
The amputee boy never gave up and knocked on the door of Fudan

author:Xinmin Evening News
The amputee boy never gave up and knocked on the door of Fudan

Photo: Xu Yiding Courtesy of the interviewee (the same below)

  Xinmin Evening News (reporter Zhang Jiongqiang correspondent Zhang Peilin) Fudan University is about to usher in a group of new students. Among the new students in the class of 2021 is an optimistic and inspirational boy, his name is Xu Yiding. Just after the first year of high school, he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, forced to suspend school, and even amputated, but when he returned to class, he always smiled, and he used optimism and hard work, with good learning methods, to knock on the door of Fudan and enter the engineering experimental class of Fudan University.

  Four years ago, Xu Yiding was admitted to Tianyi Middle School in Jiangsu Province. After two or three months of schooling, Xu Yiding suddenly suffered severe pain in his left leg. On examination, osteosarcoma is diagnosed. In order to be treated, Xu Yiding had to temporarily leave the campus and take a one-year suspension. During the year, Xu Yiding underwent repeated surgeries. "At first, I thought that after a break after surgery, I should be able to go back to school. Unexpectedly, the wound became infected and had to undergo debridement surgery to deal with the infected place. Maybe my body's rejection of metal prosthesis is more obvious, and three debridement surgeries have not had much effect. Eventually, Xu Yiding underwent amputation.

  In the face of the sudden physical change, Xu Yiding said, "Since it has already happened, there is no need to complain, and continue to walk along with it." There are many more unfortunate than me, so I have no reason to be pessimistic and disappointed, only optimism can give myself and the people around me more hope. "Where he is, it's always full of laughter," my attending physician praised me, and if everyone could be as optimistic as I was, it would be nice. ”

  After the amputation, Xu Yiding was equipped with a prosthesis for standing and walking training. During his hospitalization, Xu Yiding did not give up his studies. He reviews the courses he has learned and previews the content of the later courses. He said that at the moment, we must strive to go in a better direction, as for what will happen in the future, leave it to the future, just continue to go in a good direction.

  After more than a year of treatment and recuperation, Xu Yiding returned to Tianyi Middle School and began to study in the first semester of high school. In the face of the half-semester course that fell behind, Xu Yiding did not worry, he developed the habit of studying in advance and improved his absorption ability in the classroom.

The amputee boy never gave up and knocked on the door of Fudan

Pictured: Xu Yiding in the ward

  After falling ill, Xu Yiding discovered the joy of reading and learning. "I used to like to go out and run and play football. In high school, especially after getting sick, sports were far away from me. I can only look for something new to have fun with. "When classmates go to physical education class and eat in the cafeteria, Xu Yiding uses that time to read books and write homework. He has his own pace of learning, but also pays attention to mastering the essentials of learning. Xu Yiding has his own set of learning methods, "Listening carefully to lectures, taking notes, and repeated practice are very important, accumulated in peacetime, thick accumulation can be thin hair." ”

  Admission to Fudan was an accident for Xu Yiding, who said: "I didn't expect the college entrance examination to play well. When my parents and grandfather heard about it, they were ecstatic. Looking back on his high school career, Xu Yiding thanked himself for his 100% efforts, and also thanked the teachers and classmates for their help, "The class leader who helped carry the bag, the teacher who braved the rain to pick me up, the classmates who pushed the wheelchair, their outstretched hands warmed my entire high school career, and let me devote myself to learning without worry." ”

  Why choose Fudan Engineering Pilot Class? Xu Yiding has his own considerations. He said, "Chip independent research and development is more and more valued, which is of great significance to national security and independent development of science and technology, and I want to enter the microelectronics major after professional diversion to contribute to the development of national science and technology." Fudan has the best laboratories and platforms related to microelectronics in China, which has advantages in both learning and research. ”

  Choosing an engineering experimental class can also be regarded as a family origin to some extent. Xu Yiding introduced: "My father has several years of experience in microelectronics, and he often shares some device principles and characteristics with me. Under his infection, I gradually became interested in this profession. ”

  If you choose your favorite major, Xu Yiding is full of expectations for his future study and life in Fudan. "First of all, we must work hard, learn well, learn solid professional course knowledge, and lay a solid foundation for future development." Second, make more friends in your spare time. In addition, Fudan has a lot of very interesting activities, and I want to participate in them after entering the school. ”

  Xu Yiding said that no matter what difficulties he encounters in the future, he will always remain optimistic. "Dostoevsky once said, 'I worry about only one thing, I'm afraid I don't deserve what I've suffered.'" Since I have undergone so many surgeries, I should be worthy of my own suffering. So in life, I will be more optimistic and work harder to live each day. ”

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