
Night reading 丨 Yang Dai: 4 sentences of soberness in the world, reading and benefiting for life

author:People's Daily Minsheng Weekly
Night reading 丨 Yang Dai: 4 sentences of soberness in the world, reading and benefiting for life
Night reading 丨 Yang Dai: 4 sentences of soberness in the world, reading and benefiting for life

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Text/Insight Annabésu

Every famous quote of Mr. Yang Dai is the most transparent understanding after experiencing the wind and frost of life, which seems simple, but it is actually extraordinary.

Reading the 4 sentences that Yang Dai left to the world, I have a little more understanding of human affairs.

Night reading 丨 Yang Dai: 4 sentences of soberness in the world, reading and benefiting for life

"No matter what level of steps you go up in your life, there are people at the bottom of the steps looking up at you, and there are people on the steps who look down on you, you look up and feel inferior, you look down and be self-satisfied, only by looking down can you see your true self." 」

The world respects Yang Dai as "teacher" and "sir", but she is low-key everywhere, kind and sincere. She would visit everyone she would visit in the future as a friend, treat her with courtesy, and reject any hype in her name.

In her perception, she is just a writer.

This is a rare life recognition.

I have heard a saying: The most difficult thing in a person's life is to see himself clearly.

Young and vigorous, easy to be self-satisfied, when in a humble place, envious of the dazzling brilliance of others. Only when he is given experience by the years and has seen the world and human feelings can he understand that the most intelligent enlightenment of a person is to maintain a sober understanding of himself, not to be blinded by a momentary scenery, and not to be tired of temporary gains and losses.

Go forward alone in the long years, cultivate the calmness and calmness of the heart.

Night reading 丨 Yang Dai: 4 sentences of soberness in the world, reading and benefiting for life

"Your problem is that you read too little and think too much."

Mr. Yang Has Received a Letter from a Reader complaining in many places about social impetuosity and unpredictable people's hearts. Yang Dai looked back at him, your main problem is that you don't read much and think too much.

Yang Dai has loved reading since she was a child, and she compares reading to "going to the homes of the most outstanding people in the world." After the age of 100, she still maintains the habit of reading before going to bed.

I have heard a saying that people's cognition is limited, and reading is the best way to improve cognition. Immerse yourself in the vast sea of books, comprehend the spiritual thoughts of your predecessors, and gain insight into the truth in the experiences of others.

The troubles of life are naturally becoming clearer.

"The more you read, the more your face changes. Many times, you may think that many of the books you have read have become a passing cloud and no longer remember, but in fact, they are still potential. In temperament, in conversation, in the endlessness of the mind. ”

Reading is the process of reinventing oneself. Every line you read, every book, gives you silent nourishment in the flow of time.

Reading enriches your heart, strengthens your will, allows you to find your way when you are confused, and to be redeemed in the sea of suffering in the world.

Night reading 丨 Yang Dai: 4 sentences of soberness in the world, reading and benefiting for life

"There will be no simple happiness in the world, happiness is always mixed with troubles and worries, and there is no eternity in the world."

When she wrote "The Two of Us", she was the only one left to float and sink into the world.

After the death of her daughter and husband, she often had long dreams, dreaming endless gifts to the people she loved. But after all, she knew that when people went, they would exist in the world and would continue to live after all.

"I have to stay on earth, clean up the scene, and do my duty." In spite of her grief, she still wrote a book, sorted out Qian Lao's old manuscripts, and when she was nearly a hundred years old, she was still publishing works.

She wrote in "Will Drink Tea": "It is often said that the clouds are easy to disperse, and the dark clouds can occupy the sky forever." The years covered by dark clouds are unforgettable, but what remains in my memory is the golden edge that contains light and heat. ”

Life, wind and rain sometimes, clear skies sometimes. Happiness is always mixed with sorrow, and happiness is always accompanied by sadness. In this peaceful world, there is not a single day that is peaceful. All experiences are the past, all the future, are illusory.

Regardless of hardships and sorrows, we should remember those bright and warm days in our lives, and spend the rest of our lives quietly with expectation.

Life is good or bad, there is no way to choose, things to conform, in order to be ashamed.

Night reading 丨 Yang Dai: 4 sentences of soberness in the world, reading and benefiting for life

"I don't argue with anyone, I don't despise anyone, simple life, noble soul is the supreme state of life." 」

In the early years, when Yang Dai was translating the poet Rand's poems, he was touched by such a sentence: "I don't argue with anyone, and I don't care about who I fight with." ”

Throughout her life, she has been practicing the two words "no dispute".

In 2004, the Collected Works of Yang Dai was published. The publishing house was preparing to plan a seminar on works, but Yang Dai said: "Selling books is not my business, I am just a drop of water, not soapy water, can not blow bubbles." ”

In material matter, she is indifferent to fame and fortune, only concentrates on academics, only cares about readers, and does not please the market. In life, she is simple and simple, the clothes are not expensive, but extremely decent, there are no expensive furnishings in the room, only old-fashioned cabinets, and the smell of books in the room.

In the ordinary years, she concentrated on supporting her own yard, and in the sleepy days, she held her heart in the dark. Such concentration and self-sustaining are better than thousands of flashy things.

I have heard a saying that the best life for a person is to live a minimalist life and a rich soul. Life is simple, not tired of the world, but can keep its innocence, become its nature, and ferry yourself to the other shore you want to go.

See the world with a pure heart, look at life with a simple state of mind, walk gently through the years, and do not stain a trace of wind and dust.

The affairs of the world are complex and complex. Whenever my heart is troubled, I especially miss Mr. Yang Dai.

She studied chinese and Western, but she was indifferent to fame and fortune; her life was dark and tortuous, but she stuck to her heart in difficulties. His interesting life and tenacious mind have left the world with a model for understanding life.

As there is a passage that says: "For Mr. Yang Dai, luck and misfortune are a flat burden, and in the frame of the two ends of the flat burden, there is actually a rich life." ”

Anchor: Wu Qiang

Actor, graduated from communication university of China

Audio novel works "Battle Sky" and so on

Article Source: Insight (ID: DJ00123987)

Author: Insight Annabésu, not every point of view, can be called insight.

Producer: New Media Editorial Department of Minsheng Weekly (ID: msweekly).

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