
31-year-old singer married pomp and pageantry! Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, Ma Zhiyu presided, and many times before the wedding, Jin Jiuzhe and Shen Mo Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, and Ma Zhiyu presided over the pomp and circumstance

author:Meow meow entertainment
31-year-old singer married pomp and pageantry! Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, Ma Zhiyu presided, and many times before the wedding, Jin Jiuzhe and Shen Mo Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, and Ma Zhiyu presided over the pomp and circumstance

"Marriage is a bridge through the love of two people".

Whether in our daily lives or in the plots of film and television dramas, marriage has always been an enduring topic. Some people say that marriage is the cornerstone of witnessing the love between men and women, and some people say that marriage is the "grave" in life. But in any case, in the final analysis, the word "responsibility" cannot be circumvented.

Not long ago, 31-year-old singer Kim Joo-chul and his girlfriend who had been in love for a long time officially entered the palace of marriage. And this wedding is even more "incomparably grand", even the "emcee" who presided over the wedding for him is the host of CCTV, not to mention their witness, Teacher Pan Changjiang.

31-year-old singer married pomp and pageantry! Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, Ma Zhiyu presided, and many times before the wedding, Jin Jiuzhe and Shen Mo Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, and Ma Zhiyu presided over the pomp and circumstance

Perhaps at first hearing the name Kim Joo-chol, some people will feel a little strange. But several of his songs were sung all over the streets in the early years.

For example, the song "Bumper" that "society is very simple, complex is people" is widely sung, and it is a very magical one. There's also "It's Over" and "The Man's Bitter Woman Is Not Clear."

31-year-old singer married pomp and pageantry! Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, Ma Zhiyu presided, and many times before the wedding, Jin Jiuzhe and Shen Mo Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, and Ma Zhiyu presided over the pomp and circumstance

These songs are very grounded, and some of the lyrics in these songs once became the mantra of folk lovers. But compared to the grounded songs, its big wedding pomp is not small.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > Kim Jiu-chul and Shen Mo</h1>

Kim Joo-chul is a veritable Northeastern grandfather. In him, we can see the heroism of the northeast man, and his singing voice, like his people, is full of magnetism.

31-year-old singer married pomp and pageantry! Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, Ma Zhiyu presided, and many times before the wedding, Jin Jiuzhe and Shen Mo Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, and Ma Zhiyu presided over the pomp and circumstance

In 2016, he released a song with a strong dance style, "Temperament Charms People", which instantly attracted countless fans. Of course, before that, Kim Kyu-chul also had many works with a high degree of singing.

In addition, Kim Joo-cheol has also starred in a web drama called "The Return of the Wolf of the Super Soldier King", which was officially released in November 2017, in this film and television drama, Kim Joo-cheol's acting skills are also OK, interested friends may wish to go to see.

31-year-old singer married pomp and pageantry! Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, Ma Zhiyu presided, and many times before the wedding, Jin Jiuzhe and Shen Mo Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, and Ma Zhiyu presided over the pomp and circumstance

And his wife Shen Mo, is also a singer, the representative work is "Can You Not Leave Me", the style is clean, the voice is good.

31-year-old singer married pomp and pageantry! Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, Ma Zhiyu presided, and many times before the wedding, Jin Jiuzhe and Shen Mo Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, and Ma Zhiyu presided over the pomp and circumstance

There is not much information to be heard about the acquaintance of the two. But for the feelings of the two, it is not generally good. From the arrangement of this wedding, you can see something.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="35" > Pan Changjiang to witness the marriage and Ma Zhiyu to preside</h1>

At the wedding of Kim Joo-chul and Shen Mo, we can see a lot of things, this wedding began to be broadcast live from 6 a.m. on September 9th, and lasted for most of the day before it was completed. For this wedding, presumably the couple began to prepare from a long time ago, after all, in the face of the whole network live broadcast, any link must ensure that there is no mistake.

31-year-old singer married pomp and pageantry! Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, Ma Zhiyu presided, and many times before the wedding, Jin Jiuzhe and Shen Mo Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, and Ma Zhiyu presided over the pomp and circumstance

So before the wedding, according to the relevant people, the wedding has been rehearsed many times. And surprisingly, in the live broadcast preview, we also saw CCTV host Ma Zhiyu and the highly respected teacher Pan Changjiang. We can't help but sigh that Kim Joo-chol's social circle is really very wide.

As the host of this wedding, Ma Zhiyu is also a well-known person.

31-year-old singer married pomp and pageantry! Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, Ma Zhiyu presided, and many times before the wedding, Jin Jiuzhe and Shen Mo Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, and Ma Zhiyu presided over the pomp and circumstance

He is well known for hosting CCTV's "Top Ten Singers of the Year Selection" in 2006, and has since participated in the recording of many popular programs such as "Happy Dictionary", "Opening the Door", "Avenue of Stars" and so on. And he also has a status, that is, China's chief wedding celebrant, presumably this is one of the reasons why Kim Jiu-cheol invited the other party to officiate the wedding.

In addition, as mentioned above, this time to attend the wedding, not only he has a "wrist", the following one is larger than his coffee position. That is the witness, Teacher Pan Changjiang.

31-year-old singer married pomp and pageantry! Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, Ma Zhiyu presided, and many times before the wedding, Jin Jiuzhe and Shen Mo Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, and Ma Zhiyu presided over the pomp and circumstance

Mr. Pan Changjiang can be said to be the number one person in the country, and almost everyone in China has seen the TV series or movies he starred in. For example, "Raise Your Hand" is one of his most classic masterpieces. In the past two years, he has also appeared in the public eye again by engaging in online live broadcasting.

However, with the frequent appearances of Teacher Pan, some bad voices have become more and more. For example, there was an article written by the media before: "Hot search on the "Friendship of Panga", don't let the traffic monetization smash the "Virtue and Art Double Xin" signboard"

31-year-old singer married pomp and pageantry! Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, Ma Zhiyu presided, and many times before the wedding, Jin Jiuzhe and Shen Mo Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, and Ma Zhiyu presided over the pomp and circumstance

Some people say that Teacher Pan Changjiang is not a "moral and artistic double xin", and there is obviously no comparison with the real art master. But a person has something that a person is good at, and everyone also has a character or work that they like. As an actor, isn't it just to have fun on stage? In this regard, Teacher Pan Changjiang is still very successful.

31-year-old singer married pomp and pageantry! Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, Ma Zhiyu presided, and many times before the wedding, Jin Jiuzhe and Shen Mo Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, and Ma Zhiyu presided over the pomp and circumstance

It's just that as Pan Changjiang fell deeper and deeper into the mud of the Internet, he also became the handful of people who "stood on the cusp of the waves". But this time I was able to attend the wedding, as a witness to the marriage of Jin Jiuzhe and Shen Mo, Presumably Teacher Pan also liked the couple very much.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="36" > pompous</h1>

Judging from the live broadcast, the groom set off with the convoy early in the morning and went to the woman's home to pick up her relatives. It is worth mentioning that in this convoy, not a single car is a "defective product". From the logo point of view, this team, all are a certain brand of luxury cars, and this series of models, each of the quotation is more than 1200w.

31-year-old singer married pomp and pageantry! Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, Ma Zhiyu presided, and many times before the wedding, Jin Jiuzhe and Shen Mo Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, and Ma Zhiyu presided over the pomp and circumstance

Ma Zhiyu, on the other hand, presided over and planned concurrently. He is personally responsible for all the big and small things at the wedding, such as lighting, field control, reception and so on.

Before Teacher Pan Changjiang arrived, Ma Zhiyu had already arranged for someone to stay at the door of the hotel in advance, which showed that the couple attached great importance to Teacher Pan.

Near noon, the wedding officially began, and after a series of procedures, Teacher Pan, as a witness, officially appeared. He said a lot of words to bless the newcomer, and personally wrapped two large red envelopes and stuffed them into the hands of the woman. It is ridiculed that after marriage, the woman should be allowed to take charge of the family's financial power.

31-year-old singer married pomp and pageantry! Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, Ma Zhiyu presided, and many times before the wedding, Jin Jiuzhe and Shen Mo Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, and Ma Zhiyu presided over the pomp and circumstance

The groom, Kim Kyu-chul, also knelt down on one knee and put the ring in his hand on the finger of the bride, Shen Mo. At the end of the wedding, the scene became extremely lively, and many of Kim's friends also sang on stage to bless the newlyweds. For example, He Yihang's "Please Say Hello First", Qianbaihui's "Very Willful", Chen Yasen's "May Not Be Able to Meet You in the Next Life" and so on.

In short, this wedding, which was not a concert, ended perfectly in the fervent blessings of the parents, relatives and friends of both sides and the vast number of netizens at the end of Kim Joo-cheol.

31-year-old singer married pomp and pageantry! Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, Ma Zhiyu presided, and many times before the wedding, Jin Jiuzhe and Shen Mo Pan Changjiang witnessed the marriage, and Ma Zhiyu presided over the pomp and circumstance

For Jin Jiuzhe, this wedding witnessed not only his love with Shen Mo, but also all his sincerity along the way.

At the end of the wedding, Kim Joo-chul once choked up and said, "Where I can use my brother in the future, I will definitely arrive." From his words, we can also see Kim Joo-cheol's dedication to friendship.

Finally, I also wish the bride and groom a hundred years of good union, and in the days to come, we must live happily and happily.

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