
The latest plot of "Ordinary Years": Zhang Duoduo breaks the siege for Dabao And his family encourages Dabao to fake the real drama

author:Search entertainment

Episode 2: Zhang Duoduo pretends to be Li Dabao's girlfriend Li Dabao is drunk and is taken care of by Zhang Duoduo

Li Dabao went backstage to find Zhang Duoduo, and accidentally bumped into an actress who was changing clothes, and was mistaken by the actress for a sex wolf.

The security guard took Li Dabao to the security room for interrogation, Li Dabao's friend Erzhu asked Zhang Duoduo for help, Zhang Duoduo went to the security room to break the siege for Li Dabao, the security guards mistakenly thought that Zhang Duoduo was Li Dabao's girlfriend, Zhang Duoduo would be wrong to pretend to be Li Dabao's girlfriend, confirming that Li Dabao went backstage to find her not to peek at the actress to change clothes. With the help of Zhang Duoduo, Li Dabao cleared the suspicion of the sex wolf.

Zhang Duoduo did not quite believe Zhang Duoduo's words, and called Zhang Duoduo to the outside of the security room for interrogation, Zhang Duoduo is an actor who is very good at acting, and when he tells lies, his face is not red and his heart does not beat, Zhang Duoduo believes Zhang Duoduo, so he communicates with the tang section chief of the security room, and the tang section chief let Li Dabao go.

The latest plot of "Ordinary Years": Zhang Duoduo breaks the siege for Dabao And his family encourages Dabao to fake the real drama

Director Liu is Li Dabao's superior, Li Dabao's situation Liu Factory Director is clear, Liu Factory Director suspects that Zhang Duoduo is not Li Dabao's girlfriend, he asks Li Dabao and Zhang Duoduo to hold a wedding within a week, otherwise Zhang Duoduo is lying, then Liu Factory Director will fire Li Dabao.

Li Dabao did not expect that Director Liu came up with this plan to force the palace, there was no way to do anything with Zhang Duoduo to think about countermeasures, Zhang Duoduo was a good person to the end, sent the Buddha to the west, even if he was reluctant, he could only agree to hold a fake wedding with Li Dabao.

Director Liu saw that Li Dabao really married Zhang Duoduo within a week, which dispelled the doubts in his heart. After the wedding, Li Dabao took Zhang Duoduo home to continue drinking happy wine according to the original plan, thinking that acting should also be real, otherwise it would show the horse's feet.

Li Dabao's family knew that Zhang Duoduo pretended to marry into the Li family, and Dabao's aunt knew that Zhang Duoduo had broken the siege for Li Dabao, and she had a good feeling for Zhang Duoduo, encouraging Li Dabao to fake a play to really marry Zhang Duoduo.

Mother Li also liked Zhang Duoduo very much, and she wanted Zhang Duoduo to marry into the Li family. Although Li Dabao also liked Zhang Duoduo, he felt that if he deceived Zhang Duoduo, his conscience would definitely not pass.

The latest plot of "Ordinary Years": Zhang Duoduo breaks the siege for Dabao And his family encourages Dabao to fake the real drama

Zhang's father and mother were anxiously waiting at home for their daughter Zhang Duoduo to come home, the time was very late, and Zhang Duoduo had not yet returned. Father Zhang and Mother Zhang were anxious like ants on a hot pot.

Li Dabao was drunk, the guests ate and drank enough to go, the Li family compound only li Dabao and Zhang Duoduo were left, Zhang Duoduo helped Li Dabao into the room to rest, Li Dabao was drunk and could not take care of himself, even taking off his shoes could not do it, Zhang Duoduo wanted to leave, but he could not bear to leave Li Dabao alone, thinking about it and staying with Li Dabao for a night.

The next day, at dawn, Li Dabao woke up, and Zhang Duoduo explained to Li Dabao the causes and consequences, if Li Dabao was not drunk, she would have gone home long ago. Li Dabao was grateful when he learned the truth, in fact, all this was planned by Aunt Dabao and others, in order to keep Zhang Duoduo, everyone did everything they could to deliberately drunk Li Dabao.

The latest plot of "Ordinary Years": Zhang Duoduo breaks the siege for Dabao And his family encourages Dabao to fake the real drama

Erzhu and Dahu were responsible for sending Zhang Duoduo home, and the two came to the Outside of the Zhang Family to send Zhang Duoduo into the house, spreading joy candy outside the Zhang Family, and high-profile publicizing the good news of Li Dabao's marriage to Zhang Duoduo. All this is also the behind-the-scenes instructions of Aunt Dabao, who knows that if more people know that Zhang Duoduo is married to Li Dabao, the more inconvenient the Zhang family will be to repent, and then the rice will be cooked to maturity, and Zhang's father and mother can only agree to marry their daughter Zhang Duoduo into the Li family for the sake of their daughter Zhang Duoduo's reputation.

(SearchTV original plot, small editor creation hard, without permission, please do not reprint!) )

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