
When a female college student swims in the sea, the dolphin does not stop touching her left breast with her nose and goes back to check for a malignant lump

author:Good books in Hebei

In daily life, humans often have to rely on intuition to judge or deal with some things, and for human friends marine animals, there are many similar magical examples, making us feel that they also have intuition, or have an extraordinary ability to sense.

When a female college student swims in the sea, the dolphin does not stop touching her left breast with her nose and goes back to check for a malignant lump

Here's a true story. Pauls, a 20-year-old American schoolgirl, went on vacation to the Dominican Republic two years ago and went swimming with some friends on the beach. While swimming in the water, suddenly 3 dolphins swam to play with them. At this moment, the dolphin next to Balls suddenly noticed her breasts, and it kept barking and touching her left breast with its nose.

When a female college student swims in the sea, the dolphin does not stop touching her left breast with her nose and goes back to check for a malignant lump

The next day, when they came to swim again, 3 dolphins also arrived as scheduled, and the dolphin touched her left breast again and made a cry, as if to say something. Balls felt very strange about this, and after returning to the United States, she went to the hospital for a medical examination, and the doctor found a malignant lump in her left breast, fortunately, in the early days, there was no danger.

Only then did Balls understand why the dolphin kept touching her left breast with its nose. She thought the dolphin had saved her life.

When a female college student swims in the sea, the dolphin does not stop touching her left breast with her nose and goes back to check for a malignant lump

For the dolphin's move, the scientists explained that its sonar system played a role. According to reports, dolphins can quickly find objects the size of a softball at a distance of two football fields, even in the turbid water, thanks to its advanced sonar system.

Researchers in the United States implemented a research program on mammals in 1960 to invent a more advanced sonar tracking system, but artificial machines still could not match the extraordinary ability of dolphins. Similarly, sharks can also perceive the power field through the pores in the proboscis, and humans only envy this special function of sharks.

■ Text/Adapted from "The Great Exploration of the Ocean" (linglong published by Hebei Science and Technology Publishing House)

When a female college student swims in the sea, the dolphin does not stop touching her left breast with her nose and goes back to check for a malignant lump

■ The pictures are all illustrated except for the cover of the book, and the pictures and text are irrelevant

■ Editor / Jia Lifang

■ All rights reserved, may not be reproduced without permission