know that writing an article is writing what I want to say, what I want to write. This is me, an earthly layman, who is worried about the deep valley and the sky, and the orchid is fragrant.

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