
Which zodiac signs are easy to get out of the pain of childhood and start a new life

Which zodiac signs are easy to get out of the pain of childhood and start a new life

Text: Brahman star heart language

Freud once said: "A person's traumatic experience, especially childhood trauma, affects a person's life." ”

In the long road of life, although childhood does not occupy a long time, many of people's basic abilities and the general prototype of personality are formed during this period.

Are you healing the pain of your childhood with your whole life?

The original family is a natural haven for children, but if this harbor that should escort you makes you feel insecure, then it is possible that even if you are an adult today, you are often afraid and inferior...

Children who grow up in a particularly harsh family environment will be even more prominent.

Fortunately, the human soul can be transformed and reshaped. The reason why we can become the spirit of all things is that we have a higher soul that other animals do not have.

As an adult, if you can get rid of the inner habits imposed on you by your original family, it is undoubtedly a kind of luck. If you can't get rid of it, it will be very painful, indicating that subconsciously, you are still identifying with the education method of the original family.

Childhood experienced pain, can not indulge in it can not extricate themselves, but to learn how to look at such an experience, how to get out, to start a new life, is what you need to think.

In the analysis of personality, the constellation is a reference, but by no means the only reference.

Today, with Xiao Fan from the perspective of constellations, see which constellations are most likely to come out of childhood pain, and what kind of strong heart do they have?

Which zodiac signs are easy to get out of the pain of childhood and start a new life



The fixed palace is the group with the strongest ability to resist pressure, and Leo has a strong exclusivity in his heart.

In the face of more demanding parents, Leo children are either rebellious or obedient, but even if they are obedient on the surface, they have their own ideas in their hearts.

Therefore, when you grow up, you will release your original side and live out your self.

Leo, as a fire sign, is quite aggressive in personality. It's just that in childhood, you are on the weak side of the domination, and you turn this aggression against yourself, so you will be sad, you will be sad.

But your aggression has not disappeared, and when you are no longer attached to your original family, your nature will be released, and the attack on yourself will be transferred to the outside, so that the inner pain will be greatly reduced. For example, the personality becomes domineering, no longer cowardly, no longer looks at people's faces, self-centered...

At this time, the lion, even if he had a painful experience as a child, if he regained his aggression, he basically walked out of the shadow of childhood.

Most importantly, Leo is confident.

Many strict parents like to conduct negative education for their children, such as: "You are careless", "Look at other people's children"...

Negative education will not only make children feel inferior, but also lack of security, so that they will constantly self-doubt, and even self-denial, so anxiety and worry will also arise. Many times, the reason why a person is worried is because he does not believe that he has the ability to deal with some things, and the negative labels that the original family has attached to himself have also been recognized.

After leaving the original family, Leo will slowly build up self-confidence, throw away the label that once denied himself, and change his cognition of himself.

Therefore, if you want to get out of the shadow of childhood, it is important to recognize your current ability, that is, are you really as incompetent and poor as your elders say? If not, then believe that you can cope with some difficulties, there is no need to panic.

Many times, people will emphasize that self-confidence can bring happiness to a person, and it can bring success to a person. This is also true, because a person can only be sure if he is confident. With certainty, you dare to do a lot of things, don't you?

Which zodiac signs are easy to get out of the pain of childhood and start a new life



Capricorn is an early sign, and good psychological qualities will be manifested in many Capricorn children.

Capricorns' hearts are not as xenophobic as the fixed palace, but they selectively absorb external information when confronted.

Even in the face of strict tutoring, on the surface it will be very honest, but in the heart there is its own opinion. Of course, this is also based on the formation of abstract thinking, for children who are too young, parents are still natural authorities.

When Capricorn children have the conditions to live independently, they will throw away things that they did not recognize in childhood and youth.

Most Capricorns are very motivated, very ambitious, and have ideals, which makes many Capricorns' lives more fulfilling and avoids cranky thoughts. You know, people who are in pain in their hearts just think too much.

If you want to avoid thinking too much, especially when some thoughts make you miserable, keep yourself busy and do more meaningful things.

Capricorn is rich in successful people, but under the influence of Saturn, Capricorn will not be particularly smooth in life, and because of this, it has created your growth in twists and turns, and cultivated a strong heart.

Capricorns who grow up in challenges are not only strong, but also able to follow their inner thoughts. In adult Capricorn, basically no one can control your thoughts, and naturally you can heal the pain of childhood.

Which zodiac signs are easy to get out of the pain of childhood and start a new life



Libra is a natural social master, which is an important advantage for you to get rid of your inner pain.

Because whether it is anxiety, worry, or sullenness, a person wants to get out of the pain of the heart, more contact with people, communication is an important way.

After all, human beings are social animals, although primitive society is far away from us, but this kind of thing has been written into our genes, and the desire of human beings to integrate into the group is not only manifested in actions and behaviors, but also in the subconscious.

Although many times, we advocate that people learn to be independent, in fact, many subjectively independent people, even people who seem to be more withdrawn, subconsciously are also eager to integrate into the group, but they are not aware of it.

Yes, if a person is alone for a long time and has not socialized for a long time, then it is easy to think wildly inside, and it will also aggravate the pain.

If you have a very unhappy childhood, for example, the original family is too harsh, so that a lot of your pain is suppressed, forming an internal attack personality, then in adulthood, more contact with people is undoubtedly an important way to change personality.

Libra is sociable, and it's an "aggressive" way for you to release your inner pain. People who are gregarious are more likely to gain a sense of security. Libra cares about the collective, so you won't be alone and have easier access to help. Most importantly, the more people you come into contact with, the more you will naturally know yourself and the other, and you will win every battle.

Many times, the reason why a person lacks a sense of security, or inner pain, is also because of the lack of a clear understanding of themselves, others, and even the current environment and situation.

When it comes to knowing oneself and knowing the other, Libra can be called the wise and outstanding in the twelve zodiac signs.

Libra itself is very observant, clever, plus popular, so it is not difficult for you to have a clear understanding of yourself and others, which makes Libra very sure.

It can be seen that if you want to overcome the pain of the heart, it is very important to expand the circle of communication.


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