
From the Soviet Union's poisonous textbooks to the people's education and social poison textbooks: the Soviet Union has collapsed, and we need to be extremely vigilant!

author:Indifferent citrus

In 2022, there was an incident in China's education sector that attracted widespread attention, that is, the illustration of primary school mathematics textbooks of Renjiaoshe. The illustrations in these textbooks have not only been accused of degrading children, but also contain sexual innuendo and excessive references to American and Japanese cultures, which have caused great repercussions and criticism in Chinese society.

First of all, the illustrations of these textbooks have serious aesthetic problems. The images of children are distorted and bizarre, and even the expressions of the characters in some illustrations appear dull or unnatural. This aesthetic deviation not only affects children's perception of beauty, but may also adversely affect children's mental health. Children are the future of society, and the environment in which they grow up and the information they are exposed to are crucial to the formation of their values and worldview. Therefore, the quality of the illustrations in textbooks is directly related to the healthy growth of children.

From the Soviet Union's poisonous textbooks to the people's education and social poison textbooks: the Soviet Union has collapsed, and we need to be extremely vigilant!

Secondly, the issue of sexual innuendo in the textbook has aroused strong public dissatisfaction. Some illustrations contain content that is not suitable for children, such as inappropriate physical contact, suggestive graphics, etc. This content can have a negative impact on both children's mental health and sex education. Sex education is a sensitive and important issue that needs to be carried out in a scientific and healthy way. As an important tool for children's learning, textbooks should play a positive role in guiding this aspect.

In addition, the textbooks have been widely criticized for over-quoting American and Japanese cultural elements, ignoring or even replacing Chinese cultural elements. In the context of globalization, cultural exchange is inevitable, but as an important carrier of inheriting and promoting national culture, teaching materials should pay more attention to the inheritance of local culture. China has a long history and rich cultural resources, and teaching materials should fully display these cultural characteristics to enhance children's cultural self-confidence and national pride.

From the Soviet Union's poisonous textbooks to the people's education and social poison textbooks: the Soviet Union has collapsed, and we need to be extremely vigilant!

These illustration issues have been compared by some to the U.S. strategy of cultural disintegration of the Soviet Union in the past, arguing that it may have been a cultural invasion. While this view may be too radical, it reflects the public's high regard for cultural safety and cultural self-confidence. Culture is the soul of a country, the root and soul of a nation. In the context of globalization, maintaining the uniqueness and diversity of culture is of great significance to maintaining the country's cultural security and promoting the harmonious development of society.

The outbreak of the problem of textbook illustrations has also exposed some problems in the field of educational publishing. For example, there may be loopholes in the review mechanism of textbooks, and the control of textbook content is not strict enough; The professional level of textbook writing and illustration design needs to be improved; and in the process of compiling teaching materials, insufficient consideration of children's psychological and aesthetic needs. These issues require serious reflection and improvement by the education sector and relevant institutions.

From the Soviet Union's poisonous textbooks to the people's education and social poison textbooks: the Soviet Union has collapsed, and we need to be extremely vigilant!

At the same time, this incident has also triggered in-depth thinking about children's education and the compilation of teaching materials. Education is not only the imparting of knowledge, but also the shaping of values, aesthetics and cultural outlook. As an important carrier of education, teaching materials should assume the responsibility of cultivating children's all-round development. This requires the compiler of the textbook not only to have solid professional knowledge, but also to have a high sense of social responsibility and a deep understanding of children's psychology.

In addition, the public's interest in teaching materials also reflects society's expectations for the quality of education. With the development of society and the improvement of people's living standards, parents and all walks of life have higher and higher requirements for education. They want their children to grow up in a healthy, positive environment and receive a high-quality education. Therefore, the education sector and schools should listen to the voice of society and continuously improve the methods and content of education to meet the expectations of society and parents.

From the Soviet Union's poisonous textbooks to the people's education and social poison textbooks: the Soviet Union has collapsed, and we need to be extremely vigilant!

In short, the problem of illustration of primary school mathematics textbooks of Renjiaoshe is not only an isolated incident, it reflects the problems existing in the field of educational publishing, and also triggers in-depth thinking about children's education and cultural inheritance. It is hoped that through this incident, it can attract the attention of relevant departments, promote the reform and development of the field of educational publishing, and create a healthier and more beneficial learning environment for children.

Since Khrushchev came to power, the United States has gradually developed a strategy of cultural disintegration of the Soviet Union, which has been implemented in a multifaceted way, including economic aid, cultural exchanges, and educational reforms. Through these means, the United States tried to influence the ideology and social structure of the Soviet Union, and then to achieve cultural infiltration and ideological transformation of the Soviet Union.

From the Soviet Union's poisonous textbooks to the people's education and social poison textbooks: the Soviet Union has collapsed, and we need to be extremely vigilant!

First of all, in terms of economic assistance, the United States took a number of measures to attract Soviet intellectuals and the younger generation. By providing scholarships, research grants, and cultural exchange programs, the United States demonstrated to the Soviet Union the prosperity and freedom of the West. This economic attraction is not only material, but also a spread of values, which sends a message that the Western way of life and ideas are more advanced and attractive.

Secondly, in terms of cultural exchanges, the United States disseminated Western culture and values to the Soviet Union through various channels. This includes films, music, literary works, and academic studies, among others. These cultural products often contained the core values of Western freedom, democracy and individualism, and had a profound impact on the Soviet people, especially young people. The cultural export of the United States is not only for entertainment, but also to spread a way of life and ideas.

From the Soviet Union's poisonous textbooks to the people's education and social poison textbooks: the Soviet Union has collapsed, and we need to be extremely vigilant!

Moreover, when it comes to education reform, the impact of the United States is equally significant. The Soviet Union, after being infiltrated by American culture, began to reform its own education system. These reforms were influenced in part by Western educational philosophies, which emphasized individual freedom and innovation. However, this also led to the beginning of the glorification of Western culture in the Soviet cultural and educational departments, and the gradual dilution of socialist and communist ideas. In the process of educational reform, some educational institutions in the Soviet Union began to establish cooperative relations with Western universities and introduced Western teaching materials and teaching methods, which undoubtedly accelerated the spread of Western values in the Soviet Union.

The U.S. strategy of cultural disintegration of the Soviet Union was not achieved overnight, but was a long-term and complex process. It involves interaction at multiple levels such as politics, economy, and culture. In this process, the United States made full use of its advantages in cultural soft power and gradually influenced the social thinking and values of the Soviet Union through peaceful evolution.

From the Soviet Union's poisonous textbooks to the people's education and social poison textbooks: the Soviet Union has collapsed, and we need to be extremely vigilant!

However, this tactic of cultural disintegration also caused some reflection and resistance within the Soviet Union. Some Soviet intellectuals and politicians began to realize that the cultural infiltration of the West could threaten the social stability and ideological security of the Soviet Union. They called for greater censorship and regulation of Western cultural products and the preservation of the Soviet cultural heritage and socialist values.

In general, the cultural disintegration of the Soviet Union by the United States is a complex historical phenomenon that involves an ideological contest between the two superpowers during the Cold War. While the reasons for the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union were varied, the U.S. strategy of cultural disintegration undoubtedly played a role in it. This historical experience is still of great significance for us to understand and respond to soft power competition in international cultural exchanges today.

From the Soviet Union's poisonous textbooks to the people's education and social poison textbooks: the Soviet Union has collapsed, and we need to be extremely vigilant!

In the Soviet Union under Gorbachev, textbook falsification became a prominent cultural phenomenon that was largely considered a precursor to the collapse of the Soviet Union. As an important tool for shaping the thinking and values of the younger generation, the change of textbook content is directly related to the future ideological trend of the country.

During this period, textbooks in the USSR began to undergo radical changes. The original emphasis on class struggle and socialist construction has been gradually diluted or even completely removed. The historical narrative of socialist ideals and class struggle, which had been the cornerstone of the Soviet education system, was seen as too rigid and outdated in the reforms implemented by Gorbachev, and needed to be replaced by more "open" and "liberal" ideas.

From the Soviet Union's poisonous textbooks to the people's education and social poison textbooks: the Soviet Union has collapsed, and we need to be extremely vigilant!

Even more shocking is the stigmatization of the image of some Heroes of the Soviet Union. In the new textbooks, the once widely praised Heroes of the Soviet Union, such as Zoya and Matlosov, are no longer portrayed as national pride and role models, but are instead given negative labels, such as "schizophrenia" or "extremely dangerous". This subversion of the image of the hero not only damaged the national pride of the Soviet people, but also invisibly weakened the cohesion of Soviet society.

At the same time, textbooks began to appear to promote the superiority of the United States. American values and ways of life are portrayed as the ultimate goal of human development, and American democracy and freedom are celebrated as universal values. This tendency is not only manifested in textbooks, but also throughout the culture of society. American cultural products, such as films, music, and literature, began to become widely popular in the Soviet Union, having a profound impact on the Soviet youth.

From the Soviet Union's poisonous textbooks to the people's education and social poison textbooks: the Soviet Union has collapsed, and we need to be extremely vigilant!

This falsification of textbooks is actually the embodiment of a culture war. Through the changes in textbooks, Western values and ideas were quietly implanted in the minds of the younger generation in the USSR. This cultural infiltration weakened the ideological foundation of the Soviet Union to a certain extent and laid the groundwork for the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The falsification of textbooks also caused widespread controversy in Soviet society. Some educators and historians have expressed strong opposition to this falsification, which they consider a distortion of Soviet history and a blasphemy against the Heroes of the Soviet Union. But there are also those who believe that such changes are a necessary step towards the opening and modernization of the Soviet Union.

In any case, the falsification of textbooks was an important turning point in the history of the Soviet Union. It not only reflected the profound changes in Soviet society in the ideological field, but also foreshadowed the future direction of the Soviet Union. The outcome of this culture war, which eventually led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, left a profound impact on world history.

From the Soviet Union's poisonous textbooks to the people's education and social poison textbooks: the Soviet Union has collapsed, and we need to be extremely vigilant!

The incident of poisoning textbooks in China's people's education society is not only a storm about the illustrations of textbooks, but also a profound social reflection and cultural self-examination. The discussions and concerns sparked by this incident have gone far beyond the textbooks themselves, touching on the fundamental issues of educational content, cultural inheritance, and even the future of the country.

First of all, one of the problems exposed by the poisoned textbook incident is the selection and orientation of educational content. In some textbooks, themes and classic literary works that were once widely considered an important part of patriotic education have been removed and replaced with foreign stories and values. To a certain extent, this change reflects a lack of cultural self-confidence, and may also have an impact on children's perception of traditional Chinese culture and history. Children are the future of the country, and the formation of their values and worldview will largely determine the direction of the country's culture and social development.

From the Soviet Union's poisonous textbooks to the people's education and social poison textbooks: the Soviet Union has collapsed, and we need to be extremely vigilant!

Second, the poisoned textbook incident has also raised questions about the regulation of the educational publishing industry. The compilation and approval of teaching materials is a serious and professional process, which requires strict standards and procedures to ensure their quality and orientation. However, some of the problematic illustrations and inappropriate content in the incident reflect that there may be regulatory loopholes and lack of accountability in the preparation, review and use of teaching materials.

In addition, the poisoning of textbooks has also triggered the public's deep thinking about the purpose and function of education. Education is not only the imparting of knowledge, but also the shaping of values and the cultivation of personality. As an important carrier of education, the content and form of teaching materials should serve the fundamental goal of cultivating idealistic, moral, educated, and disciplined socialist builders and successors.

From the Soviet Union's poisonous textbooks to the people's education and social poison textbooks: the Soviet Union has collapsed, and we need to be extremely vigilant!

Under the influence of this incident, the Ministry of Education has adopted a series of measures, including a comprehensive investigation and rectification of primary and secondary school textbooks across the country, strengthening the management of the preparation, review and use of textbooks, and establishing stricter management systems and standards for textbooks. The implementation of these measures reflects the great importance that the state attaches to the content and quality of education, and also shows its firm determination to safeguard the country's cultural security and educational sovereignty.

At the same time, the poisoning of textbooks has also stimulated attention and discussion on educational and cultural issues from all walks of life. From experts and scholars to ordinary parents, from educators to media professionals, they are all thinking about how to better inherit and develop China's excellent traditional culture, how to maintain cultural self-confidence in the context of globalization, and how to cultivate a new generation with a Chinese heart and national soul.

In short, although the incident of poisoning teaching materials has caused many problems and concerns, it has also provided an opportunity for reflection and improvement in the education sector and society. Through this event, we have a deeper understanding of the importance of educational content, the urgency of cultural inheritance, and the importance of cultivating generations of young people with ideals and responsibilities. In the future education reform and development, we need to pay more attention to the construction of textbook content, pay more attention to the cultivation of cultural self-confidence, and work harder to create a healthy, positive and national characteristics learning environment for children.

Vigilance against cultural invasion and education reform are important issues that cannot be ignored in the current national development. In the context of globalization, cultural exchanges are becoming more and more frequent, but with them there is also the risk of cultural infiltration and cultural invasion. Some external forces may use cultural and educational means to infiltrate and influence other countries ideologically, trying to change their cultural identity and values. This cultural invasion not only threatens the cultural security of a country, but may also affect the country's sovereignty and independence.

First of all, cultural invasion often takes the form of seemingly innocuous cultural exchanges, such as the dissemination of foreign values and lifestyles through films, music, online media, and other channels. These cultural products often have a strong appeal and influence, and can quickly spread among younger generations. However, if there is a lack of necessary vigilance and screening, these foreign cultures may gradually replace the native culture, leading to the weakening or even disappearance of the national culture.

Second, education reform is an important way to protect and inherit the excellent traditional culture of the nation. Education is not only the imparting of knowledge, but also the transmission of culture and values. Through educational reform, we can strengthen national cultural education, so that the younger generation can better understand and understand the history and culture of their own nation, thereby enhancing national self-confidence and pride. At the same time, education reform should also focus on cultivating students' critical thinking, so that they can look at foreign cultures rationally and avoid blind worship and imitation.

Moreover, being wary of cultural intrusion does not mean rejecting all foreign cultures. On the contrary, on the basis of maintaining cultural self-confidence, we should actively absorb and learn from the beneficial elements of foreign culture, so as to achieve cultural exchange and integration. The openness and inclusiveness of this kind of culture can not only enrich and develop the national culture, but also enhance the country's cultural soft power and international influence.

In addition, vigilance against cultural intrusion and the promotion of educational reform also require the joint efforts of the whole society. The government, schools, families, the media and other parties should shoulder their responsibilities and work together to create an environment conducive to the inheritance and development of national culture. The government can strengthen the supervision and guidance of the cultural market by formulating relevant policies and laws and regulations; Schools should incorporate ethnic culture education into the teaching system to cultivate students' cultural literacy and national consciousness; Families should pay attention to the education and edification of traditional culture for their children; The media, on the other hand, should actively publicize and promote national culture and enhance the public's cultural awareness.

In short, vigilance against cultural invasion and promotion of educational reform are important measures to maintain national cultural security and promote the prosperity and development of national culture. On the basis of strengthening cultural self-confidence, we should actively respond to the challenge of cultural invasion, inherit and develop the excellent traditional culture of our own nation through educational reform and other means, cultivate a new generation with national spirit and a sense of social responsibility, and avoid repeating the mistakes of the Soviet Union. Only in this way can we maintain our cultural characteristics and advantages in the tide of globalization and contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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