
A tourist confronts 11 white tigers, isn't he afraid?

author:Maple speaks


On October 23, a 56-year-old tourist, Jiang Mou, violated the regulations while viewing animals in the self-driving tour area of Beijing Wildlife Park, and got out of the car and broke into the white tiger group;

Constantly provoke animals with language and actions, face to face with tigers, and have zero-distance contact;

A tourist confronts 11 white tigers, isn't he afraid?

Fortunately, the white tiger's temperament is relatively mild, the wild nature is not so violent, and suddenly a large living person stands in front of him, a little confused for a while, and did not react;

Perhaps the bigger reason is that the white tiger has just eaten, is not hungry, and has not made an aggressive move;

However, Jiang Mou was a disturbance of public order and was taken away by the police.

Beasts of prey will hurt people, so no matter how much they like or dislike a certain type of beast, they can only wait and see from a distance, but they cannot face each other, and this truth is probably understood by primary school students;

However, an adult, and a mature 56-year-old who enters the second half of his life, forgets basic social norms.

A tourist confronts 11 white tigers, isn't he afraid?

You have touched, you are satisfied, but you have harmed others;

Create a terrorist atmosphere for the society, bring management problems to the park, bring terror to other tourists, and the good social order is disturbed;

Isn't that just disturbing the peace?


Someone asked what is the psychological drive for this behavior of tourists?

This psychology is more complicated;

It may be that you want to be innovative, taste the freshness, and those Internet celebrities who shoot videos on the seashore and cliff side are almost a psychology, and want to attract traffic with curious pictures in exchange for personal commercial value;

However, to exchange the cost of life for this little commercial value, I really don't know how to think.

A tourist confronts 11 white tigers, isn't he afraid?

It may also be that you encounter a desperate situation in life, have an incurable disease, and want to end yourself in an extreme way, which is also possible;

Maybe it is to find their own death as a demon, not to measure their own strength, and want to be different from ordinary people;

Or darker, want to use this way to blackmail a sum of money, as long as you die in this place, at least the responsibility of the park and the insurance company is inevitable;

If there are other reasons, it is ignorance and stupidity;

People have lived most of their lives, and they have not lived to understand what it is like to be alive; they think that a person can do whatever he wants;

Now that the answer has finally been found, in fact, a person living in this world is not free at all;

The state has legal norms to force you, society has public order and good customs to constrain you, and the crowd has moral literacy to require you;

Do whatever you want, do whatever you want, that's just a dash in words;

In reality, everyone is extremely difficult to live, and there is so much freedom.

Man's life is the process of going from stupidity to enlightenment to gaining wisdom;

Some people gain wisdom at a young age, do things in line with the operation of the world, life will be easy and smooth;

Some people are old, time has spent a few inches of gold, and they have not yet figured out how to behave as a person, and their lives will be limited everywhere and they will encounter obstacles;

Fined by the police today, reprimanded by the police tomorrow, life is the closest to the police.

A tourist confronts 11 white tigers, isn't he afraid?


There is a kind of behavior in this world that ordinary people cannot understand;

Such people are people who cannot take responsibility for their own actions;

This kind of person is very easy to become a bar spirit in life, and it is very screwed and very shafty.

You say east, he says west;

You say that it is dangerous, pay attention to safety, he says that you want to manage, Lao Tzu's life is not worried about you;

Then, accidentally fell, drunk driving a red light was hit, the whim of the tiger group was torn apart, began to throw money on the ground to lose money to the family;

In the face of gaps in the country's judicial system, these absurd demands can still be supported;

It is not uncommon for a weak person to be justified, and the unfortunate person to be compensated for the victim touching the porcelain script.

Irresponsible behavior in contempt of the public interest, needless to say, is directly blacklisted by the lever;

Violation of garden rules, regulations, direct fines, criminal liability;

Some people can't be persuaded by reason, and can only let him suffer a little, only to know that he is not a hegemon, does not have three eyes, and does not have the ability to reach the sky with his hands and eyes.

However, sometimes you can also tease them a little, and it is still quite interesting to see the kind of angry and corrupt, red face and thick neck;

Different worries have no effect, as long as it is an individual, he will point out his face, saying that he does not want a face is pretending to be shown to people;

With a humiliating, ugly way, you can also teach each other a lesson, and you will remember it longer in the future;

Some people can only be remembered with a tragic lesson.

(Author: Han Feng, MBA of East China Normal University/ Lyon Business School, Lyon Business School, European and American enterprise human resources director, if you read this article want to tell me your ideas, welcome to leave a message to me)

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