
He Dong went deep into the grassroots to investigate the development of the "I do practical things for the masses" practical activities

author:Then level the zero distance
He Dong went deep into the grassroots to investigate the development of the "I do practical things for the masses" practical activities

On October 19, He Dong, secretary of the county party committee, went to the station health center, the station street poverty alleviation and disability care center, the Jinshan community, the happy nursing home, the small garden, the love supermarket, the Shizhuang community, the Wufang Academy, the party history study and education office of the county party committee and other places to investigate the development of the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses". Responsible personnel of relevant units such as the standing committee of the county party committee, the propaganda director of the county party committee, and the deputy county governor Zhang Yan participated in the investigation.

He Dong went deep into the grassroots to investigate the development of the "I do practical things for the masses" practical activities
He Dong went deep into the grassroots to investigate the development of the "I do practical things for the masses" practical activities

Everywhere they went, the responsible persons of each unit reported on the practice activities of "I do practical things for the masses." In the nursing home, He Dong learned that with the elderly, most of them are mainly bedridden and semi-bedd elderly people who need to be cared for in the surrounding communities of the village, and more attention is paid to the nursing work for the bedridden elderly through the combination of medical and nursing care. In line with the principle of doing practical things for the masses and solving practical difficulties for the elderly, He Dong and the elderly carried out a cordial conversation in many aspects, she visited the rooms of the elderly one by one and carefully inquired about their diet, living and health, family situation, and urged the elderly to pay more attention to the management of physical health, and sincerely wished the elderly happiness, health and longevity. In the Shizhuang community, He Dong listened to a report on the study and education of party history in the community, inspected the party history study and education front on the spot, consulted relevant materials, and watched propaganda videos. She pointed out that the specific measures for all aspects of the work of the Shizhuang community have been effectively implemented and the learning content is rich, and the next step is to effectively transform the study and education into a powerful driving force for doing practical things for the people and form good work experience.

He Dong went deep into the grassroots to investigate the development of the "I do practical things for the masses" practical activities
He Dong went deep into the grassroots to investigate the development of the "I do practical things for the masses" practical activities
He Dong went deep into the grassroots to investigate the development of the "I do practical things for the masses" practical activities

He Dong demanded that it is necessary to find out the problems as the premise and foundation for doing practical things for the masses, persist in "taking the hearts of the people as the heart," go deep among the masses to conduct extensive investigations, smooth the channels for expressing and reflecting social conditions and public opinions, ask questions of the people and ask the people for advice, constantly enrich and improve the list of key people's livelihood projects, and truly do a good job of facts and affairs in the necessary places and hearts of the masses. It is necessary to take more effective measures to solve all kinds of urgent, difficult, and anxious problems around the masses, and promote new progress and new results in the practice of "I do practical things for the masses." It is necessary to combine doing practical things with in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech, and promote the intensity of promotion, the acceleration of progress, and the expansion of breadth. Improve and timely track the implementation of actual handling and carry out scientific assessments. Create a strong atmosphere, publicize the promotion situation, experience and practices and handling results, go deep into the frontline of the grass-roots level, face to face for the beneficiaries to interpret policies, answer questions and doubts, ensure that the problems are accurate, the measures are practical, and the results are good, and further improve the quality level of doing practical things for the masses.

He Dong went deep into the grassroots to investigate the development of the "I do practical things for the masses" practical activities
He Dong went deep into the grassroots to investigate the development of the "I do practical things for the masses" practical activities

Reporter: Jin Xin Wang Lei

Editor: Zhang Meng

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