
Three former police officers involved in the Floyd case in the United States refused to be tried with Shawin

According to the American Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) reported on the 14th local time, Minneapolis held a hearing on the arrest of Floyd by 4 police officers involved in the case of his death on the 14th. Among them, in addition to Shawn, the police officer who "knelt down" Freud, the other 3 police officers involved in the incident refused to be tried with Shawin.

Three former police officers involved in the Floyd case in the United States refused to be tried with Shawin

The four police officers involved refused to plead guilty. Source: NBC

The four police officers involved were Derek Chauvin, 45, Tou Thao, 35, Thomas Lane, 27, and J. Lane, 38. Alexander Kun (J. Alexander Kueng)。 According to reports, they all attended the hearing through an online video conference on the same day, in which in addition to Xiao Wen, who is already in prison, the other 3 former police officers involved participated in the online hearing with their lawyers.

The U.S. federal indictment alleges that when Shawn "knelt down" to kill Freud, because Lane, Quinn and Shaw did not intervene in time, accusing them of deliberately depriving Freud of his constitutional civil rights and causing his death "in the name of the law". At the same time, all 4 defendants were also accused of failing to provide medical care to Floyd in a timely manner. Lane, Kun and Shao will all be tried in March 2022 on charges of aiding and abetting.

Three former police officers involved in the Floyd case in the United States refused to be tried with Shawin

4 ex-police officers involved. Source: CNN

During the hearing, Koon's lawyer, Tom Plunkett, said that because Shawn was primarily responsible for Freud's death, Kun demanded that their trial be separated from Shawin's trial and said he would not accept a trial with Shawin as unfair, and the other two made similar requests.

According to evidence in the Minneapolis court, the video shows Kun kneeling on Freud's back during Shawen's "kneeling kill", while Ryan holds Freud's leg, and Shao Du, who is watching from the sidelines, prevents witnesses from trying to come forward to help.

Three former police officers involved in the Floyd case in the United States refused to be tried with Shawin

"Kneeling" 9-minute video. Source: Ap Video Screenshot

Minneapolis prosecutors said that because the allegations were all from the Floyd case and the evidence was similar, the four former police officers should be tried together.

On May 25, 2020, Freud, 46, died in the streets of Minneapolis, Minnesota, after being crushed to his neck by Chauvin on his knees for 9 minutes and 29 seconds. After the live video was uploaded online, there was a long and large-scale wave of protests against police violence and racial discrimination across the United States. Shawan and three other police officers present were subsequently dismissed and indicted. On April 20 of this year, the verdict was pronounced in minneapolis, and the jury convicted Shawan of all three counts, including murder and manslaughter.

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