
How are money turtles farmed? How do the golden turtle distinguish between Hainanese and Vietnamese species? How do money turtles hibernate?

author:Money turtle incense

The golden turtle is divided into Hainan species and Vietnamese species, there is a hybrid referred to as the Guangdong species, today we talk about what is the difference between Hainan and Vietnamese golden turtle and breeding methods, breeding environment, and how to hibernate ~ ~

How are money turtles farmed? How do the golden turtle distinguish between Hainanese and Vietnamese species? How do money turtles hibernate?

Hainan species of money turtle: the appearance of the money turtle is easy to identify, the head color is golden, the chin is golden, the golden shell color has three thick ink-like back lines on the back, the appearance of the Hainan species of money turtle and the Vietnamese species of money turtle has a certain difference, mainly concentrated in the body shape, the size of the Vietnamese species can reach more than ten pounds after adulthood, and the weight of the Hainan species after adulthood is generally about four and a half pounds~

How are money turtles farmed? How do the golden turtle distinguish between Hainanese and Vietnamese species? How do money turtles hibernate?
How are money turtles farmed? How do the golden turtle distinguish between Hainanese and Vietnamese species? How do money turtles hibernate?

Vietnamese species of money turtle: this kind of whole body flesh color is red, businessmen like red, will choose to invite two home, raised in the financial position, Vietnamese species of the sub-rice bottom black bottom, of course, the rice bottom is more popular, Cantonese people "there is rice with rice, the more raised more there is rice" The meaning is quite good, the Vietnamese species of money glans color and The difference between the Hainan species, its head color is olive color, and the Hainan species is presented with a golden, golden and brilliant feeling, the head is up, showing the style of the king, This is also the reason why some enthusiasts choose the Hainan species of money turtle, the two kinds of money turtle have their own characteristics!

How are money turtles farmed? How do the golden turtle distinguish between Hainanese and Vietnamese species? How do money turtles hibernate?
How are money turtles farmed? How do the golden turtle distinguish between Hainanese and Vietnamese species? How do money turtles hibernate?

The medicinal value of the golden turtle and in medicine has the effect of preventing cancer, curing cancer, nourishing yin and lowering fire, tonifying the heart and kidneys, strengthening muscles and bones, and can treat bone tuberculosis, joint tuberculosis, chronic osteomyelitis, rheumatic paralysis, disease, long cough, collapse and leakage belt, sperm retention, sore throat and other symptoms, is a precious medicinal material.

How does the Golden Turtle hibernate?

The suitable temperature range of the golden turtle is between 26 and 32 ° C, when the temperature drops to 12 ° C, it will begin to hibernate, when the temperature is lower than 25 degrees, you can stop feeding, as the temperature gradually decreases, it will automatically stop eating, the money turtle will automatically climb to the shore for wintering, some are hibernating in the water, the gold turtle has low requirements for temperature, and the scope of adaptation is relatively large, so it will not be particularly troublesome to breed.

How are money turtles farmed? How do the golden turtle distinguish between Hainanese and Vietnamese species? How do money turtles hibernate?
How are money turtles farmed? How do the golden turtle distinguish between Hainanese and Vietnamese species? How do money turtles hibernate?

How does the Money Turtle landscap?

According to the money turtle like warm and cool places, next to the turtle pond is recommended to plant some trees that can be shaded, the pool can put some longan leaves, convenient for it to shade, choose the mud and sand soft, leeward to the sun, sufficient water source, not easy to be polluted, secluded and shaded place, build a pond with cement, the size of the feeding pool can be determined according to the size of the site and the number of turtles raised.

How are money turtles farmed? How do the golden turtle distinguish between Hainanese and Vietnamese species? How do money turtles hibernate?

One Feeding points one

Turtle food, earthworms, shrimp meat, fish meat, tomato fruit...

How are money turtles farmed? How do the golden turtle distinguish between Hainanese and Vietnamese species? How do money turtles hibernate?

When does the Money Turtle lay its eggs?

Over the years, artificially bred money turtles have begun to lay eggs early, and some even began to lay eggs around 6 years, generally about 10 years, depending on the specific situation of the turtle!

How are money turtles farmed? How do the golden turtle distinguish between Hainanese and Vietnamese species? How do money turtles hibernate?
How are money turtles farmed? How do the golden turtle distinguish between Hainanese and Vietnamese species? How do money turtles hibernate?

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