
The elves of the sea, the very rare pink nose dolphins, are pink all over

The world is a colorful and colorful existence. Green frogs, red goldfish, flowered peacocks, but there is an exception to everything. For example, there are also pure white peacocks or white crocodiles. They always have a peculiar appearance because of genetic mutations or acquired factors, which attracts people's attention. Today I want to talk about pink dolphins, which are a very rare pink bottle dolphin, known as the "spirit of the sea".

The elves of the sea, the very rare pink nose dolphins, are pink all over

I think in everyone's impression of dolphins are basically gray or blue, and pink is really unheard of. But it does exist, and it has a pure pink and extremely beautiful. Due to the small number of pink bottle dolphins, if it is not in contact with the sea all year round, there is really no chance to see the real face. At first, the dolphin was discovered by an American captain. At first, I thought I was blind, but when I fixed my eyes, it was really a pink rainbow. It is understood that this dolphin is suffering from albinism due to genetic problems, so it will show this pink appearance. It's not surprising to say, after all, it's not the first time I've heard of a change in appearance due to albinism.

The elves of the sea, the very rare pink nose dolphins, are pink all over

However, the pink-nosed bottle dolphin is really cute when it is first seen. Compared to the average dolphin, their fins are a little special. Their fins are not so high and pointed, relatively low, and the tips are much gentler, which adds a touch of cuteness to them. Their tails will also be larger than the average dolphin, like a giant banana leaf.

The elves of the sea, the very rare pink nose dolphins, are pink all over

They have a huge appetite and need to eat a lot of food every day. Therefore, they are basically on the way to find food all day, and even at night, they will come out to prey on ephemeral creatures. They move in groups, making it difficult for prey to escape their large forces. They are also notorious swimmers, as their smooth skin greatly reduces the resistance of the water. For easy observation in the water, their eyes are slightly smaller. These dolphins have maintained this posture for so many years without re-mutation, and their living conditions are safe. Because they prefer to live in groups, there are basically no creatures that can threaten their safety, and their current lives are relatively stable.

The elves of the sea, the very rare pink nose dolphins, are pink all over

Have you ever seen such a cute pink-nosed bottle dolphin?

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