
Sweet potato pests and diseases have long been known - ant weevils, not only in the growth period of harm, but also during the storage period

author:The world's agricultural books

Sweet potato ant weevil, also known as sweet potato small elephant beetle, sweet potato small weevil, the soil name is stink heartworm, camphor wood worm and so on.

Sweet potato pests and diseases have long been known - ant weevils, not only in the growth period of harm, but also during the storage period

Sweet potato ant weevil

1. Occurrence and harm

Sweet potato ant weevils are not only harmful during the growing season of sweet potatoes, but also during the storage period. Potato cubes stink after being killed and cannot be eaten. Potato chunks are eaten by insects and drilled into many wounds and holes. It also harms seedlings, and adults feed on stems and leaves, seriously affecting plant growth. The number of generations that occur per year varies from place to place, ranging from 3 to 8 generations. The areas that occur are generational overlap and cannot be distinguished in the fields. It hides on the back of the leaf during the day, endangering the main vein, petiole and stem, and also lurks in the cracks in the ground to harm the potato stalk, and crawls out of the ground at dusk. Adults burrow into potato pieces to feed on, causing many holes. The larvae pupate in the potato and later feather into adults, so that generations of pests are infestation.

Sweet potato pests and diseases have long been known - ant weevils, not only in the growth period of harm, but also during the storage period

2. Prevention and control methods

(1) Strictly implement quarantine regulations to prevent insects from spreading with the transfer of seed potatoes and seedlings. At the time of harvest, the countryside is cleaned and the remaining potatoes, plants, broken vines, fallen leaves, and weeds are destroyed to eliminate the residues in the field.

(2) Poison bait booby trap. In early winter or early spring, the small fresh potatoes or fresh potato chips and fresh stems are soaked with 40% Lego emulsion or 90% crystalline insect 500 times liquid, soaked for 12-24 hours, and then taken out to dry to become poisonous bait. Dig 50-60 small shallow pits per acre, put the bait in, cover the grass, and change it every 5-7 days, the booby trap effect is good.

(3) Liquid medicine is watered. Wet the potato seedlings with 40% Lego emulsion or crystalline dimethoate 800-1000 times liquid, immediately remove and dry, and then plant.

Sweet potato pests and diseases have long been known - ant weevils, not only in the growth period of harm, but also during the storage period

Editor-in-Charge: Liu Aochu

Responsible proofreader: Li Yunfei

Second instance: Zhang Fuxu