
The media asked Zhu Lilun not to choose the 2016 Wu Dunyi flash mob

author:Overseas network

Overseas Network2015-04-20 09:47:26

According to the China Commentary Agency on April 20, in response to kuomintang chairman Zhu Lilun's announcement earlier that he would not participate in the 2016 "general election", "Vice President" Wu Dunyi arrived at the Kaohsiung Exhibition Hall at 2:15 p.m. to attend the opening ceremony of the "2015 Kaohsiung International Automation Industry Exhibition". When Wu finished his speech and wanted to leave, he was asked by the media about this matter. However, Wu Dunyi quickly left, facing the media's loud questioning, still did not say a word.

Wu Dunyi attended the opening ceremony of "2015 Kaohsiung International Automation Industry Exhibition" at the Kaohsiung Exhibition Center on the afternoon of April 17. Shen Rongjin, "Vice Minister of Economic Affairs", Huang Qichuan, Chairman of the Metal Industry Research Center, Xu Liming, Vice Mayor of Kaohsiung Municipal Government, Zeng Wensheng, Director of Gaoshi Economic Development Bureau, Yang Zhenghong, President of Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Yan Shengnan, Chairman of Kaohsiung Hardware Commercial Association, and others attended the meeting.

In his speech, Wu Dunyi praised Kaohsiung City as An important economic town in Taiwan, and the output value of the automation industry accounted for the third place in the world. He also mentioned that kaohsiung's current construction is a close cooperation between the "central government" and the local government. The current development of Kaohsiung and the relocation of the future 205 Arsenal will bring great space for use in the elite area of Kaohsiung city center, which is an important piece of the puzzle in the municipal construction of Kaohsiung City, and emphasizes that Kaohsiung is an important economic town in Taiwan.

Wu Dunyi did not respond to Zhu Lilun's failure to choose 2016 from the beginning to the end, and left the exhibition hall immediately after the speech. Although the on-site media pressed, Wu Dunyi did not say a word, quickly entered the car and left the exhibition hall. At 7:40 p.m., Wu Dunyi is expected to attend the handover ceremony of the new and old presidents of the "Greater Kaohsiung Branch of the World Chinese Business Women's Enterprise Association" at the Hanlai Hotel in Kaohsiung. (High easy to extend)