
"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

author:Bagua Meteorological Observatory

In 1994, the film of the same name, directed by Zhang Yimou and adapted from Yu Hua's novel, "Alive", made a splash at the 47th Cannes International Film Festival, and finally won three awards: "Jury Prize", "Best Actor Award" and "Humanitarian Spirit Award".

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

Unfortunately, this movie, which is still 9.2 in the Douban score today, has not been released in the mainland for various reasons.

Ge You's Cannes film emperor was also little known at that time.

Netizens who have watched Yu Hua's "Alive" have not been touched by Fugui's ups and downs in life experience, living a drunken and absurd extravagant life in the first half of their lives, but in the second half of their lives, they have experienced the most suffering and tears in the world, which is heart-wrenching.

Fugui's life, saying that he is bitter, is really bitter, but saying that he is happy, he is also happy, before he loses his family, he is a young master after the people, enjoying the glory and wealth brought by his father.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

After the defeat of the family, although poor, there are a pair of filial and sensible children, a virtuous wife, and the family is dependent on each other for their lives, and they do not abandon each other.

11 years later, also adapted from Yu Hua's "Alive", after the TV series "Fugui" was broadcast, it did not attract much attention from the audience. But it is undeniable that the drama version of "Fugui", in some aspects of plot processing, is more humane than the film version, and it can penetrate people's hearts.

The characters in the play, in addition to the male and female protagonists were all newcomers at that time, and the supporting roles were all well-known celebrities.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

Li Ding as Old Master Xu

Speaking of Li Ding, the first thing many people think of is the cross-talk actor Li Ding.

But you must have heard such an advertising slogan: "Since eating ***, the waist is not sore and the legs do not hurt, go up to the fifth floor in one breath, hey, no effort.".

Yes, there is a vegetable basket in the advertisement, and the old man who has just returned from buying vegetables is Li Ding.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

Li Ding is the earliest generation of performing artists in China, in the TV series "Fugui", Li Ding played Fugui's father, Mr. Xu.

Like his son Fugui, Old Master Xu is also a loser.

When Old Master Xu took over the family business from Old Master Xu, the Xu family still had more than 200 acres of tribute land, but when it reached old Master Xu's hands, half of the life was lost, leaving only more than 100 acres.

After losing half of the family property, Mr. Xu suddenly woke up, and since then, he has washed his hands in the golden basin and single-mindedly managed the family business, no longer involved in "gambling".

There is another important reason why Old Master Xu can change from evil to righteousness, he is a "wife who is strict", and he is particularly afraid of Mrs. Xu.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

It is reasonable that a large landlord like Mr. Xu, in that era of popular three wives and four concubines, should have several aunts and wives. But Mr. Xu was "clean and self-righteous", and there was only one wife, Mrs. Xu.

Mrs. Xu's temperament is outstanding, at first glance, everyone is from a show of birth, and it is estimated that Old Master Xu did not make less effort for this family affair. However, these are digressions.

Old Master Xu worked hard to keep half of the family business, but before it reached his son's hands, he was defeated by his son, and finally died alive.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

When Mr. Li Ding played Mr. Xu, he was already 79 years old, and this veteran actor, who had been active on the stage for more than half a century, showed Mr. Xu's persistence, helplessness and heartache in front of the audience.

Especially when Mr. Xu used his trembling hand to take out the Xu family land title that was wrapped layer by layer, you can feel that he took out the painstaking efforts and disappointments of the Xu family's ancestors, and this detail made us feel the power of this old artist's performance.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

Li Ding took the stage in 1946 to start his acting career, in 1956, starring Li Ding in the drama "One Servant two Lords", in the climax part of the scene, there was a ticket that was difficult to find, in order to be able to grab a ticket, many audiences came to queue up a day in advance, with a cover roll, just to see the style of this drama novice.

Li Ding's performance not only made the domestic audience crazy, but even foreign experts were also moved by his performance. Since then, "One Servant and Two Lords" and "The Tea House" have become the first theater's pressure box bottom drama.

After that, due to special historical reasons, Li Ding left the stage for more than ten years, until he appeared on the stage again in 1979 and began to participate in film and television dramas.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

In 1992, the movie "Reply to Heaven" starring Li Ding did not know how many people's tears were earned, and the grandfather played by Li Ding was noble in character, which made people awe-inspired.

With "Letter from Heaven", Li Ding was nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the 13th Golden Rooster Awards of Chinese Cinema, but he did not win the award in the end.

In "Prime Minister Liu Luoguo", Li Ding played the sixth prince, that is, Liu Yong's father-in-law, and the phrase "Emperor Shengming" made many viewers remember him.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life


Until the year before his death, Li Ding was still acting.

It is regrettable that Li Ding has participated in dozens of film and television dramas in his lifetime, but he has not been able to win a mainstream award before his death.

On July 29, 2009, Li Ding's life came to an end and he died in Beijing Hospital at the age of 83.

On August 6, 2009, at the award ceremony of the 12th China Academy of Film Performing Arts Awards, all the guests stood up and gave applause to Teacher Li Ding, who died just a week ago, and Zhang Guoguo, who has cooperated with him many times, received this special honorary award instead of Teacher Li Ding.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

When delivering the acceptance speech, Zhang Guoli emotionally said to the audience: My biggest regret now is that I can't hand over the trophy to him by hand.

Although Elder Li is gone, his voice and appearance, classic role, will live forever in the hearts of the audience.

Wen Yujuan as Mrs. Xu

As soon as Mrs. Xu appeared, she surprised many people.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

Elegant temperament, gentle personality, beautiful and moving, no one could have imagined that the Xiannei helper who made Old Master Xu helpless was actually such a weak woman.

In front of Mr. Xu, Mrs. Xu has always said one thing and one thing, and Mr. Xu only has a share of obedience. But even so, she is not an unreasonable person, she knows the great righteousness, in addition to the son Fugui.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

Because there is only one son, Mrs. Xu is not too much at all for Fugui, who is afraid of falling in her hand and afraid of melting in her mouth.

It was her kindness that had no principle towards Fugui, which harmed Fugui, and of course, "helped" Fugui.

After Fugui was arrested, there was no news, and Mrs. Xu was too worried, and she finally fell ill and regretted it.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

Wen Yujuan, born in 1959, because of her tall stature, especially likes sports basketball and volleyball. In addition to liking sports, she also likes to watch movies and opera.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

It's just that because she is too tall and the school's literary and artistic activities, she is often excluded. For the profession of actor, she did not think about it, but felt that it was too far away from herself.

Unexpectedly, an ordinary singing competition made everyone discover that Wen Yujuan's voice was talented.

Huangxian Lv Opera Troupe came to the school to enroll, everyone actively recommended her, just like this, Wen Yujuan, who has not yet graduated from high school, went to Huangxian Lv Opera Troupe.

After arriving at the Huangxian Lü Opera Troupe, Wen Yujuan grew up very fast, and had outstanding performances in operas such as "Butterfly Love Flower" and "The Man Who Is Not Allowed to Be Born", and soon, the Huangxian Lv Opera Troupe trained her as a backbone.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

In 1977, Shangying came to Huangxian County to select young actors and took a fancy to Wen Yujuan, but because of the tight task of the troupe, Wen Yujuan lost an opportunity to shoot a movie.

It's your stuff, and no one else can take it away, just like a family treasured by wealth. This sentence, placed on Wen Yujuan, also applies.

After Wen Yujuan joined the army, she not only starred in a drama that won the first prize in air politics such as "The Pilot's Wife", but also the movie came to the door.

In 1980, the crew of "Xiyingmen" was in preparation, and the virtuous Second Daughter-in-law of the Chen family, "Water Lotus", had not yet been determined, and in the process of selecting "Water Lotus", the assistant director suddenly remembered Wen Yujuan in Huang County a few years ago.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

After some twists and turns, Wen Yujuan became the final candidate for "Water Lotus".

After the broadcast of "Xiyingmen", the virtuousness and kindness of "Water Lotus" made Wen Yujuan a famous "national daughter-in-law", which was Wen Yujuan's first time on the big screen.

With the first time, many of the subsequent films and contracts are logical, "What are you thinking", "Our veterans", "Always spring", "Smiling Proud of the Sky", "Dog King", "A Generation of Honest Officials in Jackie Chan" and other film and television dramas, there are Wen Yujuan's figures.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

In addition to the profession of actress, Wen Yujuan's other identity is a soldier, she is a national first-class actor of the Air Politics Song and Dance Troupe.

In recent years, "Wen Yujuan" has not participated in so many film and television dramas, but we can always see her figure in some large parties. On stage she was radiant, singing, or reciting.

"The Sky of Peace", "The Imprint of History", "My Motherland", "Youth China", etc., have all been recited by Wen Yujuan, and her recitation, magnificent and full of affection, is unforgettable for a long time.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

Liu Mintao as Chen Jiazhen

Liu Mintao is now a well-known actor, but when he played the role of Chen Jiazhen, Liu Mintao was still unknown.

As a rich second generation, Jia Zhen does not have the bad habits of the children of the rich family, and she is good to Fugui to the bone.

Seeing that Fugui was trapped in the gambling arena and refused to go home, she disregarded her identity and knelt down in tears to beg Fugui to go back.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

In the face of the extreme poverty of Fugui, she did not abandon, had children, and took care of the family.

After Fugui was arrested, Xu's mother died of illness, and Jiazhen became both a father and a mother, and also had to face the harassment of Long Er, and struggled to pull a pair of children to wait for Fugui to return.

In Jiazhen, we see the kindness, forbearance, and perseverance of Chinese women.

Before Liu Mintao played Jia Zhen, he had actually starred in several film and television dramas, playing with Liu Yijun in "Man and Ghost Love" and playing Nie Xiaoqian.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life
"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

In the TV series "Winter Solstice" starring Chen Daoming and Zhang Zijian, Liu Mintao played the anti-number one Yu Qingqing in it. Maybe there are too few scenes, maybe there are too many big coffees in it, and Liu Mintao still failed to attract attention.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

Although the resources are gratifying, Liu Mintao is also like Liu Yijun and Jin Dong at that time, and there are still nearly ten years away from dahong.

After the broadcast of "Fugui", although the rating is very high, Chen Jiazhen, played by Liu Mintao, is also very pleasing, but she is still not popular.

Perhaps discouraged, more importantly, Liu Mintao, who met true love and is in the rising stage of career development, chose to marry. Then at home, I will teach my husband and children to enjoy the leisure time of a full-time wife.

Sometimes, the more you want to rely on something, the more unreliable you are, and at this time, you will understand that in this world, it is better to rely on nothing than on yourself.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

Liu Mintao has experienced such a stage, from the early days of marriage, to the parenting troubles after having children, and then to the contradictions in life caused by the friction of life and the fading of passion, making Liu Mintao more and more insecure.

When one day, her husband complained that her palm was up, she completely understood that her own efforts, in the eyes of others, were just a matter of course.

She is divorced and returns to the workplace, fortunately, director Kong Sheng still values her.

The two dramas "Parental Love" and "The Pretender" pushed Liu Mintao in front of the audience, and she was untouchablely red.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

Once a household name that was out of reach, how close to him was the first time.

In 2020, a song "Red High Heels" was on fire, and Liu Mintao's expression of "three points of ridicule, three points of coolness, and four points of carelessness" was red all over the Internet, and it was hot.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

At the same time, her controversy came.

In 2021, in the TV series "Life Home", Liu Mintao's pompous and greasy made her the biggest question since she entered the industry, at the same time, her power label was also questioned by netizens.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life
"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

Recently, in the "Beautiful Love for You" that is being broadcast, Liu Mintao also squeezed his eyebrows and made his eyes, and the stability of the "Ming Family Big Sister" seems to be getting farther and farther away from her.

Looking closely at Liu Mintao's works over the years, squeezing her eyebrows and making eyes is actually her characteristic, when she encounters the right role, this feature will add points, and when she encounters a solemn role, this feature will appear out of place, naturally, the acting skills will be questioned.

Chen Chuang plays Xu Fugui

If "Fugui" was not hot when it was broadcast that year, then the actors in the play should have some progress after more than ten years of development, just like Liu Mintao. But this possibility did not happen to Chen Chuang.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

As soon as Fugui appeared, the dancing "flower drum lamp" attracted the attention of the audience. Objectively speaking, Fugui's flower drum lamp danced really well, especially the orchid finger was upturned, the eyes lit up, and the charm came out at once.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

Although Fugui is a loser, he is simple and kind. If he was well guided, he would not destroy the Xu family's family property.

After Fugui had nothing, he instead aroused the courage to live, he endured the ridicule of Long Er, begged Long Er to rent the land for him, endured hardships and stood hard work, and took care of the field in an orderly manner.

After catching Ding Ding, he was worried about his sick mother, wife and children all the time, and when he could go home, he ran back as soon as possible.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

Putting aside the extravagant life before the loser, Fugui is actually a good man with responsibility and responsibility.

Before Chen Chuang played the role of Fugui, the most impressive thing was the wheezing dog in "Baolian Lantern". Always scruffy and sloppy, with a well-behaved expression, this kind of role, Chen Chuang played without a trace of pressure.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

Over the years, Chen Chuang has starred in many film and television dramas, and the only thing that can be remembered is "Kong Erpi Entering the City", with this drama, Chen Chuang won the 14th Lily Award for Best Actor.

Chen Chuang does not lack acting skills, what is missing is only an opportunity to become a film emperor again.

Limited by the image, Chen Chuang plays some dispensable roles in many film and television dramas, and such roles are naturally difficult to become popular. But that didn't stop him from loving acting.

When filming "Kong Erpi Entering the City", in order to find the feeling of Kong Erpi, Chen Chuang set a record of not bathing for ten days in the crew.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

In this world, not everyone can be the protagonist, and it is not bad to be a supporting role with background and insight.

In addition to the above protagonists, Zhang Xueying, the actor of childhood Fengxia, is now a well-known young actor, and Fengxia's husband, Zhang Erxi, is also a national first-class actor.

Three national first-class actors have achieved the excellent TV series "Fugui". In Douban, Fugui's rating is still 9.5 today, and nearly 80% of the audience has scored five stars, which has exceeded more than 98% of TV series, which shows his classics.

"Fugui": Three national first-class actors, with not red one Fugui, the big red really depends on life

Classics are never buried, whether it is Liu Mintao, who is a big hit, or Chen Chuang, who is unknown, or Li Ding, who has passed away, it is they who brought us this TV series and withstood the test of time.

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