
Halfway through the wedding... "Big Coffee Love Song Male God" suddenly took the stage to sing! The guests were all hi over

author:ETtoday Starlight Cloud

Reporter Guo Caichen / Comprehensive Report

Singer Zhou Xingzhe sang well, sang classic love songs such as "Don't Be Friends Later", "If After the Rain", "What's Wrong", and attracted a large number of die-hard fans by relying on his warm voice, and recently stepped into the drama circle to take over the male lead of the movie. He was filming in Pingtung, and a few days ago he encountered a wedding downstairs in his residence, and at the instigation of his friends, he surprised the stage to sing, setting off a riot on the scene.

Halfway through the wedding... "Big Coffee Love Song Male God" suddenly took the stage to sing! The guests were all hi over

▼ Zhou Xingzhe sang and You ze acted, and recently took over the role of the male protagonist of the movie. (Photo/Photo from Instagram/ericchou0622)

Halfway through the wedding... "Big Coffee Love Song Male God" suddenly took the stage to sing! The guests were all hi over

Zhou Xingzhe played the male lead in the movie "I ate that boy's breakfast all year", and recently went to Pingtung with the crew to shoot, and said on the 24th that the downstairs of the residence just met the newlyweds to hold a wedding, and was provoked by a friend's sentence "Dare to go down and sing a song", and then really went on stage. Only to see him dressed casually in white shirt and shorts, singing the rammed song "What's Wrong" affectionately, and greeting the surrounding cameras kindly, without the slightest star shelf.

Halfway through the wedding... "Big Coffee Love Song Male God" suddenly took the stage to sing! The guests were all hi over

Zhou Xingzhe was surprised to sing for the wedding. (Photo/Photo from Instagram/ericchou0622)

The surprise appearance of the male god caused a riot at an instant, and the guests present gathered in front of the stage, picked up the mobile phone video, screamed and applauded madly, and Zhou Xingzhe's good singing voice made everyone listen to super intoxicated, and finally even the whole chorus directly became the concert scene, and the stable singing ability was praised "Sure enough, it is a powerful singer", "The ear is directly pregnant", "Fundamental action CD, super pull", "Handsome to no, the song explodes and sounds good".

Halfway through the wedding... "Big Coffee Love Song Male God" suddenly took the stage to sing! The guests were all hi over

▼ There was a riot among the guests at the scene. (Photo/Photo from Instagram/ericchou0622)

Halfway through the wedding... "Big Coffee Love Song Male God" suddenly took the stage to sing! The guests were all hi over

Afterwards, Zhou Xingzhe revealed that in fact, he was ready to sleep, watched the wedding in the room for nearly half an hour, decided to give the couple a blessing, grabbed a shirt, used water to tidy up the hairstyle and appeared on the scene, playfully shouting "Don't tell my agent." After the film was exposed, the people-friendly action made fans all super envious and set off a heated discussion.

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