
"Ordinary Years" Zhang Duoduo can marry Li Dabao can be happy, mainly because of the following three qualities 01.No class concept 02.Treat people sincerely 03.Mingshili Recipient has something to say:

author:Good morning recipient
"Ordinary Years" Zhang Duoduo can marry Li Dabao can be happy, mainly because of the following three qualities 01.No class concept 02.Treat people sincerely 03.Mingshili Recipient has something to say:

Some people say that a woman will not be happy if she marries anyone, because no matter who she marries, women will eventually regret it, and eventually as Zhang Ailing wrote in her book: white roses become rice sticky, and red roses become mosquito blood on the wall.

It seems that not getting is always the best, in fact, if a person holds such a thought, he will not be happy if he marries anyone. If people want to be happy, first of all, they must not complain and pity themselves, but they must have a positive and optimistic mentality, understand contentment, and of course, more importantly, they must be kind.

Marriage is not a game, there is no so-called win or loss, as long as you feel happy and happy in marriage, it is enough, even if you are not happy, it does not matter, try to learn to run in, to operate, one day you will find that when you learn to manage marriage, it will give you returns.

In the TV series "Ordinary Years", Zhang Duoduo and Li Dabao mistakenly hit and bumped into each other, and finally in order to save Li Dabao, Zhang Duoduo also agreed to marry him falsely, and as a result, the two people faked a real couple.

Dancers married to factory workers, many people think that Zhang Duoduo will not be happy, but in fact, Zhang Duoduo and Li Dabao's marriage is quite happy, and many people have begun to envy such a marriage.

People who have carefully watched this drama will find that the reason why Zhang Duoduo married Li Dabao is that she can be happy mainly because she has the following qualities.

"Ordinary Years" Zhang Duoduo can marry Li Dabao can be happy, mainly because of the following three qualities 01.No class concept 02.Treat people sincerely 03.Mingshili Recipient has something to say:

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >01</h1>

It is reasonable to say that a girl who looks beautiful and temperamental, and is still engaged in art, will not have feelings with men with ordinary looks and a thick personality, after all, the interests and hobbies of the two people are completely different, and the education they receive is also different.

In reality, many girls look for objects, are looking for better than themselves, otherwise they always have to be similar to themselves, people who can match, and then look at Zhang Duoduo, no matter where you look, Li Dabao and she are extremely incompatible.

Therefore, I heard that after Zhang Duoduo and Li Dabao got married, it was her brother Hai Hai whose parents were cold to Dabao, especially Duoduo's younger brother Zhang Shu.

If Zhang Duoduo has a class concept and looks down on the worker Li Dabao, then she cannot choose to fake marriage with him in order to save him and clarify that he is not a rogue, let alone fall in love with him in three months.

At this point, Zhang Duoduo is tolerant enough, and Li Dabao is also real enough, the two of them together, it should be said that it is the result of long-term love, women are often easy to be attracted to men who are good to themselves, and Dabao has done this, and only successfully embraced the beauty.

"Ordinary Years" Zhang Duoduo can marry Li Dabao can be happy, mainly because of the following three qualities 01.No class concept 02.Treat people sincerely 03.Mingshili Recipient has something to say:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >02</h1>

Li Dabao's family is very complicated, and a large family lives together. Dabao lost his father as a teenager, had four younger siblings at the bottom, and two old people on the top, so Li Dabao began to take on the responsibility of supporting the family very early.

After Zhang Duoduo came to this home, she did not ask Li Dabao to do anything for herself, but she would also blame Li Dabao for doing too much for herself and neglecting her younger siblings and aunts.

And Duo Duo also took the initiative to help Dabao take care of the responsibility of taking care of her younger siblings, especially for Dabao's little sister Xiaoya, Zhang Duoduo did her duty as a good sister-in-law.

Xiaoya school to open a sports day need sportswear, the family has no money to buy for her, Xiaoya cried no, and then the sister-in-law Duoduo came back, changed the trick like took out a set of blue sportswear, instantly coaxed Xiaoya to burst into laughter.

Xiao Ya's clothes and shoes do not fit, Duo Duo looks in her eyes and hurts in her heart, as long as she has the ability, she will definitely buy clothes for Xiao Ya to buy new shoes.

Seeing that Xiao Ya wants to enter the university, the family has no money, the mother-in-law means that the girls will not continue to study, Duo Duo answered, if she can read or read, and also took the initiative to bear the tuition fee of Xiao Ya to study at the university.

Since Duo Duo came to this home, at first she was too picky about the hygiene of the family, and her mother-in-law and grandmother, including several younger siblings, were very critical of her, but she changed everyone with her own practical actions, and also made great progress in the family's health situation.

"Ordinary Years" Zhang Duoduo can marry Li Dabao can be happy, mainly because of the following three qualities 01.No class concept 02.Treat people sincerely 03.Mingshili Recipient has something to say:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >03</h1>

Most families have mother-in-law and daughter-in-law conflicts. In the Dabao family, in addition to the mother-in-law, there is also an aunt and a grandmother, and there is also a big sister-in-law. Before Duo Duo was pregnant, her aunt deliberately joined hands with her mother-in-law to perform a play for Duo Duo, and she was openly and secretly mocked that she was a hen who could not lay eggs and was worthless.

Although Duo Duo was angry when she heard this, she did not raise the bar with her aunt and grandmother. Her personality is the kind of person who has been wronged and walks away silently, and then digests it on her own.

In fact, she understood her grandmother's heart very well, but for her, whether to have a child or not, when to have a child is her own business, and this must be prepared by herself to carry out. So after Duo Duo found out that she was unexpectedly pregnant, her subconscious reaction was to beat it off.

Just because of this incident, the aunt used authority to suppress it, and also told Duo duo that if she did not have children, she would divorce, and finally Duo Duo had no choice but to temporarily move back to her mother's house.

Daya compares herself with her everywhere, always embarrassing her, saying some unpleasant things, and Duo Duo has never bothered with her. It's not that she is patient, but she can distinguish between jokes and angry words, and she also knows Daya's temper, Daya is a knife mouth tofu heart, there is no need to be too real with her.

"Ordinary Years" Zhang Duoduo can marry Li Dabao can be happy, mainly because of the following three qualities 01.No class concept 02.Treat people sincerely 03.Mingshili Recipient has something to say:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the recipient had something to say:</h1>

A marriage can be happy, and it is not enough for only one person to give. Duo Duo is generous, tolerant, sincere, Dabao is not bad, he treats his wife with all his heart, enough to be pampered and respected.

In the matter of Duoduo's pregnancy, Dabao's approach is very desirable, although he wants this child in his heart, but Duoduo wants to give up for the sake of his career, and finally Dabao also chose to respect Duoduo, for this matter, he even quarreled with his aunt.

Between husband and wife, in fact, it is nothing more than you understand me a little, I tolerate you a little, two people work together, share responsibility, pay each other, and it is not so difficult to live a good life.

But if two people have inconsistent goals from the beginning, do not tolerate each other when things happen, and will not learn to think from each other's point of view, it is difficult to be happy in marriage.

Taking responsibility in marriage, staying kind, positive and optimistic, and knowing that such a woman will be happy to marry anyone.

Today's Interaction: What factors do you think need to be in place for a happy marriage? Welcome to leave a message to discuss!

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